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Zhongshan, Guangdong continues to improve its social credit system and expand its application scenarios

Credit dividends better benefit thousands of industries (economic focus)

Our reporter Hong Qiuting
06:13, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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  Core reading

  Standardize information collection and realize data connectivity in all fields; Enrich application scenarios to ease the difficulty and high cost of enterprise financing; Establish a supervision chain of "before, during and after" to improve the efficiency of credit supervision... In recent years, Guangdong Zhongshan has continued to improve the social credit system, improve the public credit information management system, strengthen the credit supervision mechanism, and make credit dividends better benefit thousands of businesses.


"Credit can be used as' gold '! With credit, bidding can be free of deposit; with credit, approval can speed up, reducing enterprise operating costs and accelerating project implementation." Xu Jun, general manager of Zhongshan Company of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., said that enterprises have a strong sense of credit when investing in construction projects in Zhongshan.

Credit is the cornerstone of market economy. In recent years, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province has continuously improved its social credit system, improved its public credit information management system, strengthened its credit supervision mechanism, and expanded its credit application scenarios. Zhongshan ranked first among 261 prefecture level cities in the second phase of the 2024 city comprehensive credit index of "Credit China" website released recently.

How to build a social credit system? How to innovate credit application practice? How to improve the efficiency of supervision? The reporter conducted an interview.

   Build credit system

Data interconnection

Behind the construction of social credit system is a big data project covering all fields of society. "Zhongshan regards credit information collection and sharing as the basic work of credit construction in Zhongshan, and gradually forms a structure of one network, two platforms and three application systems," said Yin Ming, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Development and Reform Bureau of Zhongshan City.

Specifically, the first network refers to the credit zhongshan network. The two platforms are the credit support platform of zhongshan city and the comprehensive service platform of zhongshan xinyi loan. The three application systems are the public credit information management system of zhongshan city, the credit joint reward and punishment application system of zhongshan city and the contract performance management system of zhongshan city. This architecture is the "skeleton" of the big data project, and collecting and sorting out a large amount of credit information is like laying a solid foundation for the project.

Zhongshan issued and updated the Catalogue of Public Credit Information Resources in Zhongshan in a timely manner, and collected public credit information from various departments according to the catalogue, which solved the normative problem. On the other hand, relying on the government affairs big data center of Zhongshan City, a special credit database of Zhongshan City has been established to support the comprehensive sharing of credit data across departments and fields, break through data barriers, and realize the interconnection of social data in various fields.

After information interconnection, Zhongshan Public Credit Information Management System collected more than 300 million pieces of credit data from 50 departments, 184 data topics, including about 30 million pieces of enterprise social security, tax payment, provident fund, water, electricity, gas, warehousing and logistics, intellectual property rights, and about 3 million pieces of "double publicity" data of administrative licensing and administrative punishment, More than 500000 pieces of credit commitment information.

"Credit concept, credit system, credit means are deeply integrated with all aspects of optimizing the business environment, and further play the important role of credit in improving the efficiency of resource allocation and reducing institutional transaction costs." Yin Ming said that at present, the city has implemented nearly 400 reform measures to optimize the business environment, in terms of business convenience, resource element support Achieve breakthroughs in government service satisfaction, enterprise rights and interests protection, and make credit a green passport for enterprises.

  Innovative credit application

Serve the real economy

After the social credit system has built its foundation, the next step is to enable credit to achieve innovative applications in different scenarios.

In terms of financing for business entities, credit data is promising.

"The interest rate of the loan is low, and the application can be received on the same day, and the loan can be repaid at the same time, without any service charge." Chen Dexing, the head of Zhongshan Dexingzai Farm, told reporters that his farm plans to expand its planting scale this year, but it is difficult to finance because there is no collateral.

Under the guidance of the bank, Chen Dexing applied for the "Industrial and Commercial Easy Loan" product of Zhongshan Rural Commercial Bank on the comprehensive service platform of Zhongshan Xinyi Loan, and obtained a credit of 134000 yuan on the same day, solving the capital problem. The "Industrial and Commercial Easy Loan" product is based on public credit data, pure credit and unsecured, and can realize rapid credit extension after calculation through the government data model.

