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Manage "pyrotechnic gas" Ningde Xiapu launched special rectification action

09:13, May 23, 2024|
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Recently, the Urban Management Bureau and the Ecological Environment Bureau of Xiapu County, Ningde City, in conjunction with the Natural Resources Bureau, the Market Supervision Bureau, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, the Commerce Bureau and other departments of the county, launched a special rectification action against the problem of cooking fume disturbing people in the urban catering service industry.

 On site inspection. Picture provided by Xiapu County Financial Media Center

On site inspection. Picture provided by Xiapu County Financial Media Center

In the rectification action, the team carefully inspected the oil smoke emission of Kendeli Restaurant and its downstairs stores on Longshou Road, Jinshan Road Shushan Flavor Restaurant, Taikang Road Delicious Garden Zhongjin Store, etc., focusing on the oil leakage and smoke leakage caused by the non-standard installation and use of oil smoke purification equipment, the oil smoke from unauthorized catering business service projects disturbing people, and catering in areas prohibited by the government The problem of cooking fume disturbing residents caused by outdoor barbecue shall be investigated and rectified. At the same time, catering service owners are required to comply with the ecological environment laws and regulations related to catering service industry, timely rectify the problem of non-standard soot emissions, and constantly improve the living environment.

It is understood that the goal of this special rectification is to effectively control the problem of cooking fume disturbing people in the catering service industry, and the settlement rate of cooking fume complaints involving the catering service industry is 100%; The mass satisfaction rate exceeds 90%; Establish and improve the joint rectification mechanism for the problem of cooking fume disturbing people in the catering service industry, and form a long-term regulatory pattern. (Lian Jinxi)

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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