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Longyan City held a high-quality thematic democratic life meeting to promote theme education

15:29, January 8, 2024|
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Recently, according to the requirements of the Central Committee and the Fujian Provincial Party Committee on learning and implementing the theme education deployment of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, Longyan City has focused on the general requirements and specific goals of theme education, and taken the holding of the theme democratic life meeting as an important carrier for theme education review and rectification, with strict requirements and practical measures, Promote the second batch of theme education units in the city to open a high-quality new atmosphere at the theme democratic life meeting.

Clarify requirements and promote standardization. The Theme Education Office of Longyan Municipal Party Committee pays attention to overall planning and early intervention, establishes the "1234" working method, and promotes all units at all levels to make preparations for the special democratic life meeting with high standards and strict requirements. Set up a propaganda column, and set up a special column of democratic life meeting on the WeChat public account of "Minxi Party Flag Red" to publicize and report the holding of the city/county special democratic life meeting, and create a strong atmosphere. Two kinds of coaching methods are adopted. Through a combination of point and surface methods such as holding a mobilization and deployment meeting for centralized training, on-site visits to key system units and departments to "send students to their homes", questions are answered and questions are answered about the requirements for different objects to attend the meeting, the investigation and placement of negative typical cases, and other precautions, so as to lay a solid foundation for the preparation before the meeting. Three copies of work tips were printed and distributed, focusing on three stages and 12 aspects, including pre meeting material review, in-process supervision and comments, and post meeting material submission, to remind all units at all levels to grasp the requirements of the superior, time nodes, inspection methods and other key contents. Sort out 4 reference materials, including pre meeting study, comparison and inspection materials (speech outline), meeting minutes, filing list and other materials, and clarify relevant requirements.

Strictly supervise and guide the implementation. The Theme Education Office of Longyan Municipal Party Committee has set up seven working groups consisting of seven second level inspectors, one first level researcher, six second level researchers, etc., to supervise and strictly supervise the whole process of the party organizations at the county level and above, and tighten the main responsibility of the party committee (party group) and the responsibility of the first responsible person of the "first leader". In particular, we carefully reviewed the check materials (speech outline) of the team at or above the county level, demonstrated and led the team at all levels in the city to clarify goals and tasks, sort out work priorities, formulate work plans, and reverse the time schedule, to achieve "five failures", that is, failure to solve problems, failure to pass without specific examples, failure to pass without strong persuasion, If the root causes are not deeply analyzed, the rectification measures are not actually adopted, and the all-round supervision and guidance of the special democratic life meeting are effectively strengthened. At present, special democratic life meetings have been held in 7 counties (cities, districts) and some units directly under the city. According to the preliminary arrangement, the special democratic life meetings of all units at all levels in the city will be completed before January 10.

Strengthen rectification to promote actual results. Insist on incorporating the rectification of the problems of the special democratic life meeting into the rectification of the theme education, take the implementation of the democratic life meeting as an important part of the city's party organization secretary's work report and review of the party building, take various forms such as field research, individual interviews, and non voting comments, and promote all units at all levels to sort out the problems before the meeting Criticism and self-criticism, as well as the problems pointed out in the comments of the steering group, were comprehensively sorted out, and a list of three types of problems, namely, "know and change", "phased rectification" and "long-term rectification", to urge the formulation of rectification plans, the establishment of rectification accounts, and the refinement of rectification measures at the first time, to ensure that the rectification was in place within the specified time, and to further develop the "list of problems" It is transformed into a "effectiveness list" of thematic education, and constantly consolidates and improves the effectiveness of thematic education.

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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