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Garden party, street flash, art exhibition, this cultural tourism promotion activity invites you to "travel in Luojiang"

14:52, May 21, 2024|
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Recently, the cultural and tourism promotion activities of "Meeting Mountains and Rivers, Traveling in Luojiang River" and "Ancient City+Luojiang River" were held in Licheng District, Quanzhou City, attracting many citizens and tourists to participate.

 Lv Xiujia, Director of the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism of Quanzhou, Zhang Rongwei, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Luojiang District Committee and Head of the Publicity Department, Du Renyi, Deputy District Head of Luojiang District, and others jointly launched the activities of China Tourism Day in Luojiang District.

Lv Xiujia, Director of the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism of Quanzhou, Zhang Rongwei, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Luojiang District Committee and Head of the Publicity Department, Du Renyi, Deputy District Head of Luojiang District, and others jointly launched the activities of China Tourism Day in Luojiang District. Pictures provided by the sponsor

On the spot, the recommendation officer of Luojiang Cultural Tourism has successively released four theme routes of "industrial tourism", "rural tourism", "research tourism" and "heritage tourism", as well as the preferential policies for Chinese tourism and Japanese cultural tourism in Luojiang District of "mountains and rivers meet and travel in Luojiang". In addition, the activity also promoted two Luojiang smart tourism projects, namely, AR tourism of Luoyang Bridge and the "Leisure in Luojiang" applet.

On the stage, a series of singing and dancing performances, such as "Magnificent Wind in the Prosperous Age", "Preface to Luojiang", "Meet Luojiang", "Waiting for You in Luojiang", "Harvest Wheat Field", "Beautiful Home", won applause from the audience.

 Live performance. Pictures provided by the sponsor

Live performance. Pictures provided by the sponsor

The synchronized garden party covered many links, such as the pear garden play "The Wonderful Destiny of Li Jing", Song Ci interaction, this "Xiang" courtesy, eating "Fun" in Luojiang, and "Fun" playing in Luojiang. Tourists can get silver tickets and cultural tourism coupons through the game interaction, which gives them a deeper understanding of the cultural tourism resources in Luojiang.

Then, the performance team went to the West Street to cross the crowd, bringing flash performances to the passing citizens and tourists.

 Flash on the street. Pictures provided by the sponsor

Flash on the street. Pictures provided by the sponsor

"I came from Chaozhou, Guangdong Province. I just took my mother here to play. It was very novel to see performances here, especially Indonesian dance and Liyuan Opera. And the introduction of VR tourism, I also thought it was very interesting. If I had the opportunity to go to Luojiang in the future, I would download this APP," said Zhang Zeyi, a tourist.

This promotion activity lasted for two days, focusing on the traditional culture and eco-tourism resources of the "Four Famous People" in Luojiang District. Through various forms of cultural and tourism marketing activities such as stage promotion, garden fairs, ancient street flashes, art performances, etc., citizens and tourists can feel the charm of the "Four Famous People" in Luojiang on the spot, and further promote the "Leisure Luojiang" cultural and tourism brand by building tourism and tourism culture, Stimulate consumption enthusiasm of cultural tourism.

 The event attracted many citizens and tourists. Pictures provided by the sponsor

The event attracted many citizens and tourists. Pictures provided by the sponsor

It is understood that Luojiang has always fully responded to the call of "global tourism", constantly enriched the supply of tourism products, solidly promoted the improvement and upgrading of tourism quality, and actively created the brand of "Youyou Luojiang". In the first quarter of this year, Luojiang District received 854200 domestic tourists, up 28.9% year on year; Domestic tourism revenue was 823 million yuan, up 45.1% year on year. The growth rate of the two indicators was in the forefront of the city, achieving a "good start" for the cultural and tourism economy.

"In 2024, in combination with major festivals and cultural and tourism festivals, Luojiang District plans to hold a variety of activities benefiting people's consumption. It has successively held Luoyang Bridge Songfeng Culture Festival, She Culture Festival, Rape Blossom Festival and other special cultural and tourism festivals, and regularly issued preferential measures for cultural and tourism, launched classic tourism theme lines, held regular performances of cultural benefits for people, and launched colorful culture for the masses Dinner. " Wang Geng, deputy director of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of Luojiang District, introduced.

In the next stage, Luojiang District will continue to promote the development of cultural tourism industry. Vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of tourism, create a number of high-quality cultural and tourism products, implement a number of high-quality cultural and tourism projects, and constantly polish the "Youyou Luojiang" cultural and tourism brand. Vigorously develop the whole region tourism, focus on promoting the integration of culture and tourism, promote the ecological resources protection and traditional culture inheritance to complement each other, and create a poem and distance in the hearts of tourists. We will continue to innovate tourism formats, further promote "tourism+" and "+tourism", and vigorously develop new formats such as research education, outdoor sports, cultural experience, living and health care, so that tourists can have more personalized choices. Continuously improve the quality of tourism, continuously standardize the tourism market, constantly optimize tourism services, and create a more comfortable and happy journey.

The event was directed by Quanzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, hosted by the CPC Quanzhou Luojiang District Committee and the People's Government of Quanzhou Luojiang District, and undertaken by the Publicity Department of the CPC Quanzhou Luojiang District Committee and the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of Quanzhou Luojiang District. (Guo Sijing)

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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