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Wearing a black crown, wearing brown feathers and foraging for food, the "fast, accurate and ruthless" national second-class protected animal, the Great Bittern, visited Xiamen

May 21, 2024 08:58 | Source: People's Network
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 The Great Bittern is foraging in the grass. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

The Great Bittern is foraging in the grass. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

 Looking at the Great Bittern on the front, the expression looks very cute. Photographed by Zhou Longjie

Looking at the Great Bittern on the front, the expression looks very cute. Photographed by Zhou Longjie

Xiamen,, May 21 (Chen Bo, Yu Nailiu) wearing a black crown and brown feathers, walking unsteadily, but looking for food is "fast and ruthless"... Recently, the national second-class protected animal, the Black crowned Great Bittern, visited Xiamen, and frequently appeared in the garden green space of the first community in Siming District of the island, which was very cute.

It is reported that the Great Bittern is a national second-class protected animal and has been listed as a rare species in the Red Book of Endangered Animals in China. Chen Hao, vice president of Xiamen Birdwatching Association, said that what was observed this time was a subadult Great Bittern, or the Great Bittern passed through Xiamen for migration. "There are few records in Fujian, and this appearance in Xiamen is extremely rare."

Bird watchers said that the Great Bittern liked to eat earthworms and often moved in the morning, evening and evening. During the day, it hid in dense trees, shy and timid, and cautious. However, the Black crowned Great Bittern who appeared in Xiamen this time was not afraid of life. He came and went freely between the grassland and flower beds in the community. He was "graceful" and got along well with the residents of the community, presenting a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

It is worth mentioning that the property immediately stopped the planned green space killing work in the community when it learned that the protected birds were "guests", providing fresh and sufficient food for the Great Bittern. At the same time, enthusiastic residents appealed to the owners to love and protect birds by making posters, visiting and persuading to create a comfortable and peaceful habitat for the Great Bittern.

 The Great Bittern is good at looking for earthworms from the earth with its mouth. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

The Great Bittern is good at looking for earthworms from the earth with its mouth. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

 The Great Bittern rested on the tree. Zhou Zhiqiang

The Great Bittern rested on the tree. Zhou Zhiqiang

 The Great Bittern appearing in Xiamen is not afraid of life, but comes and goes freely in the community. Photographed by Li Hongwei

The Great Bittern appearing in Xiamen is not afraid of life, but comes and goes freely in the community. Photographed by Li Hongwei

 The Great Bittern walks beside the flower bed in the community. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

The Great Bittern walks beside the flower bed in the community. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

 The Great Bittern craned its neck to look far. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

The Great Bittern craned its neck to look far. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

 The Great Bittern pulled the earthworm out of the soil, like a tug of war. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

The Great Bittern pulled the earthworm out of the soil, like a tug of war. Photographed by Chen Bo, reporter of People's Daily Online

(Editor in charge: Chen Chuchu, Liu Qing)

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