People's Network
People's Network

People suggest to strengthen the construction of nursing team to make people more satisfied with medical treatment

People's Daily Online reporter Lan Zhifei
March 9, 2024 12:19 | Source: People's Network
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"Governments at all levels have done a lot of work for the people's livelihood, and many new medical institutions have been added. It is suggested that relevant departments should relax the number of nursing staff, improve the construction of nursing teams through multiple channels and measures, improve the satisfaction of the masses with medical treatment, and increase the reserve of nursing power." A few days ago, Chen Zhaohong, director of the Burn and Wound Repair Department of the Union Medical College Hospital affiliated to Fujian Medical University, expressed his expectations by "sending a message" to the two sessions through the "leadership message board" of People's Daily Online.

During the National Two Sessions, the People's Daily Online launched the 2024 National Two Sessions Version of the "I Send a Message to the Two Sessions" advice solicitation activity, inviting all sectors of society to make suggestions on all aspects of economic and social development. We will select some suggestions for public display, and summarize and sort out opinions and suggestions for the decision-making reference of relevant departments.

Click "I will send a message to the NPC and CPPCC" to participate in the event, and there is still a chance to win prizes

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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