Dong Mingzhu and the major shareholder of Yinlong oppose Yinlong Fang: Wei Yincang has stayed in Hong Kong for 3 months

2018-11-14 13:01:32 Author: Wang Qian Collect this article
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Sina Fa asked Wang Qian

In response to the lawsuit and report on the major shareholder's embezzlement of the company's 1 billion yuan, Yinlong New Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yinlong New Energy") said to Sina today that the company learned from insiders that Wei Yincang, the actual controller of Zhuhai Yinlong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yinlong Investment"), a major shareholder, has stayed in Hong Kong for three months.

As of press release, Sina Fawen has not received a reply from Wei Yincang about the detention. According to media sources, Wei Yincang has announced the prosecution of Dong Mingzhu, but did not disclose the reason for the prosecution. Yesterday, Sina Fawen contacted Wei Yincang, who said that he "will tell the society and supporters."

   Yinlong New Energy: Wei Yincang has stayed in Hong Kong for several months

Yinlong New Energy posted the Letter to Shareholders of Yinlong New Energy Co., Ltd. on its WeChat public account yesterday, "The new board of directors, board of supervisors and management of the company found frequent related party transactions between the company and major shareholders, and some transactions were abnormal and doubtful. ... The special report shows that major shareholders encroach on the company's property through related transactions to damage the company's interests, and some acts are suspected of constituting criminal offences. "

The company said, "Wei Yincang, the former chairman of the board of directors, and Sun Guohua, the former president, are suspected of occupying more than 1 billion of the company's interests through illegal means. At present, the company has filed a civil lawsuit with the Zhuhai Intermediate People's Court and reported the case to the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Zhuhai Public Security Bureau, which has been formally accepted by the relevant authorities."

In response to the latest situation, Yinlong New Energy said to Sina Law today, "First, about civil litigation: three cases with a litigation amount of 780 million yuan have been filed by Zhuhai Intermediate People's Court in accordance with legal procedures and are now in normal civil proceedings; second, about criminal liability: the Zhuhai Public Security Bureau has accepted the suspected embezzlement of 270 million yuan of the company in accordance with legal procedures;

3、 About the company's operation: the above case is suspected of occupying more than 1 billion yuan from the company, which has seriously damaged the company's interests. However, these misappropriations have been reflected in the company's books of previous years, and the infringement has occurred. Our company's recourse against the above embezzlement will not affect the company's current operating cash flow, nor will it affect the cooperation with financial institutions and suppliers.

4、 Since the end of July 2018, the company entrusted a law firm and an accounting firm to carry out a special investigation on Wei Yincang and his related parties' alleged massive embezzlement of the company, Wei Yincang has not contacted the company and is absent from the company's shareholders' meeting. According to insiders, Wei Yincang has stayed in Hong Kong for three months.

In 2018, under the leadership of the Board of Shareholders and the Board of Directors, and under the supervision of the Board of Supervisors, the new management is making every effort to thoroughly rectify the company's chronic diseases, and the corporate governance structure has been gradually straightened out. "

According to Article 271 of the Criminal Law of our country, if an employee of a company, enterprise or other unit, taking advantage of his position, illegally takes possession of the property of his own unit, if the amount is relatively large, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; If the amount is huge, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and may also be sentenced to confiscation of property.

   Wei Yincang counterclaims Dong Mingzhu

According to media sources, Wei Yincang has announced the prosecution of Dong Mingzhu, but did not disclose the reason for the prosecution. Yesterday, Sina Fawen contacted Wei Yincang, who said that he "will tell the society and supporters." However, he did not disclose more information about the prosecution.

Dong Mingzhu and Wei Yincang were once partners. At the end of 2016, after the acquisition of Gree Electric was rejected by the shareholders' meeting, Dong Mingzhu joined hands with Wanda to invest in Yinlong in his own name. Since then, Dong Mingzhu and Wei Yincang have also appeared together in company activities and media interviews.

However, with the company investing heavily in various new energy industry bases or industrial parks in various places, the problem of Yinlong's capital chain began to emerge. At the beginning of 2018, employees of Zhuhai Siqi Electric Vehicle Equipment Co., Ltd. gathered at the headquarters of Zhuhai Yinlong to ask for arrears, which was exposed. Subsequently, the news of the above-mentioned salary arrears, product backlog and large-scale shutdown emerged in endlessly. In the middle of 2018, Yinlong terminated its listing guidance.

At the same time, the internal management of Yinlong began to "exchange blood". Wei Yincang, the founder and former chairman of the company, resigned. Sun Guohua, the second chairman and president, stepped down and became a director less than half a year after taking office. Lu Chunquan, from the investor Purun Capital, became the successor. Lai Xinhua, the former general manager of Gree Electrical Appliances (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd., became the new president. In the management team of Yinlong, there are more and more people with Gree background.

Lai Xinhua once said in an interview with the media this year that the financial pressure, supplier arrears and overstaffing of Yinlong "are all problems left over by history." He said that after the transformation of the company's organizational structure, management process, quality control, procurement, after-sales and other aspects, the current accounts receivable of Yinlong has declined and orders have increased.

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Wang Qian

Chief Writer of Sina Finance

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