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Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Innovation Corridor——

Activate innovation momentum and promote high-quality development

Our reporter Xie Weiqun
06:14, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Figure ①: In the Haier Shanghai Washing Machine Interconnection Factory in Songjiang District, Shanghai, technicians are operating the equipment.
Photographed by Cai Bin
Picture ②: The exterior of Yunjian Hall Culture and Art Center, Songjiang District, Shanghai.
Photographed by Chen Haiwen
Data source: Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Joint Conference Office

The G60 Science and Technology Innovation Cloud Corridor is located in Songjiang District, Shanghai.
Photographed by Chen Haiwen

On May 24, the Conference on Deepening the Scientific Innovation Ecological Construction of the G60 Scientific Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta and the Joint Conference on the G60 Scientific Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta will be held in Songjiang District, Shanghai. Participants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant ministries and commissions, Shanghai Songjiang, Zhejiang Jiaxing, Zhejiang Hangzhou, Zhejiang Jinhua, Jiangsu Suzhou, Zhejiang Huzhou, Anhui Xuancheng, Anhui Wuhu, Anhui Hefei and other places, including scientists, entrepreneurs, scholars, gathered together to discuss the future development of the sci-tech innovation corridor.

Over the past eight years, the construction of the Yangtze River Delta G60 science and technology innovation corridor has continued to advance, the regional integration of science and technology innovation reform has continued to deepen, the science and technology innovation ecology has continued to improve, and the shape of the science and technology innovation corridor has gradually established, producing a series of results.

  Accelerate the gathering of science and innovation elements

In early summer, the gathering heat of Songjiang District, the source of scientific innovation in the Yangtze River Delta G60 scientific innovation corridor, continued to increase.

Research institutions gather here. On May 17, the symposium of Tongji University in Songjiang District and the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement for jointly building the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Innovation Corridor Research Institute were held. The Institute will explore a new path for the in-depth integration and development of education, science and technology, and talents, and promote the construction of a talent highland in the Yangtze River Delta G60 science and innovation corridor. "The Institute will strengthen cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence, accelerate the building of artificial intelligence industry development cluster, and accelerate the empowerment of high-quality economic development in Songjiang," said Fang Shouen, secretary of the Party Committee of Tongji University.

Scientific innovation platforms gather here. A few days ago, Tus Caohejing (Zhongshan) Science Park and Shanghai Instrument Research Institute Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement, and the two sides will jointly build a new platform for G60 comprehensive test and detection - scientific instrument measurement and detection technology (shared) laboratory. The laboratory will establish a reference material library for scientific instrument measurement and testing, provide testing and verification services for scientific instrument enterprises, and conduct research on new scientific instrument testing methods and standards.

Science and innovation industries gather here. A few months ago, an advanced material project of solid battery electrolyte powder - the industrialization original project of key materials of lithium ion battery intrinsic safety core was settled in Songjiang. Shanghai Xiba Qingyi New Material Technology Co., Ltd. will produce oxide solid electrolyte powder and mesoporous carbon based silicon carbon anode material here, and the new plant will be completed before the end of this year. Because of the implementation of the project, the industrial chain of new energy industry in Songjiang Economic Development Zone has further expanded, creating conditions for the next gathering of new enterprises.

More than 10 cities along the G60 Expressway are also actively striving to join the "big family" of the science and innovation corridor. Jiangxi Shangrao actively connects with the science and technology innovation corridor. In January 2024, the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor (Shangrao) Science and Technology Cooperation Industrial Park and Collaborative Innovation Center will be unveiled simultaneously, helping to achieve "R&D incubation in Shanghai, transfer and transformation in Shangrao". At present, 18 science and innovation "enclaves" have been established in Songjiang District in Hefei, Anhui, Jinhua, Zhejiang, Huzhou, Zhejiang and other cities to build a new integrated development model with R&D headquarters in Shanghai and production and manufacturing in local areas.

"The Yangtze River Delta region is one of the regions with the most active economy, the highest degree of openness, and the strongest innovation capability. The integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has provided the foundation for the development of the sci-tech innovation corridor, and we must be a good 'construction team leader'." Cheng Xiangmin, deputy leader of the task force to promote the construction of the Yangtze River Delta G60 sci-tech innovation corridor and secretary of the Songjiang District Party Committee, said.

After just a few years of construction, the Science and Technology Innovation Corridor has achieved remarkable results. According to statistics, in 2023, nine cities along the science and innovation corridor will contribute 1/15 of the GDP, 1/7 of high-tech enterprises and more than 1/5 of the listed enterprises on the science and technology innovation board. The industrial output value above the designated size, the proportion of strategic emerging industries in the output value above the designated size, the import and export volume, the intensity of the whole society's R&D investment, the number of industrial enterprises above the designated size, the number of specialized, special, new and high-tech enterprises in Songjiang District remain at the forefront of Shanghai.

  Cross regional cooperation has been steadily promoted

It is necessary to break the boundaries of administrative divisions to connect different cities and continue to move towards integration. The science and innovation corridor has continuously innovated and optimized the cooperation mechanism, presenting a series of vivid practices.

