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Focus on the national economic data in April

11.3%! Manufacturing industry presents a good momentum of "high-end intelligent green"

People's Daily Online reporter Yang Xi
09:05, May 22, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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Manufacturing is the lifeblood of the national economy. According to the data recently released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in April, China's manufacturing industry continued to show a good momentum of high-end, intelligent and green development.

Steady progress was made in high-end manufacturing - the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 11.3% year on year, accelerating for six consecutive months;

Accelerated development of intelligent manufacturing - the added value of industries such as intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing and intelligent vehicle equipment manufacturing increased by 39.9% and 39.7% year on year;

Green manufacturing performed well - the output of green energy products such as new energy vehicles, charging piles and solar cells increased by 39.2%, 12.0% and 11.1% year on year respectively.

The reporter observed that recently, from the central to the local, a series of policies and measures to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry are still being released, further stimulating the vitality of the manufacturing industry.

The Guidelines for Improving the Supply Chain Management Level of Manufacturing Enterprises (Trial) jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Commerce proposed that improving the supply chain management level of manufacturing enterprises is a systematic project, which should be guided by the deployment of supply chain strategies from a high starting point, ensure smooth circulation as the bottom line, improve quality and efficiency as the goal, and high-end Intelligent and green path layout.

The Implementation Plan of Yunnan Manufacturing Excellence Quality Project clearly defines the implementation of manufacturing excellence quality project, accelerating the promotion of new industrialization and building a modern industrial system; The Implementation Plan of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renovation and Reconstruction in the Industrial Field focuses on 8 key industries such as metallurgy, nonferrous metals, and chemical industry, and gradually promotes equipment renovation and reconstruction in the industrial field; The Action Plan for the High Quality Development of Luoyang's Manufacturing Industry in 2024 requires the in-depth implementation of the "136" work measures for industrial development and the acceleration of the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.

With the continuous release of policy dividends, enterprise development confidence is also recovering and strengthening.

"In April, market demand continued to recover, enterprise production accelerated, and the manufacturing purchasing managers' index expanded for two consecutive months. Among them, the expected index of production and business activities was 55.2%, which continued to be in a high boom zone, indicating that manufacturing enterprises' confidence in recent market development was generally stable." Liu Aihua, spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 17th.

"Focus on April's National Economic Data" series reports:

The national economy continued to pick up in April

Financial observation: multiple groups of data in April reflected the continued positive trend in the second quarter

Financial observation: China's economic operation continues to recover and is supported

Financial observation: new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises from the rise of social service industry index

Financial observation: the warmth of the beginning continues to release. The industrial economy rebounded in April

Financial observation: the consumer market generally shows a sustained recovery trend

(Editor in charge: Yang Xi, Lv Qian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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