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People's Network

Set up 50 million yuan of computing subsidies every year in Xiamen to comprehensively promote the development and application of intelligent computing and enable new quality productivity

May 23, 2024 08:25 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Xiamen, May 23 (Reporter Zhang Meng) "Strengthen the coordinated development of multi computing resources such as general computing, intelligent computing, supercomputing, etc." "Set up a 50 million yuan computing subsidy every year to reduce the cost of enterprise model development, training and application promotion"... Recently, The General Office of Xiamen Municipal People's Government formulated and issued the Notice on Accelerating the Development and Application of Intelligent Computing Power (hereinafter referred to as the Notice).

It is reported that the Notice focuses on infrastructure construction, the promotion of computing services, and the construction of the whole industry ecology of computing to accelerate the development and application of intelligent computing, promote the enabling of emerging industries and future industries of intelligent computing, promote the rapid development of new quality productivity, and inject new momentum into the high-quality economic and social development of Xiamen. This move aims to implement the national work plan for the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence, build a new growth engine for artificial intelligence, promote the high-quality development of the artificial intelligence industry, accelerate the realization of computing infrastructure, and better serve the overall development of Xiamen's digital economy with high-quality computing development.

The Notice clearly stated that, focusing on improving and optimizing the level of computing resources, better meeting the computing needs in various fields, and reducing the cost and threshold of computing, Xiamen will encourage the construction of moderately advanced computing infrastructure, improve the utilization rate of computing resources, strengthen the green high-quality development of the intelligent computing center, and build an integrated computing system Promote inclusive intelligent computing services and other six aspects. Among them, in terms of building moderately advanced computing infrastructure, the city will scientifically guide the "quality" and "quantity" planning of computing resources, moderately advance the layout, actively and orderly promote the construction of intelligent computing, encourage social capital to participate in computing infrastructure construction, accelerate the realization of computing infrastructure, and better serve the overall development of Xiamen's digital economy with high-quality computing development, Promote the construction of modern digital base.

According to the Notice, Xiamen will not only strengthen the coordinated development of diversified computing resources such as general computing, intelligent computing and supercomputing, but also rationally design the structure of computing resources to improve the utilization rate of computing resources; It will also strengthen the integration and innovation of computing power, data and algorithms, encourage business entities to build an integrated computing power center on the basis of the original data center, create a high-level computing power transmission network, explore an efficient scheduling mode of computing power, achieve efficient supply and demand matching of computing power resources, and further improve the utilization rate of computing power resources.

In terms of green and high-quality development of smart computing centers, in addition to actively striving to give preferential support for electricity prices to the city's eligible smart computing centers, the city will also further give play to the advantages of new energy industry, explore ways to optimize the green power supply of data centers and improve the energy efficiency of data centers through integration of source, grid, load and storage, peak shaving and valley filling, Ensure the green and low-carbon development of computing infrastructure. On this basis, we will accelerate the construction of an integrated computing power system featuring online scheduling, universal benefits and easy use, and green security. We will adopt the principle of "diversified heterogeneous, unified scheduling" to promote the integration of diversified and heterogeneous public intelligent computing power built by all entities, and achieve the unified scheduling of computing resources across platforms, levels, and regions.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to further promote inclusive intelligent computing services, the city has added to the previous "Several Measures of Xiamen to Promote the Development of Artificial Intelligence Industry" - from "setting up a 'computing voucher' with an annual total amount of 10 million yuan" to "setting up an intelligent computing subsidy with an annual total amount of no more than 50 million yuan in the city", to increase the total amount of computing subsidies, To support enterprises to reduce the cost of large model development training and application promotion. At the same time, for enterprises to purchase or rent qualified intelligent computing services, the "annual actual expenditure of 50000 yuan (inclusive) will be adjusted from" subsidies of up to 50% of the actual expenditure per year for those with annual total purchases of more than 300000 yuan, and the maximum annual expenditure of each enterprise will not exceed 500000 yuan " For those above, a maximum subsidy of 50% will be given, and the total annual financial subsidy of each enterprise will not exceed 1 million yuan. "While lowering the subsidy threshold, the upper limit of enterprise subsidies will be raised.

In addition, the Notice also makes efforts from industrial ecology, computing power supply, software and hardware adaptation, network transmission, dispatching operation, technological innovation, etc., to build an ecological cluster of computing power industry, promote the formation of a new model of digital computing integration, promote the development of computing power industry, and promote the ecological construction of the entire industry chain of computing power network; Build a cluster of city level models, algorithms, data and computing power, provide all-round technical support for SMEs, and reduce the cost of AI technology empowerment.

(Editor in charge: Chen Chuchu, Liu Qing)

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