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"Spark" lights up the "hidden corner" of the campus. Long Yan, the prosecutor, "Spark Guard" says "No" to campus bullying

17:22, April 28, 2024|
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"It is our greatest wish that children grow better." Recently, Chen Jinlong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Longyan Municipal Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, announced at Longyan Technician College that the "Spark Guard - Say No to Campus Bullying" action was officially launched, marking that this special activity organized by the city's procuratorate has become a joint action of all functional departments in the city to promote "six major protections" Form resultant force.

It is reported that the special action of "Spark Protection - Say No to Campus Bullying" lasts for eight months. Solving the difficult problem of punishing and preventing bullying on campus is one of the three goals of the special action. Focus on the supervision and implementation of special remedial education measures for minors involved in campus bullying and other crimes, fully implement the connection between punishment and practice, and promote the solution of such problems as minors who are not at the legal age of criminal responsibility, who do not meet the criminal prosecution standards, and who have other serious misconduct in campus bullying, not being given administrative punishment according to law, and timely corrective education.

At the same time, we will supervise the implementation of the compulsory reporting system for crimes of violence against minors, such as campus bullying, and urge those responsible to investigate their responsibilities according to law and discipline if they have caused serious consequences for their failure to perform their reporting obligations. Give full play to the role of "vice president of the rule of law", actively integrate into the school protection, and promote the solution of the problems such as the campus prevention and control of student bullying, preventive infringement, campus safety management, dropout control and school security.

On the same day, the Longyan Municipal Procuratorate delivered a procuratorial proposal to the Longyan Municipal Education Bureau on matters such as "carrying out special treatment against campus bullying, establishing and improving the campus bullying supervision and early warning mechanism". It is reported that the phenomenon of student bullying is insidious and needs careful observation, in-depth understanding and effective communication to find it. The Education Bureau of Longyan City requires schools all over the country to strengthen key patrols, unblock the channels of reflection, collect clues in time, find signs of possible occurrence or injury incidents that have occurred, investigate and resolve conflicts and disputes, and find out early about campus bullying incidents, aiming at key areas prone to campus bullying, such as student dormitories, canteens, stairway corners, toilets and playground corners Early prevention and treatment.

"To protect the healthy growth of minors, we are committed to creating a" spark "brand of minors' procuratorial work, actively performing our duties according to law, participating in the construction of a safe campus, and working with all parties to create a law based environment conducive to the physical and mental health of children and reassuring parents." Zhuo Xianfa, chief procurator of Longyan Municipal Procuratorate, said that we will take this special action as the starting point, Give full play to the advantages of the "spark" minor procuratorial team, promote the normalization and institutionalization of "rule of law into the campus" around the prominent problems of campus security found in the handling of cases, prevent bullying and violence from the source among students at school, and cooperate with relevant departments to carry out the rectification of hidden dangers on campus and around the campus, and timely formulate and issue procuratorial recommendations to promote source governance. (Zhang Renping and Zhang Xiaoting)

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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