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Members of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee participate in the special organization life meeting of their party branch as ordinary party members

August 13, 2021 07:53 | Source: Fujian Daily
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Original title: Take history as a mirror, absorb wisdom and strength, stick to the original mission and create the future

Recently, Yin Li, secretary of the provincial Party committee, and Wang Ning, governor of the province took the lead. The standing committee members of the provincial Party committee participated in the special organization life meeting of their party branches as ordinary party members to learn and communicate with the members of the party branches. Provincial leaders pointed out that we should earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" important speech and the spirit of the important speech of his visit to Fujian, organize and carry out the study and education of the party history, draw wisdom and strength from it, play the role of grass-roots party organizations as battle fortresses and the role of party members as vanguard models, and make due contributions to writing the chapter of Fujian for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country.

At the meeting, we focused on the theme of "learning the history of the Party, understanding ideas, doing practical things, and opening up new situations", closely linked with work and ideological reality, exchanged learning gains, examined the gap, and analyzed the Party spirit. Provincial leaders listened carefully to each party member's speech and had in-depth exchanges and discussions with everyone.

Provincial leaders pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has participated in organizing life meetings as an ordinary party member for many times, and has set an example for all Party members. Party leaders at all levels in the province should consciously learn from the General Secretary, keep pace with the Party Central Committee, conscientiously implement the "three meetings and one lesson" system, and carry out the organizational life of the Party.

Provincial leaders stressed that we should learn the wisdom and strength from the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on July 1 and the centennial history of the Party, learn from history and create the future. We should further strengthen our ideals and beliefs from studying the history of fearing no sacrifice of the Party, and protect and build the red land laid down by the revolutionary martyrs. From the study of the history of theoretical exploration of the Party, we can further understand the great power of thought, give full play to the advantages of characteristics, and learn to understand and practice the socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era. From the study of the history of the Party's benefit to the people, we should further consolidate our original mission and implement the people centered development thought. From the study of the Party's history of unremitting struggle, we should further encourage people to take responsibility, nourish ourselves with the great spirit of Party building, motivate ourselves, closely adhere to the important requirements of the "four bigger" and the current four key tasks, and start a new journey with a high spirit and forge ahead in the "14th Five Year Plan". Further strengthen the courage of self revolution from studying the history of the Party's own construction, comprehensively and strictly govern the Party with the firm perseverance on the road forever, constantly promote the new great project of the Party's construction, and provide a strong guarantee for the economic and social development of the province.

Provincial leaders require that Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels in the province should focus on learning and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, establish a strong and clear guidance for grasping the grass-roots level, focus on improving organizational strength, highlight political functions, do a solid job in building the grass-roots Party in all fields, deeply promote the overall improvement project of branch construction, and carry out the project with prominent themes and distinctive characteristics in combination with the actual situation Various forms of learning and education activities have been carried out to build grass-roots Party organizations at all levels into strong battle fortresses and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of Party members. (Reporter Zhou Lin)

(Editor in charge: Wu Zhou, Chen Lanyan)

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