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People's Network

Fujian: Optimize "Small Label", Protect Food Safety and "Great People's Livelihood"

17:35, May 7, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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Fuzhou,, May 7 (Huang Dongyi) Optimize the marking position of production date and warranty period to make the date more obvious; Optimize the size of production date and warranty period to make the date clearer; Optimize the clarity of production date and shelf life marking to make the date more eye-catching... On May 7, the initiative activity of optimizing the labeling and identification of prepackaged food was held in Fuzhou under the guidance of Fujian Provincial Market Supervision Administration and sponsored by Fujian Food Industrial Products Association. More than 100 enterprise representatives in Fujian Province were invited to participate in the event.

 Activity site. Photographed by Huang Dongyi on People's Daily Online

Activity site. Photographed by Huang Dongyi on People's Daily Online

It is reported that this initiative to optimize the labeling of prepackaged food was held in response to the Announcement on Encouraging Food Enterprises to Optimize the Labeling of Prepackaged Food in Production Date and Shelf Life issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision in March this year.

Xie Zaichun, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Fujian Provincial Market Supervision Administration, said that it is necessary to fully understand the importance of optimizing food labels and labels, earnestly respond to consumers' concerns, actively promote the optimization of food labels and labels, and make them perceptible, inspectable and evaluable; We should take active action to implement the optimization of food label and identification, strengthen the training of enterprise staff, fully understand the content of the optimization of food label and identification, make overall arrangements in advance, improve technology and equipment, improve the content of label layout, optimize food label and identification, and avoid waste in combination with the actual situation of enterprise production and operation; We should work together to promote the promotion and implementation of food labels and labels, promote the extensive multi-channel, multi form and multi-level publicity of all sectors of society, and create a public opinion atmosphere for the whole society to promote the optimization of food labels and labels.

The activity site also interpreted the new version of the National Food Safety Standard General Principles for the Labelling of Prepackaged Food (Draft for Comments) and the Food Labeling Supervision and Management Measures (Draft for Comments) to guide the participating enterprises to understand the policy trend in a timely manner.

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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