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Go towards "new" | New quality productivity behind "clean" installation

People's Daily Online reporter Yang Xi
09:11, May 17, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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New quality productivity is a new type of productivity that represents new technology, creates new value, adapts to new industries, and reshapes new driving forces. Developing new quality productivity is an important measure to consolidate the material and technological foundation of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. The People's Daily Online launched a series of reports on "Striving for the New", showing the surging vitality inspired by the new quality productivity with an intuitive and vivid picture.

Have you ever basked in the blue sky in your circle of friends?

From 2013 to 2022, China's GDP doubled, but the average concentration of PM2.5 in the air decreased by 57%, and the days of heavy pollution decreased by 93%.

In 2023, the total installed capacity of renewable energy power generation in China will exceed 50%, and the renewable energy power generation will account for about 1/3 of the electricity consumption of the whole society; Nuclear power generation reached 4332.6 kilowatt hours, ranking second in the world; Power generation of the world's largest clean energy corridor exceeds 276 billion kWh

The achievements of the "Blue Sky Defense Campaign" cannot be separated from China's unswerving efforts to promote the green transformation of energy. China is making great strides towards clean energy at an unprecedented speed.

How does the green industry go from following to leading?

Only by mastering key technologies can we grasp the initiative of development.

Take the photovoltaic industry as an example. At first, China's photovoltaic industry was limited by the level of core technology, and its cost remained high. With the rapid development of supporting enterprises in all links of the industrial chain and the continuous breakthrough of key core technologies, the photovoltaic industry has become an independent and controllable strategic emerging industry in China.

"Silicon wafer" is the key basic material of photovoltaic modules. On the "G12 solar single crystal silicon wafer" production line of TCL Central, 210mm large size light and thin silicon wafers cut by high-precision diamond wire can achieve 700w+module power, effectively improve production efficiency and reduce power costs.

At present, China's photovoltaic silicon wafer production has accounted for more than 90% of the global production. According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, in the first quarter of this year, China exported more than 30 billion yuan of photovoltaic products to countries jointly building the "Belt and Road".

China's photovoltaic enterprises are still forging international competitive advantages by constantly seeking technological breakthroughs and promoting high-quality development of the industrial chain.

How to overcome the new energy storage problem?

The scale of new energy power generation is growing rapidly, and the development pace of new energy storage must also keep pace.

The new energy storage has the advantages of short construction period, flexible layout, fast response speed, etc. It can play a variety of functions in power system operation, such as peak shaving, frequency modulation, voltage regulation, etc.

From charging and changing power stations to new energy stations and power grid peak shaving and frequency modulation, new energy storage application scenarios are constantly expanding, which can not be separated from the powerful support of new technologies.

In Maxon's energy storage management system, dynamic monitoring, real-time diagnosis, early warning analysis, operation and maintenance strategy, tracking and feedback and other functions are effectively integrated. This system can not only identify the potential risk of thermal runaway 7-15 days in advance, but also help the energy storage plant to increase its capacity by 3% to 5%.

In 2023, the new installed capacity of new energy storage projects will increase by more than 260% compared with the end of 2022. Driven by national policies and technological R&D innovation, the large-scale development trend of new energy storage in China is gradually emerging.

How can green power benefit more people?

To improve the global accessibility of clean energy, the contributions of Chinese innovation, Chinese manufacturing and Chinese engineering cannot be ignored.

Taking wind power as an example, about 60% of wind power equipment in the global market is produced in China. In 2023, Chinese enterprises will occupy four of the top five wind power machine manufacturers in the world.

Significant cost reduction is a key link in improving the global accessibility of renewable energy. On April 18, the floating wind power platform with the largest single unit capacity in the world, developed and manufactured by Chinese enterprises, officially entered the stage of tower hoisting. The platform has a total capacity of 16.6 MW, and its dual wind turbine design can capture more wind energy, thus reducing the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour.

A broader range of labor objects is the material basis of the new quality productivity. Thanks to scientific and technological innovation, human beings have more advanced means of obtaining material and energy from nature. The modern energy system with lower carbon and multiple resources provides a new green driving force for high-quality economic development.

"Qing" is mounted to the battle field and works towards "Xin". In the future, the "acceleration" of China's green development is worth looking forward to.

Series reports:

Moving towards "new" | New quality productivity behind affordable travel

(Editor in charge: Yang Xi, Gao Lei)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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