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The maximum reward is 100000 yuan! "Create Wings Putian" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition Opens for Registration

14:26, May 17, 2024|
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Recently, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Putian City, together with the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments, held the first "Create Wings in Putian" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition. What are the conditions for the competition? What is the process of the event? Specific competition requirements are as follows:

1、 Competition name

The first "Create Wings Putian" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition

2、 Competition theme

Create a new era and realize the dream of Puyang

3、 Organization

(1) Guiding unit:

Putian Municipal Committee of the CPC Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Work Office, Putian Development and Reform Commission, Putian Municipal Bureau of Education, Putian Science and Technology Bureau, Putian Industry and Information Bureau, Putian Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Putian Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Putian Women's Federation

(2) Organizer and organizer

Sponsor: Putian Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Fujian Putian Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd

Organized by: Putian Human Resources and Talents Public Service Center, Putian Work Department of China Strait Talent Market

(3) Competition Organizing Committee

Establish a municipal organizing committee to be responsible for organizing and leading the competition. The chairmen of the Organizing Committee are the leaders of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Municipal Committee, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Municipal Youth League Committee, and the Municipal Women's Federation. The Organizing Committee has an office in Putian Human Resources and Talents Public Service Center, which is responsible for the design, coordination, organization and implementation of the competition, social publicity, competition guarantee and other work.

The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau is responsible for contacting provincial and municipal entrepreneurship incubation bases and launching various entrepreneurial entities to participate in the competition; The Municipal Education Bureau is responsible for contacting Putian University, Mekong Vocational College and other major secondary technical schools to mobilize student entrepreneurship groups to participate in the special creative contest; The Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is responsible for mobilizing personnel to participate in the special competition for rural revitalization; The Municipal Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office is responsible for launching Taiwan youth entrepreneurship groups to participate in the competition; The Youth League Municipal Committee is responsible for launching youth entrepreneurship groups to participate in the competition; The Municipal Women's Federation is responsible for mobilizing women's groups to participate in the competition; The Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology are responsible for launching various kinds of enterprises, such as specialized, special and new, "little giant", unicorn, pedal antelope, to participate in the competition; Putian Department of China Strait Talent Market is responsible for launching human resources enterprises to participate in the competition; Putian Company of Fujian Big Data Group is responsible for launching new quality productivity enterprises to participate in the competition; Putian Rural Commercial Bank provides entrepreneurial guarantee loan support for projects that meet the requirements.

4、 Competition system arrangement

The competition adopts the "2+4" mode, that is, 2 main event teams+4 special event teams

The main event includes two tracks: advanced manufacturing and modern service

Special events include four tracks: rural revitalization, silver economy and green economy, Fujian Taiwan integration

Main event

1. Advanced manufacturing:

Focus on expanding China's real economy, developing strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing clusters, and fostering new quality productivity to promote high-quality economic development of various emerging industry entrepreneurship projects. It includes strategic emerging industries such as information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, marine equipment, as well as the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries.

2. Modern services:

It includes not only productive services such as R&D design, business consulting, supply chain finance, information data, human resources, modern logistics, procurement and distribution, production control, operation management, but also life services such as health, childcare, culture, tourism, sports, housekeeping, property and so on.

Special events

1. Rural revitalization:

Focusing on the background of rural revitalization strategy, we are committed to enriching rural economic formats, developing distinctive rural industries to enrich people, optimizing the production and living ecological space, and building various rural entrepreneurship projects in livable, employable and beautiful villages, including agricultural science and technology research and development, fine variety cultivation, characteristic planting and breeding, agricultural product processing, rural e-commerce logistics, rural ecological governance Beautiful rural construction, rural tourism development, cultural inheritance and innovation, labor brand and local talent cultivation and development.

2. Silver economy:

Including elderly health care, life care, sports and entertainment, medical care, intelligent elderly care, research and innovation of elderly products and rehabilitation auxiliary products, research and development and production of anti-aging products and other entrepreneurial projects that provide products or services for the elderly and promote the development of the silver hair economy.

3. Green economy:

It includes ecological agriculture, ecological industry, eco-tourism, environmental protection industry, green energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, green service industry, and entrepreneurial projects to "green" the existing traditional industries.

4. Fujian Taiwan integration:

It is mainly aimed at Taiwan youth entrepreneurship groups starting businesses in Putao, including entrepreneurship projects not limited to advanced manufacturing, modern services, rural revitalization, silver economy and green economy.

5、 Entry conditions

1. All kinds of entrepreneurial groups over the age of 16 can apply for the competition. The project is limited to registration, production and operation in Putian City.

2. Entries should comply with national laws and regulations and national industrial policies, operate in a standard manner, have good social reputation, have no bad records, and do not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights.

3. As of May 31, 2024, enterprises or institutions that have been registered with the market supervision and administration department (civil affairs department) and have not completed 5 years.

4. The participating projects have innovative technologies, products or business service models, and have strong growth potential and employment promotion potential.

5. The entry project must be original and innovative, and have the legal right to use technology and products. There is no intellectual property dispute, and it will not infringe the intellectual property rights, ownership, use rights and disposal rights of a third party.

6. The products and business of the project belong to the same subject and operate independently.

7. Participants must be the first founder or core team members of the project.

8. Applicants who also meet the application conditions for entrepreneurship funding projects for college and technical secondary school graduates (refer to the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Application and Review of Provincial Entrepreneurship Funding Projects for College and Technical Secondary School Graduates in 2024 (MRSB [2024] No. 26)) can participate in the review of municipal entrepreneurship funding projects.

