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Fujian Province Releases the "14th Five Year" Characteristic Modern Agriculture Development Plan

August 18, 2021 07:56 | Source: Fujian Daily
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Recently, the General Office of the Provincial People's Government issued the Special Plan for the Development of Characteristic Modern Agriculture in Fujian Province during the 14th Five Year Plan Period, which defined the long-term goal of modern agriculture development by 2035 and the overall idea, development goals and key tasks of the development of characteristic modern agriculture in Fujian Province in the next five years.

The plan points out that during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, Fujian's agricultural and rural development has made historic achievements. At the same time, the development of modern agriculture with Fujian characteristics still faces a series of problems and challenges. During the "14th Five Year Plan" period, the development of modern agriculture with Fujian characteristics is still in the critical period of transforming the development mode, optimizing the industrial structure, and transforming the growth momentum. It is also an important strategic opportunity period with great potential.

The plan is prepared in accordance with the 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Fujian Province and the Outline of Vision Goals for 2035. The base period is 2020, and the planning period is 2021-2025. It focuses on the structural reform of agricultural supply side, highlights the development of science and technology, quality, green and brand agriculture, and strengthens the deep integration and development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, We will focus on building a characteristic modern agricultural cluster, a pilot area for green agricultural development, and a demonstration area for the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan agriculture.

By 2025, the structural reform of the agricultural supply side will have achieved remarkable results, the characteristic modern agricultural industrial system, production system and operation system will be more complete, the level of agricultural science and technology support will be significantly improved, the competitiveness of characteristic advantageous industries will be further enhanced, the agricultural efficiency will continue to increase, farmers' income will continue to increase, and the agricultural industry will become an important support for rural revitalization.

Among them, the production of important agricultural products was stable, the grain sown area was stable at more than 12.5 million mu, and the total grain output was stable at more than 5 million tons; The production capacity of live pigs has been steadily improved, the number of pigs on hand has remained above 9 million, and the output of pork has been stabilized at about 1.29 million tons, realizing the balance between production and marketing, and basically meeting self-sufficiency.

The agricultural industrial structure was further optimized, the regional layout was more reasonable, and the cluster development pattern was basically formed. The total industrial chain output value of tea, fruit, livestock and poultry, vegetables, edible fungi, aquatic products, flue-cured tobacco and other advantageous industries exceeded 1.8 trillion yuan, and the output of raw tea, edible fungi, aquatic products and other industries continued to maintain the forefront of the country.

The agricultural ecological environment has been continuously improved, and the utilization rate of livestock and poultry breeding wastes has reached more than 93%; The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides decreased significantly; The overall qualification rate of agricultural product quality and safety monitoring is higher than the national average.

The level of agricultural materials and equipment has been significantly improved. Modern information technology has been widely used in the agricultural field. The contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress has reached more than 65%, the coverage rate of major crops and improved varieties of livestock and poultry has reached more than 98%, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of cultivation and harvest of major crops has increased to 75%.

The prevention and control system of animal epidemics and crop pests has been improved, the loss rate of major crop pests and diseases has been controlled within 5%, the safety and disaster reduction system of fishing vessels has been basically completed, and the reception rate of meteorological disaster information early warning has reached more than 95%. The service capacity of agricultural insurance was further enhanced, and the coverage of rice planting insurance remained above 80%.

Agricultural benefits have been continuously improved, and rural labor productivity has increased to 62000 yuan per person. The per capita disposable income of rural residents continued to grow rapidly, with an average annual growth of 8%, which was higher than that of urban residents. The income gap between urban and rural residents was further narrowed. (Reporter Zhang Hui)

(Editor in charge: Wu Zhou, Chen Lanyan)

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