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In the spirit of cultural baptism, Fujian Provincial Bureau of Statistics carried out the party day activity with the theme of "blessing culture"

14:10, February 29, 2024|
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On February 28, Fujian Provincial Bureau of Statistics organized party members and cadres to go to three lanes and seven alleys in Fuzhou to carry out theme party day activities, visit the "Good Words and Good Words - Chen Ji Calligraphy Art Works Exhibition", guide party members and cadres to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, inherit and carry forward the "good" culture, and deepen and expand the action of "deep learning and striving for excellence, daring to compete for excellence, and striving for effectiveness through hard work", Promote the spiritual civilization construction and high-quality development of statistical work of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics.

"Every word is a blessing". During the visit to the "Blessed Words and Auspicious Words - Chen Ji Calligraphy Art Exhibition", Chen Ji, Vice President of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, an expert on "Blessed" culture, and Vice President of the Provincial Calligrapher's Association, explained to the party members and cadres the origin, concept and layout of the exhibition, as well as various details of the exhibition process, and explained in detail the "Blessed Heaven, Blessed Land, Blessed Stars, Blessed Mountains, Blessed Waters, Blessed People's Residence" The contents of the four major sections of "Fu Yu Ji Yan Sheng Shi Feng", "Fu Yuan Fu Li Fu Wen Chuang", and how to use five fonts such as seal script, regular script, cursive script, couplets, banners, square battle and other forms to interpret the rich connotation and practical significance of the "Fu" culture in a multi-dimensional way, as well as the honest culture, struggle culture, and thrifty culture of the Communists contained in the exhibition.

During the visit to the exhibition, the party members and cadres deeply experienced the political, ideological, mass and artistic nature of the exhibition, and experienced the extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture and the popular Fujian "blessing culture" in the colorful calligraphy classes, cultural classes and cultural and creative classes.

Everyone said that the theme party day activity further enhanced their sense of identity and pride in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, was an immersion experience and education of "blessing culture", was a baptism of clean culture, was a subtle influence of the struggle culture, and as statisticians, we should take accurate and accurate statistical data as the "blessing" of statisticians, Take diligence and integrity as the "blessing" of statisticians, and provide high-quality statistical services as the "blessing" of statisticians, so as to provide a solid statistical service guarantee for writing the chapter of Chinese style modernization in Fujian.

(Editor in charge: Chen Chuchu, Liu Qing)

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