6、 Event process

(1) Project declaration (from today to May 31)

1. For the project that meets the entry conditions, 5 copies of paper materials shall be submitted to the human resources and social security department of the county (district, management committee) within the specified time.

It mainly includes: Application Form for Entrepreneurial Innovation Competition, relevant materials of applicants (copies of ID card, graduation certificate, business license, project patent certificate, award certificate and other materials), entrepreneurship project plan and roadshow PPT (including project introduction, team introduction, project development status and prospects, project innovation and employment promotion), etc. Taiwan youth must provide "Taiwan Residents' Mainland Travel Permit" and "Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Personnel Employment Permit".

2. Each applicant can only choose one of the six tracks of advanced manufacturing, modern services, rural revitalization, silver economy, green economy and Fujian Taiwan integration to register, and cannot concurrently report.

3. For those who meet the application conditions for entrepreneurship funding projects for college and technical secondary school graduates, the following materials shall be submitted at the same time: Application Form for Municipal level Entrepreneurship Funding Projects for College and Technical Secondary School Graduates in Putian City Education related materials (for current students, the online verification report of student status issued by the Ministry of Education or the full-time student certificate issued by the university, for domestic graduates, the electronic registration and filing form of academic certificate issued by the Ministry of Education or the full-time graduate certificate issued by the university, and for overseas graduates, the valid certification materials issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education must be provided) The applicant's capital contribution materials (companies and partnerships provide the shareholder's capital contribution statement issued by the market supervision and administration department, private non enterprise units and other organizations provide the articles of association for filing; individual proprietorship enterprises and individual businesses do not need to provide) Certification materials that have not been included in the list of abnormal business operations (query in the national enterprise credit information publicity system and submit a complete screenshot of the website page embodying this content), description of changes in legal persons and their equity in the past three years (from January 1, 2021 to the declaration date, and explanation of changes and reasons, in the form of: from XX to XX, the legal person was changed from XX, and the reason for change was XXX. Declaration of no change (no change), etc.

4. The declarant shall make the declaration in strict accordance with the requirements, and will not accept it after the deadline. The information and materials submitted must be complete, true and effective. Those who practice fraud will be disqualified and listed in the integrity blacklist once verified.

(2) Qualification review (before June 7)

The human resources and social security departments of each county (district, management committee) carry out the qualification review of the projects registered in their respective jurisdictions according to the conditions of each group.

For those who meet the application conditions for entrepreneurship funding projects for college and technical secondary school graduates, the human resources and social security department of the county (district, management committee) will arrange staff to carry out on-site verification on the project application qualification, office (business) location, business qualification and business status, and fill in the form of on-site inspection. If it is found during the investigation that the application is obviously inconsistent with the situation or falsifies, its application qualification shall be cancelled.

The paper materials of the projects passing the qualification review shall be sealed and submitted to the Municipal Talent Center for summary.

(3) Municipal competition (before June 25)

It is proposed to hold the municipal competition in the form of project roadshow. Relevant matters shall be notified separately. Each track will produce the first prize, the second prize, the third prize, and the winning prize according to the ranking order of the final scores of the roadshow scene. The first prize will be awarded to Putian City's "Star of Wings" award, and the county (district, management committee) human and social departments with strong organization, mobilization and publicity efforts and good results will be awarded the "Excellent Organization Award", and social institutions that provide strong support for the competition The enterprise was awarded the "Special Contribution Award". The projects that will be promoted to the provincial trials will be determined according to the scores of the projects participating in the municipal competitions and the quota allocated by the provincial organizing committee. Those eligible for municipal entrepreneurship funding projects that are included in the scope of funding will be publicized on the website of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for 5 working days. If there is no objection to the publicity, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will officially announce it.

7、 Review standards and rules

Guided by "encouraging independent innovation, cultivating new quality productivity, promoting the implementation and transformation of innovative achievements, broadening employment channels, and driving high-quality employment", the project focuses on the innovation, leadership, technology (product) advancement, uniqueness and rationality of service mode, operation sustainability, driving employment quantity and quality and other values. The review rules and rules for the implementation of the event will be issued separately.

8、 Award support

1. The excellent projects that won the first, second and third prizes and the winner of the first "Create Wings Putian" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition will be given project subsidies of 5000 yuan, 3000 yuan, 2000 yuan and 1000 yuan.

2. For projects eligible for municipal funding for entrepreneurship, project funding support will be given at four levels: 100000 yuan, 80000 yuan, 50000 yuan and 30000 yuan. For those selected into provincial funded projects, the municipal level will give 1:1 matching subsidies on the basis of provincial subsidies.

3. If the first "Create Wings Putian" Entrepreneurial Innovation Competition Award or provincial project funding, municipal project funding, the funding will be implemented in accordance with the principle of "high non duplication".

9、 Publicity launch and supporting activities

During the competition, all counties (districts and management committees) should extensively mobilize various media to conduct all-round and multi angle publicity and reports on the competition, and actively hold supporting activities such as entrepreneurship lectures, entrepreneurship training, venture capital docking, discussion and exchange, in combination with the resource docking service activity of "good entrepreneurship from sources", so as to create an entrepreneurial atmosphere, expand social influence, and improve the effectiveness of the activities. All kinds of entrepreneurial service institutions and media are encouraged to give full play to their respective roles, actively participate in the relevant activities of the competition, provide in-depth services in terms of guidance, training, publicity, promotion, investment and financing for the participating projects, and actively create a good public opinion atmosphere for entrepreneurship and innovation.

(Editor in charge: Chen Chuchu, Liu Qing)

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