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Carry out equipment update in multiple places, and the government "sets up a platform" to help supply and demand accurately connect

May 24, 2024 08:49 | Source: Securities Daily
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Original title: Equipment update in multiple places, government "set up a platform" to help supply and demand accurately connect

Our reporter Zhu Baochen

Trainee reporter Kou Jiali

Since the "Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in" was officially released on March 13 this year, local governments have responded positively and launched local programs. According to the reporter, as of May 23, 27 provinces including Gansu, Shandong, Sichuan and Tianjin have released plans related to equipment update.

Deng Zhou, director of the National Center for Economic Development and Economic Risk Research of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Securities Daily that all regions actively promote the implementation of large-scale equipment renewal, which is conducive to releasing greater market space, helping the vigorous development of information technology, digital technology, intelligent technology, etc., and enhancing the power of China's industrial development, It forms strong support for the continuous recovery of industrial economy.

Touch and arrange demand

Assist enterprises in signing contracts

Recently, at least 9 of the above 27 provinces have held matchmaking and promotion meetings around equipment updates. For example, on May 17, the 2024 "Manufacturing Excellence" industrial chain supply chain docking activity was held in Wuhan, which focused on promoting a new round of industrial equipment upgrading and enterprise technological transformation in Hubei.

From the content of the activities, local matchmaking meetings are mainly organized by the government and participated by enterprises to provide consulting services for enterprise equipment updates, carry out special matchmaking between supply and demand, and assist enterprises to sign on-site contracts or agreements of intent to cooperate. Among them, three provinces also introduced banks and other financial institutions to the matchmaking meeting, carried out financial product matchmaking, and attracted financial "live water" for local equipment update. In addition, before the activity, some local relevant departments also carried out several rounds of rehearsals to fully understand the actual needs of local technological transformation and equipment renewal.

"Activities such as matchmaking meetings and promotion meetings held in various regions not only provide an exchange and interaction platform and create cooperation opportunities for equipment manufacturers, users, research and development institutions and other parties, but also provide important reference for enterprises related to equipment update in terms of market layout and strategic adjustment, helping to better and faster implement equipment update." Tian Huimin, a special researcher of the Beijing Reform and Development Research Association, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that at the matchmaking meeting with professional and technical personnel, enterprises can also take the opportunity to "learn from" and seek advice around technical problems.

Tian Huimin analyzed that, in order to further promote the stable and orderly implementation of equipment renewal, local governments can also establish equipment renewal evaluation and incentive mechanisms to model, evaluate and reward participating enterprises. The evaluation can include the production efficiency, energy conservation and emission reduction effect of the enterprise after the equipment is updated. The relevant departments can give certain rewards to the enterprises with excellent performance according to the evaluation results, so as to form a demonstration effect.

Take multiple measures simultaneously

Mobilize the enthusiasm of various enterprises

China's industrial enterprises are large in scale and number, and they play a vital role in the equipment renewal action. The latest data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that by the end of February this year, the number of industrial enterprises above designated size had increased by 19000 compared with the end of last year, reaching 501000.

At present, some enterprises have actively participated in the equipment update action, while others are eager to try. Beijing Dongtu Technology Co., Ltd. recently replied to investors' questions by saying that the company will seize the policy and market opportunities, increase market expansion and promote the growth of business scale by carrying out large-scale equipment updating actions and implementing technological transformation and upgrading.

"How to mobilize the enthusiasm of more and more enterprises, encourage them to participate in the equipment update action, and directly affect the final results of the action." Liu Chunsheng, an associate professor of the Central University of Finance and Economics, told the Securities Daily that for private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, the relevant departments should not only do a good job in policy publicity and interpretation, but also do a good job in in-depth exploration, On the basis of mastering the real demand of these enterprises for equipment renewal, we will provide preferential policies such as tax relief for enterprises. In addition, governments at all levels and relevant departments can also organize experience sharing activities, invite successful enterprises to share their experience and achievements in equipment updating, and stimulate other enterprises' enthusiasm for participation.

(Editor in charge: Luo Zhizhi, Chen Jian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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