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Open up food sources and practice the concept of "big food" (on-site comments, end the rice bowl and load the food ⑥)

Wang Yinxin
08:33, January 5, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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In the evening, Dong'an Village, Xinan Town, Xiapu County, Ningde City, Fujian Province. Ye Fangshu, a large yellow croaker farmer, walked onto the fishing raft, grabbed the net bag, grabbed it, weighed it, packed it, loaded it... Ye Fangshu smiled brightly and worked hard. The reporter asked: "You don't need to go out to sea to catch large yellow croakers?" Ye Fangshu replied: "Now the breeding technology is high, and fresh large yellow croakers are available all year round!"

In the past, due to overfishing, wild large yellow croakers were on the verge of extinction. Over the years, with the joint efforts of government departments, scientific research institutions and fishermen, the large yellow croaker industry has grown and its benefits have been continuously improved by artificially breeding fry and improving the breeding environment, both deepening the "breeding chain" and expanding the "processing chain". Large yellow croakers have been served on people's tables, which has helped to build a diversified food supply system.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "China is a big country with a population of more than 1.4 billion. To solve the food problem and ensure food security, we should establish a big food concept". From coarse grain rice noodles to meat, eggs and seafood, from "vegetable basket" to "fruit plate"... With the improvement of residents' living standards and changes in diet structure, our food supply is becoming more and more diversified. To develop food resources in an all-round way can not only meet the people's needs for a better life, but also help to consolidate the foundation of food security.

To enrich food supply, we should be good at using and integrating resources. Fujian is mountainous, and the per capita cultivated area is small. However, mountain, sea, forest and other resources are also food sources. Food supply should expand from cultivated land resources to the whole land resources, develop woody grain and oil in forests, stabilize aquaculture in rivers and seas, and grow tea in mountains according to local conditions. Today, in the land of Bamin, the characteristic agriculture represented by Ningde Pseudosciaena crocea, Gutian edible fungi, and Minqing olives has become a shining card, with rich product output and rising output value. To implement the concept of "big food" and better ensure food security, we need to maintain a broad vision and try to break through the constraints of agricultural natural resources. On the premise of protecting the ecological environment, we need to develop a modern agricultural production structure and regional layout that is compatible with market demand and the carrying capacity of resources and environment.

It is very important to improve the food supply capacity and extend the industrial chain. The development of industrial economy is a policy to promote grain production, enrich farmers and benefit the people. The development of single crop planting into industry will help to develop food resources and food varieties in multiple ways. Gutian is a mountainous county, whose unique ecological and climatic conditions are suitable for the growth of edible fungi. From an industry dominated by small farmers to industrial production, standardization base construction, and intensive processing, Gutian's tremella has developed into more than 30 products such as fresh stewed tremella soup, tremella syrup, and tremella biscuits. Both grain products and non grain food cannot be separated from the deep integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Facing the future, we should constantly enrich the food presentation forms and supply methods, and constantly improve the level of agricultural industrialization on the basis of increasing the added value of products.

To develop food sources in multiple ways, we should also pay attention to the quality of supply. For food, the production and processing should be safe, and the eating on the table should be reassuring. From the protection of cultivated land to the integrated protection of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, Fujian combines the construction of ecological civilization with the protection of food production areas. For example, we will carry out the reform of the collective forest property rights system to achieve wealth without cutting down trees. At the same time, relying on big data, Fujian has promoted the construction of a "one product, one code" whole process traceability system from farmland to dining table, which will ensure safety throughout the whole production chain. The food produced in a good ecological environment is more nutritious and healthy.

"Fish, eggs and coarse grains are the same, but now they are looking for health and nutrition." In the farmer's market, young couples are carefully selecting, and soon they are full of them. Conforming to the changing trend of people's food structure, expanding food sources, practicing the concept of "big food", and striving to build a diversified food supply system, we will be able to firmly put our jobs in our own hands, provide more powerful support for ensuring national food security, and constantly enhance people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

(The writer is a reporter from Fujian Branch of People's Daily)

People's Daily (January 5, 2024, Version 5)

(Editor in charge: Guan Xiyan, Liu Qing)

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