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People's Network

Wu Liuchi, the new president of Fujian Women Entrepreneurs Association, was elected

09:50, May 9, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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Fuzhou,, May 9 (Xie Xingyu) Recently, the theme activity of the tenth first member congress of Fujian Women Entrepreneurs Association, "Stimulating Women's Ambition to 'New' Travel" and the inauguration ceremony of the tenth board of directors were held in Fuzhou.

The meeting elected a new council of Fujian Women Entrepreneurs Association, and Wu Liuchi, vice chairman of New Zhongguan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., was elected as the president.

 Wu Liuchi (left) was elected as the president of the new council of Fujian Women Entrepreneurs Association. Photographed by Xie Xingyu on People's Daily Online

Wu Liuchi (left) was elected as the president of the new council of Fujian Women Entrepreneurs Association. Photographed by Xie Xingyu on People's Daily Online

"The majority of women entrepreneurs have demonstrated outstanding contributions and firm responsibilities in optimizing the industrial structure and fulfilling social responsibilities." Lin Yeping, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chairman of the Fujian Women's Federation, sent a message to women entrepreneurs to firmly develop confidence, inspire women's aspirations, highlight responsibility and dedication to women, and make new contributions in promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Fujian, In helping to share the achievements of development, a new chapter was created.

Wu Liuchi said that the new Council will play the role of the Party branch of the Association as a political guide and a battleground, build the Association with cohesive force, help member enterprises develop well, and unite women entrepreneurs to lead them to become builders of great cause, advocates of civilization, and strivers who dare to pursue dreams.

At the meeting, the new Council also issued a proposal to women entrepreneurs in the province to "work together to realize the strategic contribution of women to a strong private economy province".

It is reported that Fujian Women Entrepreneurs Association was founded in 1988 under the leadership of Fujian Women's Federation. At present, it has 21 group members and more than 3100 members. For more than 30 years, the Association has always adhered to the purpose of serving women entrepreneurs to grow and become talents, improving their quality and ability, sharing their development experience, growing and growing together, constantly stimulating women entrepreneurs' innovation courage, creativity and entrepreneurial passion, and becoming a warm home for women entrepreneurs in Fujian.

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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