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Urban wide digital transformation speeds up China's smart city construction to a new level

May 24, 2024 08:58 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 24 (reporter Xu Weina) - The Health Posthouse has realized door-to-door consultation, smart catering for the elderly, and smart government service system to make key issues "on the palm"... At present, relying on the strong support of 5G, the Internet of Things and other new generation information technologies, many digital and intelligent application scenarios are rapidly integrating into urban life, Accelerate the process of urban modernization.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Data Administration and other departments released the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Development of Smart Cities and Promoting the Digital Transformation of Cities All over the Country (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions), which proposed that by 2027, the digital transformation of cities all over the country will have achieved remarkable results, forming a batch of livable, resilient Smart cities strongly support the construction of digital China.

What is the significance of deepening the development of smart cities? What important information does the issuance of the Guiding Opinions convey?

"Urban modernization is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese style modernization, and also the fundamental goal of smart city construction." Shan Zhiguang, director of the Informatization and Industrial Development Department of the National Information Center, said that at present, China's smart city construction is entering a new development stage of deepening development.

The Guiding Opinions proposes to comprehensively improve the integrity, systematicness and synergy of the whole urban digital transformation.

Shan Zhiguang introduced that the development of China's smart cities in the new era has changed in six aspects: from the perspective of the overall planning mechanism, the multi head management has changed to the central and local coordinated promotion; From the perspective of development concept, business digitalization is transformed into data element; From the perspective of system architecture, the single point application has changed to a flexible system and a sensitive system; From the construction point of view, we should pay attention to the transformation from the center to the combination of the center and the end; From the perspective of target objects, the manager's perspective has changed to the user's perspective; From the perspective of operation mode, the focus on construction has changed to long-term construction and operation.

These changes are also clearly visible in the exploration of smart city construction everywhere.

Taking Guangdong as an example, in the near future, the province is piloting the research on the construction of smart city standard system, covering all links from perception, identification collection, network transmission, computing storage, data services, generic technology services to smart applications and security assurance. In the early years, the construction direction of smart cities in the province was mostly focused on e-government, public security and other fields.

From digital, intelligent to intelligent, urban life is becoming more convenient and better. What are the distinctive features of the Guiding Opinions? What far-reaching significance does it have for the promotion of smart city construction in the future?

"The overall idea of the Guiding Opinions is forward-looking and targeted, the task system is comprehensive and focuses on breakthrough and innovation, and the safeguard measures are solid and practical." Shan Zhiguang stressed that the Guiding Opinions reflected the principle of equal emphasis on system and technology, construction and operation, center and end, data and scenario, development and security, These five priorities fully demonstrate the innovative thinking and strategic initiatives of smart city construction in the new era.

The reporter noted that the Guiding Opinions also put forward for the first time an adaptive reform. In this regard, Lu Dongsen, Deputy Director of the Department of Digital Economy of the National Bureau of Data, said that the digital adaptation reform is to remove the institutional barriers and blocking points that hinder the development of urban digital transformation.

"The Guidance is the summary, inheritance and innovation of China's smart city construction practice in the past 10 years." Shan Zhiguang believes that it points out the direction for the development of smart cities in the new era, provides a comprehensive carrier and display window for the systematic construction of digital China, and provides a rich scene space for the marketization theory and practice innovation of data elements, It also creates favorable conditions for the collaborative innovation of top-level design and grassroots practice of national adaptive reform. (Intern Zhang Yichi also contributed to this article)

(Editor in charge: Luo Zhizhi, Lv Qian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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