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Master Sheng Yan's True Happiness

Can people always be happy without troubles? The answer is obviously no.

Because people in love are afraid of losing love, rich people are afraid of losing money, and proud people are afraid of losing. But is there a kind of "real happiness"? Can we have only hope and no disappointment in our life?

Master Sheng Yan looks at all kinds of unhappiness reasons: old age, hatred, fear of gain and loss, mental and physical troubles, etc., leading us to transcend the layers of confusion of troubles, not only telling us what makes people "suffer"; It also leads us to discover what is "true happiness"!

With the happy words of Master Sheng Yan, happiness will no longer be just an emotional response to the outside world, but a profound inner wisdom and compassion, and become our attitude towards a better life!

keyword: Sina Buddhist Saint Yan's happy attitude

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Editor's Preface Real Happiness

In recent years, prices have risen, unemployment has risen, and various survey data show that the people's suffering index is rising, causing all kinds of troubles in life. How should we face these troubles? Is there any magic weapon that can make life happier? And where to find happiness? "True Happiness" is what Master Shengyan proposes to be the real happiness in view of various phenomena of social life[ detailed ]

Are you happy?

If someone has a baby, we usually say congratulations. But Buddhism believes that life is more bitter than happy, and even "life" is also a kind of suffering, so Buddhism teaches us not to take pain as pleasure, but to get happiness from suffering.

Chapter 2 What is suffering?

When it comes to Buddhism, the first thing most people think of is "suffering". Buddhism says that "all living beings suffer". Sakyamuni Buddha also hoped to be liberated through practice because he fully felt that life was full of suffering from birth, aging, disease, and death.

Chapter 3 How to Face Life and Death, Gathering and Scattering

In the field of medicine, whether traditional Chinese medicine or modern western medicine, there are still many bottlenecks that cannot be broken through when facing various human diseases. Therefore, we often hear many examples of being plagued by diseases. Even though we have tried various medical methods and suffered a lot, we still cannot get rid of the pain.

Chapter 4 Finding the Starting Point of Happiness

Happiness is what everyone hopes to get, but in the process of pursuing it, how many people have missed the happiness they can get easily? How many people are in bliss without knowing it? Many people spend their whole lives in pursuit of happiness, but they only get gray hair and a sigh, because they do not understand the true meaning of happiness.

Chapter 5 Transforming Subjective Feelings

In the process of our life, many troubles always revolve around "I". For the sake of "I", I always feel unsatisfied and uncomfortable. I often desire and crave for things outside my body. From time to time, I complain, doubt, envy, greed, hatred, and create a seed industry.

Chapter 6 Get Real Happiness

Most people's pursuit of life starts from three directions: material, spiritual and eternal. Material is the prerequisite of human life, including our own body and living environment, which can be satisfied and enjoyed through material.

About the author

  • Sheng Yan, born in 1930, became a monk as a teenager. He had been closed in Kaohsiung Mountain for six years and studied abroad in Japan. He obtained a doctor's degree in literature from Lizheng University. He once served as editor, professor, director of the magazine office, and president of the Bible Translation Institute. He founded the Chinese Buddhist Institute, founded Fagu Mountain, Sangha University, Fagu University, and Social University, and set up foundations for meditation, culture, education, and charity in China, And the branch doas also cover Europe, Asia, the United States, Australia and other continents.
  • He is an educator, writer, more importantly, a religious expert and an internationally renowned Zen master. He has spared no effort to promote "spiritual protection", "racial harmony" and "world peace" at home and abroad for many years.
  • Among the honorary awards he has won, there are more than 10 kinds, including the Presidential Cultural Award, the Executive Yuan Cultural Award, the Executive Yuan Social Leader and Style Award, the Zhongshan Literary and Artistic Creation Award, the Zhongshan Academic Works Award, and the Frederick II Peace Award.
  • He has published more than 100 books and has translated more than 10 languages. He was invited to write columns for China Daily, China Times, Liberty Times and other major newspapers, as well as magazines such as Tianxia and Health.
  • Master Sheng Yan's TV program "Dafa Drum" has been broadcast for more than 12 years. Its practical and life oriented content has been highly praised by the audience. This series is the essence of the program content.
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