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Focus on tackling five types of problems, such as "opaque revenue and expenditure". Five departments in Xiamen jointly deal with the "stubborn disease" of property encroaching on owners' public benefits

May 17, 2024 11:41 | Source: People's Network
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Xiamen,, May 17 (Yu Nailiu) Property encroaches on the public benefits of owners, rectification! Recently, Xiamen Housing and Construction Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Xiamen Housing and Construction Bureau), the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning, the Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration, and the Municipal Bureau of Urban Administration and Law Enforcement jointly issued the Work Plan to further promote the special action of "spot rectification" of property service enterprises' encroachment on owners' public benefits, Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the owners of residential properties.

The Work Plan clearly states that the five departments will jointly focus on five categories of problems, including opaque revenue and expenditure and unclear publicity content; Property service enterprises occupy public space and change the use of property service houses without authorization; The property service enterprise did not cooperate with the audit in place, and the capital transfer was not standardized; Lack of illegal use, allocation and publicity of daily special maintenance funds and shared utilities; And the property disputes are not resolved properly.

 The owner checked the daily special maintenance fund expenditure publicized by the community. Photographed by Yu Nailiu on People's Daily Online

The owner checked the daily special maintenance fund expenditure publicized by the community. Photographed by Yu Nailiu on People's Daily Online

At the same time, in order to effectively improve the property service level, the Work Plan proposes 8 specific measures.

First, strengthen supervision and management. The property service enterprises will be urged to publicize the public benefits according to the regulations and carry out special account management; Supervise the property service enterprises to publicize the allocation of daily special maintenance funds and public utilities according to the law; We will strengthen supervision over unauthorized encroachment on public space in residential property communities and unauthorized changes in the use of property services.

The second is to strengthen verification. The property management departments at all levels will strengthen the daily inspection and random inspection, severely punish the behaviors that infringe the interests of the owners, and form an effective deterrent by notifying typical cases, credit file records, etc.

Third, improve the autonomy mechanism. Promote the establishment committee or temporary property management committee, establish a negative list of the performance of the industry committee, and guide the industry committee to standardize the construction; Guide the industry committee to fulfill its responsibilities and strengthen supervision over property service enterprises.

Fourth, promote dispute resolution. All relevant departments, through close cooperation and rapid response to the public's demands, implement closed-loop registration cancellation for existing problems, achieve "one solution, one registration cancellation", and establish a mediation mechanism for property disputes before litigation to promote the rapid adjustment and settlement of conflicts.

The fifth is to implement the system. The property management departments at all levels will strengthen the application of the credit evaluation results of the property service enterprises, require that the common part of the operation and public income distribution of the community, daily special maintenance fund management, public water and electricity cost sharing methods and other contents be added to the bidding management, (early stage) property service contract, and issue management regulations, rules of procedure of the owners' meeting and other model texts.

Six is to implement the measures of striving for excellence. The housing construction department and others will strengthen the joint construction of party building in property management, deeply promote the rectification of weaknesses in property service management, continue to improve the property management system, and refine the supporting policies and standards for property management; Standardize property service management behavior through star rating and credit evaluation.

Seventh, promote demonstration and guidance. A batch of renovation demonstration projects will be selected to promote the standardization and standardization of public revenue management in residential property communities from point to area, and promote the overall level of property services in the city. Among them, the city has cultivated no less than 10 public revenue management demonstration communities.

Eighth, we should increase the publicity of rectification. Through multi-channel and multimedia publicity, we will increase the publicity of good experience and good practices, expose violations, and continue to enhance the social influence and deterrent power of remediation.

"The rectification action has been steadily promoted in five stages, and a long-term mechanism for public revenue management will be established." The staff of Xiamen Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau introduced that the rectification work has been launched recently, and a timetable has been set - by the end of May, property service enterprises are required to complete self inspection and self correction and publicize the results of self inspection; Before the end of June, the street (town) and district property management departments will verify the self inspection and self correction of the property service enterprises and the outstanding problems reflected by the owners' complaints, sort out and form a list of problems and rectification lists, deal with them in a timely manner according to law and regulations and report them level by level; Before the end of June, the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau organized all districts to carry out cross supervision, and before the end of August, the municipal rectification work team organized special supervision; By the end of October, comprehensively summarize the experience, achievements and typical cases, timely formulate or improve the relevant property management systems, establish long-term management mechanisms such as public revenue, and ensure the steady improvement of the remediation results.

"We will try our best to solve the urgent needs of the masses and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the owners." The relevant person in charge of Xiamen Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau said that this rectification action will focus on "further deepening, further promoting and further improving", so as to achieve a quarterly public revenue publicity rate of 100% for residential property communities and a public revenue bank account rate of 100% for residential property communities, The rectification rate of the property service enterprises found in the investigation who occupy the public space of the residential property community without authorization and change the use of the property service room reached 100%, corrected and investigated the illegal behaviors that encroached on the interests of the owners, and focused on solving the difficulties and blockages in public revenue management, so as to achieve clearer and more accurate financial accounts of the residential community, more legitimate and compliant owners' voting Spending will be more standardized and reasonable, publicity will be more timely and comprehensive, and relevant management systems and mechanisms will be constantly improved. "With the guidance of Party building and the promotion of services, we will vigorously promote the quality and efficiency of the city's property service management, and comprehensively enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security."

(Editor in charge: Wu Zhou, Liu Qing)

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