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  • Apple Zen
  • You have probably read many books on nutrition and weight loss, most of which emphasize the relationship between the intake and consumption of calories, saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates and energy, etc.
  • Meet Life
  • First love samadhi: flowers bloom and fade easily, originally impermanent. Listen to Zen Master Yihang tell the story of first love. Prajna Heart: Smile, not just for yourself, the world will change because of your smile.
  • You can not be angry
  • This book tells us how to calm the inner anger flame, obtain physical and mental health, and move towards happiness and happiness in this turbulent era.
  • Mindfulness of Love
  • Mindfulness of Love is the first book in the second volume of Zen Master Yihang's anthology. The Fahua Sutra, known as the "King of Sutras", is one of the most respected Buddhist classics.
  • Listening to Buddhism and Tasting Happiness Recipe
  • Happiness is possible only when you love with your heart. True love has the power to heal the body and mind, transform the environment, and give profound meaning to life.
  • You Can Love
  • If you want to be happy and comfortable in life, you can't live without love. True love can understand and help others; Can accept the perfect and imperfect, and strong inner strength, can not be persistent; True love can even heal all physical and mental pain.
  • The Miracle of Observation
  • The book "The Miracle of Mindfulness" is a more complete deduction of the practice theory and method of mindfulness by Zen Master Yihang after "The Miracle of Mindfulness". Once Zen Master grasps his usual style, it is like sharing it with friends.
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The Miracle of Mindfulness was originally a long letter written in Vietnamese to Brother Quang, who was a major member of the Social Service Youth School in southern Vietnam in 1974. Zen Master Yixing, the author of this book, founded this school in the 1960s to promote "secular Buddhism" and guide young people to join in social movements with compassion. After graduation, the students used their training to help farmers captured in the war. They helped rebuild the bombed villages, educate children, establish medical centers, and organize agricultural cooperatives. In the atmosphere of fear and distrust caused by the war, the way these practitioners reconcile conflicts is often misunderstood. They have always refused to support any armed party, because they believe that both sides only show part of the truth, and the real enemy is not people, but ideology, hatred and ignorance. Such a position threatened those involved in the war, so at the beginning of the establishment of the youth school, students were attacked one after another, and several students were kidnapped and killed. Due to the protracted war, even after the signing of the Vietnam Peace Agreement in 1973, it is sometimes impossible not to yield to hardship and suffering. It still takes great courage to work in the spirit of love and tolerance. Zen Master Yihang was expelled from Vietnam and later came to France. During this dark period, he wrote to Brother Guang and encouraged everyone. Zen Master Yihang wanted to remind them to follow the most basic rule: even in the most difficult situation, they should follow the breath and practice calm mindfulness. Since Brother Guang and his students are both colleagues and friends, this long letter, which later became the book "The Miracle of Mindfulness", seems private and straightforward. When Zen Master Yihang talked about the village path, he said the path he and Brother Guang had taken; When he mentioned the bright eyes of children, he said the children of Brother Guang. When the teacher wrote this letter, I happened to be working with the Vietnamese Buddhist Peace Delegation in Paris as an American volunteer. The delegation, led by teachers, served as an overseas liaison office to support Vietnamese Buddhists in their struggle for peace and reconstruction (including the Youth School for Social Services).

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Preface 1: This book itself is a miracle

One of the joys of being a translator is to hear that many people have found this book. Once, I met a man in a bookstore who mentioned that a student brought this book to a friend in the Soviet Union.

Preface 2: Look at it with a compassionate eye

Just breathe and breathe. Breathe - inhale. Simply focusing on breathing plays a key role in meditation and prayer, which is an amazing message for many people. Just like the suspense novelist's idea of hiding diamonds in a goldfish bowl: too obvious to be noticed.

Chapter 1: Mindfulness in Daily Life

Yesterday, Alan came to see me with his son Joey. Joey grows so fast! He is seven years old and speaks fluent English and French, even with some slang from the street. The way of raising children in France is very different from our hometown Vietnam.

Chapter 2: Miracles are walking on the earth

Allen said that since he took the time with Joey and Sue as his own, he had "unlimited" time. But Allen may just have this unlimited time in principle.

Chapter 3: Mindfulness Day

People should practice mindfulness every day, every hour and every moment. Easier said than done. This is why I suggested in the meditation class that everyone should set aside one day in a week to practice mindfulness wholeheartedly.

Chapter 4: Pebble

First of all, because we all need a thorough rest. A whole meal does not provide complete rest. Turning over and over, feeling nervous and dreaming all the time - where is a rest?

Chapter 5: One is everything, everything is one, five aggregates

Let me talk about some cultivation methods in a few lines here. Maybe you can get rid of your narrow views and become fearless and merciful. When you are sitting in meditation, you can focus on the interdependent nature of specific objects (starting from others) after taking care of your own mind.

Chapter 6: Apricot trees in front of your court

I once talked about the concept of origin. Of course, all ways of pursuing truth should be regarded as means, not ends or absolute truth. The purpose of Zen's view of the interrelation of things is to break the false barrier of "separation".

Chapter 7: Three Wonderful Answers

Before I finish, let me tell a little story written by Tolstoy again, about the three questions of. Tolstoy did not know the name of the emperor.

Chapter 8: 32 Mindfulness Exercises

Hang a branch or other sign on the ceiling trolley or wall, or even the word "smile", so that you can see it when you open your eyes. This sign serves as a reminder.

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Zen Master Yihang was born in central Vietnam in 1926. In 1942, when he was 16 years old, he became a Buddhist monk. After the Vietnam US War broke out, he was the chairman of the Vietnamese Buddhist Peace Delegation. He and many of his fellow monks gave up the peaceful life in the monastery and actively participated in the activities of rescuing war victims. At the same time, they openly expressed their desire for peace. During this period, he founded the Youth Social Service School, Van Hanh BuddhistUniversity and Tiep Hien (Vietnamese, meaning each other) group. In 1966, he visited the United States at the invitation of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, telling the American people about the suffering of the silent lower Vietnamese people in the war and their desire for peace. During this period, he met with hundreds of organizations and individuals, including US Defense Secretary McNamara and Martin Jr. Luther. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas. Thomas Merton and other famous people. In Europe, he also met with Pope Paul VI. Later, he settled down in France and established a small group of meditators - Mei Village [ detailed ]

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