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High quality resources are skillfully "grafting" health, and Ningde has "medical support"

15:46, May 6, 2024|
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Recently, Luo Shengzheng, a gastroenterologist based in Ningde, Shanghai First People's Hospital, successfully completed a "super minimally invasive" endoscopic surgery for the removal of a huge tumor in the duodenal papilla in the operating room of Ningde City Hospital. This is another breakthrough in diagnosis and treatment technology made by Ningde Hospital with the help of Shanghai First People's Hospital after the realization of cooperative medical service.

Shanghai First Academy has strength, resources and talents, and Ningde has policies, advantages and space. Over the past six months, medical resources have been grafted at a high level, which has improved the medical and health level of Ningde City and directly benefited tens of thousands of people in surrounding areas. It is of great significance to accelerate the development of medical disciplines in Ningde City, improve the level of medical teaching and research, improve medical technology capabilities, and accelerate the construction of healthy Ningde.

Go up to the top and graft on "rich family background"

It is understood that Shanghai No. 1 People's Hospital is one of the earliest comprehensive hospitals for a hundred years in China. In 1992, it took the lead in becoming the first batch of Grade III Grade A comprehensive hospitals in China. It has one national clinical medical research center, one key discipline of the Ministry of Education, and nine national key clinical specialty construction projects. It has rich experience in carrying out foreign health cooperation and grass-roots medical assistance.

 Five famous doctors of Shanghai First Hospital have settled down in Ningde. Picture provided by the Publicity Department of Ningde Municipal Party Committee

The studio of Shanghai First Hospital's famous doctor "Shidai Tu" was settled in Ningde. Picture provided by the Publicity Department of Ningde Municipal Party Committee

In recent years, Ningde has been committed to achieving greater breakthroughs in creating high-quality life. In 2023, Ningde City will focus on improving the people's livelihood by improving the satisfaction of the masses with medical services. By establishing the "Shanghai First People's Hospital Ningde Hospital", it will "introduce" famous medical resources. Ten Shanghai experts will reside in Ningde City, and the key areas of support and construction include ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, urology Nail and Breast Surgery Department, Gastroenterology Department, Cardiology Department, etc. Ningde Hospital of Shanghai First Hospital, through cooperation in talent, technology and management, enables patients to enjoy domestic first-class medical services at the "gate", and promotes the upgrading of medical quality, balanced expansion of medical resources, and innovation of medical service model.

In the past six months, relying on the technical force and expert team of Shanghai First Hospital, Ningde Hospital has made great progress in talent training, discipline construction, hospital management and other aspects: five famous doctors' "teacher led apprentice" studios of Shanghai First Hospital have settled in Ningde; The construction of the first drug clinical trial institution (GCP) in eastern Fujian has been steadily promoted; Establish 4 MDT teams for nail and breast tumors, head and neck tumors, chest tumors, and digestive tract tumors; Interventional vascular department promotes the application of national key clinical specialty construction project; 6 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 21 Fujian Natural Science Foundation projects in 2024

Down to the "bottom" to activate the "network" of diagnosis and treatment

On April 12, 17 experts from the top medical team of Shanghai First Hospital carried out a free clinic activity in Dongqiao Hospital District of Ningde Hospital, so that people in eastern Fujian could enjoy high-quality medical services "near". "This is too convenient for us!" Ms. Zhang, a resident of Jiaocheng District, said that her husband had suffered from stroke nine months ago and planned to go to Shanghai to see an expert recently. Unexpectedly, she caught up with this free clinic and got the diagnosis from an authoritative doctor directly at her home, which not only saved the cost of traveling to and from other places, but also saved her husband who could not walk easily from another trip to Shanghai.

 Free clinic site.

Free clinic site. Picture provided by the Publicity Department of Ningde Municipal Party Committee

"Access" to medical services through cooperation and "blocking" access to medical services. In order to effectively improve the quality of medical services, Shanghai First Hospital has sent expert teams to Nanjing for free clinic for eight times, and has carried out clinical research, ward rounds, difficult case discussions, surgical guidance, outpatient services, cooperation discussions between the two hospitals and other activities for many times to further understand the local disease spectrum, patient needs and the actual situation of the hospital in Ningde. As of April 14 this year, 10 resident experts have carried out 4826 outpatient visits, 479 rounds, 212 difficult case discussions, 64 lectures, and 332 operations, bringing more than 30 new clinical technologies to Ningde and helping the hospital's medical service capacity and efficiency on the fast track.

While promoting the in-depth development of Shanghai hospitals, Ningde continued to make efforts in strengthening the cooperation with national and provincial high-level hospitals to run hospitals. Mindong Hospital and Fujian Union Medical College Hospital established a close medical consortium, and Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital established counterpart assistance. Fuding City Hospital signed cooperation agreements with the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University and Shanghai Renji Hospital. At the same time, Fu'an, Xiapu, Zhouning, Shouning, Gutian, Pingnan and other county-level hospitals rely on provincial counterpart assistance projects to establish assistance cooperation with 5 provincial hospitals, including the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University and the Provincial Hospital. Behind the series of measures is the determination to provide the people with more comfortable and high-quality medical services, and to do a good job of benefiting the people.

Inward integration to "deep" service industry development

Entering Ningde Hospital, experts' diagnosis and treatment, health examination, special personnel's accompanying treatment and other warm services are the intimate measures taken by Ningde City to put itself in the position of talents and solve the "worries" of talents' medical security. At the same time, a series of medical services enabled by new generation information technology means, such as big data and artificial intelligence, make it easier, faster and more accurate for people to see doctors.

From an all-weather "on duty" Internet hospital, a surgical robot that can serve as a "assistant" to doctors, an intelligent pharmacy that is delivered to home after online diagnosis, to the information efficiency of "making data run more and people run less", to the whole life cycle of "no company is needed in hospital, health is managed by people, and discharge is not lost"... In Ningde, The landing of smart medical scenes has gradually emerged, and the "new" power of science and technology is helping Ningde's medical and health field "smart" create unlimited possibilities. (Zhang Yingzhen)

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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