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The list of top ten cases and excellent cases of domestic tourism promotion was announced, and two cases in Fujian Province were listed

08:45, May 18, 2024 | Source: Fujian Daily
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Original title: 2 cases in our province

The reporter learned from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Fujian Province that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently announced the list of top ten cases and excellent cases of national domestic tourism promotion in 2023. The "Four Seasons Fujian" - "Climate+Tourism" Cultural Tourism Integration Marketing Project submitted by Fujian Province was rated as the top ten cases of national domestic tourism promotion, ranking third; The "Fujian Mayor Takes You on a Tour" Large All Media Series Publicity Activity was rated as an excellent case.

The "Four Seasons Fujian" project fully exploits the advantages of climate resources, and takes the lead in launching the integrated marketing model of "meteorology+culture and tourism" in the country. Relying on 72 hour weather forecast and taking the time as the axis, it accurately recommends the best daily travel destinations, meteorological landscape card punching points Folk customs, etc. The project guides the national tourists to visit Fujian "precisely", creating a unique cultural and tourism development brand of "Fujian is a fresh starting point of the Silk Road" that reflects the charm of Fujian and highlights the characteristics of Fujian, so that the vast number of tourists can experience the beautiful scenery of the four seasons under the rotation of time, and the colorful landscape in the change of solar terms, becoming a bright business card of China's tourism industry. According to incomplete statistics, the "Four Seasons Fujian" project reached 462 million audiences as a whole.

"Mayor takes you on a tour" is the first nationwide all media reporting activity to promote cultural tourism with the mayor of a city with districts as the "recommender". The whole network has read more than 50 million people, and has been widely forwarded by a large number of media and We Media nationwide, forming a hot spot in the whole network. Fujian has also become the first province in the country to build the brand of "Mayor's Tour", which fully demonstrates the new layout and outstanding achievements of Fujian's "First Hands on Cultural Tourism Economy". (Reporter Guo Bin)

(Editor in charge: Chen Chuchu, Liu Qing)

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