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The flood control embankment project in Fuzhou urban section of the lower reaches of the Minjiang River has passed the standardized management evaluation of Fujian Provincial Water Resources Department

09:56, April 27, 2024|
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Recently, the Water Resources Department of Fujian Province released the List of the First Batch of Provincial Standardized Management Projects in 2024, among which is the flood embankment project in Fuzhou urban section of the lower Minjiang River under the management of the Fuzhou Minjiang River Downstream Channel Management and Protection Center. It is reported that this is also the first flood control project that has passed the provincial evaluation since the standardized management of water conservancy projects was carried out in Fujian Province.

 Drawings provided by Fuzhou Water Resources Bureau

Flood embankment in Fuzhou urban section. Drawings provided by Fuzhou Water Resources Bureau

It is reported that the Fuzhou urban flood control embankment project managed by the Fuzhou Minjiang River Downstream Channel Management and Protection Center is mainly composed of 9 embankment sections, including Aofengzhou earth embankment, Cangshan concrete embankment, West River concrete embankment, Hongshan earth embankment, Bangzhou stone embankment, Jiangbin embankment, Jianxin north embankment earth embankment, Jianxin north embankment concrete embankment, Juyuanzhou flood prevention embankment, with a total length of 32.75 kilometers, covering both sides of the North Port and South Port. Among them, the flood embankment on the north bank of Beigang is 13.42km long, and the design flood control standard is once every 200 years; The flood dike on the south bank of Beigang has a total length of 10.08 km, and the design flood control standard is 100 year return period; The flood dike on the north bank of Nangang, namely Juyuanzhou flood dike, is 9.25km long, and the design flood control standard is also 100 year return period.

For many years, Fuzhou Water Conservancy Bureau has followed the principle of scientific and systematic water control and continued to promote river flood control. Through continuous efforts of water conservancy departments at all levels, the flood control standards of embankments along the urban section of the main stream of the Minjiang River have generally been raised to 100~200 year return period, and the flood control standards of other counties (cities) have all been raised to 20~50 year return period. At the same time, Fuzhou Water Conservancy Bureau has made it an important task to improve the standardized management of the flood control embankment project in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River in order to improve the operation and management level of the project. The Minjiang River Downstream Channel Management and Protection Center of the city conscientiously follows the "Rules for the Evaluation of the Standardized Management of Water Conservancy Projects in Fujian Province", centering on the five key areas of project status, safety management, operation management, management guarantee, and information construction, and through the comprehensive implementation of 107 evaluation indicators for 34 projects, it has realized the standardization and scientificalness of dike project management. The establishment of this management system not only ensures the efficient and stable operation of the project, but also lays a solid foundation for the project to give full play to flood control benefits.

The flood levees in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River, which have been continuously improved, have successfully withstood several once-in-a-century floods, including July 7, 1992 and June 23, 1998, several once-in-a-century floods in June 23, 2005, June 7, 2006, and June 18, 2010, as well as more than 50 typhoons and hundreds of rainstorms in the past decade, Over the years, the benefits of disaster prevention and reduction have reached more than 20 billion yuan, effectively protecting the lives and property of the people.

Among them, the continuous improvement of the urban flood control embankment project has not only built a safe and reliable flood control barrier, but also through the combination of embankment and road, combined with ecological construction. Coincidentally with the garden, the inside and outside of the embankment have been greened and beautified, with trees and flowers in the shade, the beach and embankment have been renovated, the water ecological environment has been improved, and the quality of the city has been improved, The low-lying areas, which are vulnerable to floods, will be transformed into golden areas for urban development, providing a good place for citizens to get close to nature and enjoy life.

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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