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Fujian launched the selection of key water use enterprises and park water efficiency leaders in the provincial industrial field

09:22, November 13, 2023|
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In order to deeply implement the national water-saving action, comprehensively strengthen the work of water resource conservation, and improve the efficiency of industrial water use, the Water Resources Department of Fujian Province, together with the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, launched the selection of key water use enterprises in the provincial industrial field and water efficiency leaders in the park in 2023.

It is reported that in 2023, 17 industries including coking, steel, paper making, petroleum refining, ethylene and chlor alkali will be selected as key water use enterprises and water efficiency leaders in Fujian's provincial industrial fields.

The selection work comprehensively considers the water intake, water-saving potential, technical development trend, water use statistics, measurement, standards and other conditions of enterprises, and selects enterprises with advanced technology and leading water use efficiency.

In recent years, Fujian has taken industrial water-saving as an effective measure to alleviate the shortage of water resources, and actively promoted and applied advanced water-saving technology, products and equipment. The establishment of water-saving enterprises was carried out in key water use industries. In key water use industries such as textile printing and dyeing, paper making, food and wine making, a number of typical industries with good water management foundation, advanced equipment technology, distinctive water-saving work, and water use indicators reaching the advanced level of the industry were established to guide enterprises to strengthen water-saving management and technological progress.

(Editor in charge: Jiang Weihang, Liu Qing)

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