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Fujian Post 95 Doctors and Lovers First Aid Cardiac Arrest Elderly: Whether wearing white coats or not, it is the responsibility to rescue people!

May 7, 2024 15:39 | Source: People's Network
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Fuzhou,, May 7 (Yang Haoyu) "Whether you are wearing a white coat or not, as a doctor, it is your duty to act when you should act!" Recalling the experience of first aid a few days ago, Yang Tingshun, a resident of the Anesthesia Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, and Shangguan Xuejuan, a resident of the Anesthesia Department of the Third People's Hospital of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a couple of post-95 doctors, said this.

 Yang Tingshun and Shangguan Xuejuan treated the elderly with cardiac arrest at Wenzhou South Railway Station. Photograph provided by respondents

Yang Tingshun and Shangguan Xuejuan treated the elderly with cardiac arrest at Wenzhou South Railway Station. Photograph provided by respondents

At 11:42 a.m. on May 4, on the platform of Wenzhou South Station in Zhejiang Province, the train was about to pull in. Yang Tingshun and Shangguan Xuejuan found some confusion nearby, and they immediately went to check.

Suddenly, a rapid cry exploded in the crowd: "Someone fainted!"

Yang Tingshun and Shangguan Xuejuan quickly crowded into the crowd and shouted, "Let's go, we are doctors!" Then they came to the old man who fell to the ground to start treatment.

After the preliminary assessment, Yang Tingshun found that the elderly had no pulse, dilated pupils, cardiac arrest and serious condition. Time is life, and they knew that they must start rescue immediately.

 Yang Tingshun implemented cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Photograph provided by respondents

Yang Tingshun implemented cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the elderly. Photograph provided by respondents

Yang Tingshun quickly adjusted the old man's position and resolutely implemented cardiopulmonary resuscitation, while Shangguan Xuejuan closely monitored his signs. At the same time, the emergency equipment and defibrillators at the bullet train station were put in place quickly, and the staff contacted the 120 emergency center to ensure the seamless connection of rescue.

After ten minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and one AED defibrillation, the old man's heart rate recovered and his face gradually recovered its color. At 11:57, 120 ambulance arrived at the station and sent the elderly to the hospital.

"After the rescue, we still felt very worried. We were relieved when a friend of the old man called at more than nine o'clock that night to tell the old man that he was out of danger." Yang Tingshun sighed, "In the face of an emergency, we instinctively used our professional knowledge and tried our best to save every life."

 A group photo of Yang Tingshun and Shangguan Xuejuan. Photograph provided by respondents

Yang Tingshun and Shangguan Xuejuan. Photograph provided by respondents

It is understood that the old man once had signs of myocardial infarction. He had planned to be hospitalized after returning home, but an accident occurred on the way. At present, the elderly are being treated in Wenzhou People's Hospital.

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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