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The first water right transaction in Fuzhou was successfully implemented

11:30, May 7, 2024|
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Recently, the first water rights transaction in Fuzhou was completed in China Water Rights Exchange. CECEP (Fuzhou) Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd. purchased a total of 3.6075 million cubic meters of Minjiang River water rights from 2024 to 2026 from Huaneng (Fujian) Energy Development Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Branch through agreement transfer at a price of 0.010 yuan/cubic meter.

What is water right transaction? In short, it refers to the transfer of water resource use right between users through market mechanism on the basis of reasonable definition and allocation of water resource use right. The local average annual water resources in Fuzhou are 10.018 billion cubic meters, and the per capita water resources are 1365 cubic meters, which is only 65% of the national average. Moreover, the water resources are unevenly distributed in time and space, with great inter annual changes and high difficulty in development and utilization. With the goal of building Fuzhou into a modern international city, how to make good use of limited water resources, water rights trading has become an important exploration direction to implement rigid constraints on water resources.

In recent years, Fuzhou has continuously strengthened the management and protection of water resources, and has laid a solid foundation for the development of water rights trading by implementing the most stringent water resources management system, formulating and implementing water allocation plans, promoting the construction of water-saving society and other measures. Fuzhou Water Conservancy Bureau guided the water rights transaction forward, Changle District Water Conservancy Bureau actively provided services, went deep into the front line of enterprises to listen to needs, find problems, and propose solutions. Through active communication and contact, the transaction was finally successfully concluded.

The successful implementation of the first water rights transaction in Fuzhou marks an important step in the market-oriented allocation of water resources in Fuzhou. In the future, Fuzhou will continue to deepen the reform of market-oriented allocation of water resources to promote efficient utilization and sustainable development of water resources.

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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