Located in the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Joint Conference Office of Shanghai Songjiang G60 Science and Technology Innovation Cloud Corridor, staff from nine cities of the Science and Technology Innovation Corridor work together. "It has become a reality to discuss and build together, greatly facilitating further collaboration and cooperation," said the staff member.

Focusing on the cross regional cooperation and development pattern of joint discussion, construction and sharing, the nine cities of the science and innovation corridor deepen the linkage mechanism of "central local linkage and regional synergy". At the level of central local linkage, a task force led by the Ministry of Science and Technology to promote the construction of the G60 sci-tech innovation corridor was established. Under the guidance of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office, the Yangtze River Delta G60 sci-tech innovation corridor joint conference office was established for substantive operation. The staff of the Joint Conference Office is composed of cadres dispatched from nine cities in the Science and Technology Innovation Corridor. The dispatched cadres rotate annually and form a system.

Liu Fusheng, Director of the Joint Conference Office of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta and Deputy District Head of Songjiang District, said, "One of the responsibilities of the Joint Conference Office is to hold annual task force plenary meetings, thematic meetings, line meetings and G60 joint meetings to promote the solution of key and difficult issues of cross regional and cross departmental collaborative governance."

Strengthening regional collaborative innovation is also an important part of the high-quality development of the integrated science and innovation corridor. The science and innovation corridor gathers a large number of innovation resources, attracts scientific and technological innovation forces, and forms an institutional mechanism for cross regional close collaboration of innovation chains and transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Joint research on key technologies. The nine cities of the sci-tech innovation corridor have formulated and implemented joint action plans for tackling key problems, openly solicited 97 technical needs from business entities, carried out joint tackling of key technologies, and enabled 31 projects to achieve substantive cooperation progress, covering key areas such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, high-end equipment, etc., of which more than 10 projects have been launched in Songjiang, Wuhu, Huzhou, and Xuancheng.

Cultivate and support innovation subjects. Focusing on strategic emerging industries and future industry racetracks, the launch of the "Science and Technology Innovation China" youth entrepreneurship list - the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor U30 and the "Star Shine G60" entrepreneurial talent list was held; Jointly held the G60 Science and Technology and Industry Innovation Competition of "Creating and Winning the Future" to boost the rapid growth of technology-based enterprises.

Build a cross regional cooperation platform and create a world-class industrial cluster. The nine cities in the science and innovation corridor build a trans regional cooperation system of "alliance+base+park+fund+platform"; Establish the coordination and linkage mechanism of the industrial chain supply chain; Deepen the "1+7+N" industrial alliance system, established 16 industrial (park) alliances, 14 industrial cooperation demonstration parks, awarded the first batch of 11 G60 industry city integration development demonstration zones, and carried out special actions for high-quality development of the industrial chain focusing on auto parts, biomedicine, intelligent logistics equipment and other fields.

  Continuous optimization of innovation ecology

Creating an innovative ecology requires constant hard work. The science and innovation corridor accelerates the integration of technology, talent, capital, data and other resources, and promotes the deep integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain and talent chain.

On May 25, 2023, the conference on promoting the scientific innovation and ecological construction of the G60 scientific innovation corridor in the Yangtze River Delta was held in Songjiang District, Shanghai. At the conference, the Declaration on Scientific Innovation and Ecological Development of the G60 Scientific Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta was issued, and the platform for cooperation on innovation elements such as the Triangle Institute, the president of China Telecom Industry Research, was inaugurated.

In order to improve the efficiency of connectivity between cities, the science and innovation corridor deepens reform around the smooth economic cycle. The nine cities in the science and innovation corridor have achieved 195 items of "One Network for All", greatly reducing institutional transaction costs; Set up the first cross regional intellectual property administrative protection cooperation center in China to achieve cross regional intellectual property protection.

We will increase the supply of high-quality financial services and strengthen capital support for scientific and technological innovation. The Science and Technology Innovation Corridor has set up the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund, which has invested in 17 projects; Cross regional cooperation platforms such as the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Alliance have been established, and scientific and technological achievements auction has been held regularly to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

"Because of the cooperation mechanism of the Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, relevant departments have successively launched 28 financial support policies, innovated and improved the financial product matrix, substantively operated the G60 base of Shanghai Stock Exchange's capital market services, expanded the comprehensive financial service alliance, expanded the member units to 550, and accumulated the total credit financing of more than 2.9 trillion yuan." Jia Zhanfeng, director of G60 Innovation Research Center, said.

The efficient flow of resources and the improvement of the resilience of the supply chain of the industrial chain require perfect transportation facilities. Shanghai Songjiang Hub is under construction and will be officially opened this year. As an important fulcrum of the sci-tech innovation corridor, Songjiang hub can directly reach more than 80% of the major cities in the Yangtze River Delta after completion, becoming a gateway hub in the southwest of Shanghai with international influence. The adjacent Shihudang International Multimodal Transport Logistics Hub is also under construction and will play an active role in serving the integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta and jointly building the "Belt and Road".

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, version 12)

(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Niu Yong)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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