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Deeply implement the concept of "big food" and consolidate the foundation of food security

May 17, 2024 08:50 | Source: Fujian Daily
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Original title: Deeply implement the concept of big food and consolidate the foundation of food security

For more than 30 years, under the scientific guidance of the big food concept, Fujian has steadily developed food production, fostered and formed characteristic industries such as livestock and poultry, fishery, fruits and vegetables, tea, edible fungi, and achieved remarkable results in building a diversified food supply system. In recent days, the central media has focused on the vivid exploration of Fujian's practice of the concept of "big food", which has aroused enthusiastic response among the cadres and masses of the province. Everyone said that the big food concept has brought the people of Fujian full sense of gain, happiness and security. On the new journey, we should continue to deeply practice the big food concept, fully tap the advantages of resource endowments, expand the field of agricultural production space, consolidate the foundation of food security, develop a variety of food varieties, so that people can eat well, eat well and eat healthily.

"After carefully reading the recent relevant reports, we have a more profound understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's concept of" big food ", and a clearer direction for building a" sea granary "based on the advantages of Lianjiang." Zhan Likun, the head of the "sea to river" work team in Lianjiang County, said that over the past 30 years, Lianjiang County has actively integrated into the construction of "sea to river", tapping into the traditional advantages of fisheries, It has cultivated fish balls, abalone, yellow croaker, kelp and other distinctive and advantageous fishery products, with the total output of aquatic products ranking second in the country and the output value of fishery ranking first in the country. "Next, we will continue to deeply practice the concept of big food, focus on the development direction of modern fisheries, focus on the development of modern fisheries, continue to make efforts in the cultivation of improved varieties, ecological breeding, deep processing, brand building, market promotion and other aspects, constantly improve the standardization, scale and modernization level of seafood production, and create" marine food "with industrial thinking To promote the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of the whole industrial chain of Lianjiang fishery. "

"The cornerstone and guarantee of food safety is indispensable for the implementation of the big food concept," said Xu Guohua, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Xiamen Municipal Market Supervision Administration, "As the food safety supervision department, we will conscientiously implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the concept of" big food ", adhere to the" four strictest ", continue to deepen the control of" table pollution ", build the" food safety project ", constantly improve the modern food safety governance system, accelerate the construction of the food supply standard and the" one product, one code "traceability system, and fully adhere to it‘ The vegetable baskets and rice bags are safe in quality. "

In recent years, Zhangzhou has deeply implemented the seed industry revitalization action, giving full play to the scale advantages of abalone, oyster, clam and other seed industries, focusing on building the brand of aquatic seed industry, and won two gold lettered signboards of seed industry, "China's Abalone Seed City" and "China's Clam Seed City". The Director of Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries introduced that, next, based on the advantages of marine resources, Zhangzhou will insist on asking for space and food from the deep sea, optimize the layout of deep-sea and offshore aquaculture, accelerate the implementation of seed industry innovation projects, promote the transformation and upgrading of marine aquaculture, and the construction of marine ranches in the No. 6 sea area outside the Zhao'an Bay, and create a "blue granary".

"Dehua County will firmly establish the concept of big agriculture and big food, firmly guarantee food production safety, develop characteristic modern agriculture according to local conditions, promote agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery to make great progress, and constantly enrich people's table choices," said Jiang Shengbin, director of Dehua County Agriculture and Rural Bureau.

As the largest island in Putian, Nanri Island is the first national marine ranch demonstration area in the province. Nanri abalone, kelp, asparagus and more than 100 kinds of famous and high-quality aquatic products have not only become the good taste of the residents' table, but also become the password for local islanders to become rich. The town's fishery output value is nearly 5 billion yuan. Lin Min, head of Nanri Town, Xiuyu District, said that Nanri Town will continue to practice the concept of "big food", vigorously promote the construction of marine ranch based on the island's characteristic resources, explore the secondary and tertiary industries to supplement and strengthen the chain, and gradually form a modern marine fishery industry cluster.

"As a 'post-80s' farmer, I will use what I have learned and what I can to help the agricultural development of Zhongxin Town, a major rice seed production town, and promote the revitalization of the countryside." Yao Chunmei, Pucheng County's ambassador for helping farmers in 2024 and head of Qiumanchang Rice Planting Cooperative, said that the current is the peak of rice seedling cultivation. For farmers, Sowing seeds means harvesting hope. Pucheng is the "granary" of northern Fujian. Since its establishment in 2016, the cooperative has developed rapidly. Its members have grown from 8 to 53, and its planting area has expanded from 183 mu to nearly 2000 mu. Next, we will continue to improve our own level, better serve members, expand the types of services, and help farmers minimize planting risks.

"From May 18, Qingliu County will promote famous and special products and special resources in Beijing in the way of 'one county, one table of food', so that people in the capital can taste Fujian's ecological food." Lai Guojun, deputy director of Qingliu County Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said that Qingliu County will actively practice the concept of "big food", base itself on the local natural resources and regional advantages of special agricultural products, and go all out to cultivate gazelle, stream fish Tofu skin and other characteristic industries help farmers increase income and revitalize the countryside.

Lin Xiazhu, Executive Vice President of Gutian Rural Revitalization College of Longyan University, has devoted herself to the research of the province's "big food" chain in recent years, and has formed a number of advisory reports. Lin Xiazhu said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's big food concept is a guide for food security. Fujian is the third largest major grain market in China, and it is of great significance to comprehensively implement the big food concept. We should continue to practice the concept of big food, develop and utilize rich mountain and sea resources, build a diversified food supply system in line with local conditions, and promote the transformation of people from being full to eating well and eating healthily.

The average altitude of Zhouning is 800 meters, and its unique alpine ecological climate makes vegetables mature longer. Chen Xiaoju, the head of Zhouning Jumei Specialized Cooperative, said that he will continue to deeply practice the concept of big agriculture and big food, introduce new categories according to market conditions, strengthen the county's alpine vegetable industry, and bring more and better quality food to the masses' table. Huang Ruibao, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Zhouning County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, said: "The county will continue to focus on food safety production, increase the publicity and promotion of good varieties, opportunities and laws, further explore and expand the rotation and interplanting mode of dry grain crops such as potatoes and other grain and economic crops, and build a diversified food supply system."

Pingtan is surrounded by the sea on all sides. Pingtan abalone, Pingtan laver and other special seafood are famous at home and abroad. "To ask for food from the sea, good varieties and good methods are a key link." Jia Yuanyuan, a cadre of the Fishery Department of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, said that the experimental zone will continue to promote the transfer of marine aquaculture to the open sea and deep sea, and further improve the coverage rate of improved aquaculture by breaking through core technologies, optimizing the management of aquaculture sea use, and promoting ecological and healthy aquaculture models, Vigorously build a high-quality "blue granary".

(Editor in charge: Chen Chuchu, Liu Qing)

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