It is reported that the comprehensive service platform of Zhongshan Xinyi Loan has government policy financial products zone, characteristic industry zone, first loan service zone, etc., to ease the difficulty and high cost of enterprise financing. By the end of March 2024, more than 100000 enterprises have registered on the platform, 63 financial institutions have settled in, and the platform has granted loans totaling 6.9 billion yuan, effectively enabling enterprise financing.

In terms of reducing the transaction costs of enterprises, Zhongshan City built an electronic guarantee service platform based on the social credit system to solve the problem of payment of enterprise bid bond. "Zhongshan City has explored the establishment of an electronic guarantee service platform 'Xinyebao', which has issued more than 109000 electronic guarantees for enterprises without blacklist records, saving about 26 billion yuan in deposit fees for bidding enterprises. Red listed enterprises can enjoy the preferential policy fee reduction and exemption. At present, the platform has reduced the policy fee of 2.76 million yuan for 1796 red listed enterprises." Yin Ming introduced.

The credit support platform is one of the "skeletons" of Zhongshan's social credit system. Zhongshan City uses this platform to realize the functions of industry data collection, credit evaluation, differential supervision, etc., solve the problem of different levels of industry informatization, initially establish a credit indicator system for individual businesses, and achieve precise supervision.

  Expand coverage

Improve regulatory effectiveness

On the basis of establishing solid social credit data, Zhongshan City strengthened supervision, established a whole process supervision chain of "before, during and after", and constantly improved the efficiency of credit supervision.

"It only took two and a half months from signing the contract to starting the project, and it used to take only six days to complete the workshop construction application procedures that required two months." The project leader of the South Headquarters Base of Sanhua Group said that as a credit incentive subject, enterprises fully felt the credit dividend, handled affairs more quickly, and approved more efficiently.

In the pre event link, Zhongshan used the credit platform to develop a variety of credit commitment templates, such as initiative and openness, approval and substitution, industry self-discipline, and credit repair, and urged relevant departments at all levels to comprehensively promote the notification and commitment system, taking credit commitment as a necessary link for approval, bidding, industry support fund application, and an ex ante constraint mechanism for in-process and post event supervision, Reduce the approval time, so that enterprises do less errands.

In the process, Zhongshan has carried out credit grading and classification supervision in 58 fields, including transportation, construction, food and catering, and taxation.

"Online taxi hailing drivers should provide better services for citizens' travel. If there are dishonest behaviors such as offline price increases and they are listed in the 'black list', 2.5-5 points will be deducted each time; if they participate in public welfare activities such as voluntary services and belong to the 'red list' behavior, 2.5-5 points will be added each time." Xiao Haiping, an online taxi hailing driver, told reporters that once the integrity points are deducted, The platform will suspend the dispatch of orders for 3-5 days. For online taxi hailing drivers with 20 points deducted, the registration of their professional qualifications will be suspended. The Internet travel platform will suspend the dispatch of orders for 30 days or more, which has strong regulatory binding force on the industry.

Xiao Haiping's "Red and Black List of Driver Integrity" is the "Service+Income Integrity Assessment" system implemented by Zhongshan. At present, Zhongshan has signed an online car hailing industry integrity convention with the Internet travel platform in operation to guide drivers to improve service quality and credit level, and win more orders and income through integrity. After the integrity assessment system was put into use, after comprehensive improvement, the number of complaints about the service quality of local taxis decreased by 47%, and the compliance rate of taxis increased from 78% to 97%.

In the reward and punishment link after the event, Zhongshan has built a credit joint reward and punishment application system, which is embedded in the government service network, public resource transaction and other systems, so as to "check every case". Up to now, more than 3000 administrative matters have called the joint reward and punishment query interface and carried out 1.99 million joint reward and punishment checks.

"It is necessary to plant the soil of integrity, cultivate the culture of integrity, constantly improve the awareness of integrity and the level of credit in the whole society, help the construction of the social credit system, and make the credit dividend better benefit thousands of businesses," said Guo Wenhai, Secretary of the CPC Zhongshan Municipal Committee.

(Huang Jingwen participated in the collection and writing)

People's Daily (10 pages on May 24, 2024)

(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Niu Yong)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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