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Focus on 2024 China Brand Day

Scientific and technological innovation constantly helps "China's smart manufacturing" move forward steadily

People's Daily Online reporter Xu Weina
May 15, 2024 16:25 | Source: People's Network
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"Now the creativity of AI robots is too strong! It's amazing!" This is the sigh of Shanghai citizen Mr. Zhou after he participated in the 2024 China Brand Day activity.

On May 14, the five-day 2024 China Brand Day event was successfully concluded in the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Hall, during which a continuous stream of visitors came. The reporter observed that China's brand innovation achievements in high-end, green, digital and intelligent fields are endless.

An exhibitor excitedly told the reporter that he had witnessed a wonderful live performance: a humanoid robot danced with the audience with amazing flexibility; A high-precision minimally invasive medical robot can achieve fine operation, through which it seems to be able to see the new future of remote surgery technology; There is also a robot calligrapher who wields his pen like a god, integrating traditional art and modern technology perfectly.

In an interview with reporters, many participants said that this is not only a global brand feast, but also a vivid interpretation of China's accelerating the realization of high-level science and technology self-reliance, highlighting the brand new image and strong strength of Chinese brands.

The reporter noticed that a robot that can quickly restore the third order Rubik's Cube on the scene attracted the attention of many visitors.

It is understood that this "magic cube expert" is a combination of machine vision, trajectory algorithm and other technologies. It can recognize the color arrangement of each face through the visual camera, return the information to the visual system for processing, calculate the optimal path for quickly restoring the magic cube, and then match the color step by step through the cooperative operation of both arms to restore the magic cube.

The field staff said that in recent years, China's robot industry has achieved a magnificent transformation from made in China to created in China, and the depth and breadth of industry applications have been significantly improved. Today, China has occupied an important position in the global industrial robot market, showing strong competitiveness and broad development prospects.

Not only in the robot industry, but also with the growing strength of brands, more and more Chinese brands have begun to actively move towards the international stage, and their international influence is also steadily improving. According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, from the market perspective, China's own brand products have been exported to more than 200 countries and regions in the world, and Chinese brands can be said to be all over the world.

The eye-catching transcript witnesses the growth of Chinese brands. How should Chinese brands continue to upgrade and break out in the next step?

"The next step will be to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, consolidate the leading position of competitive industries, deepen the research on the brand evaluation standard system with Chinese characteristics, and constantly strengthen the policy guarantee for brand development." Wu Hao, Secretary General of the National Development and Reform Commission, revealed at the China Brand Development Conference that the National Development and Reform Commission will launch the research on high-quality brand development during the "15th Five Year Plan" period, Promote brand building to be deeply integrated into national major strategies such as manufacturing power and quality power.

Wu Hao also said that the National Development and Reform Commission will guide and encourage all kinds of brands to actively explore in product innovation, technological innovation, model innovation, etc., accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and actively promote the integration of excellent traditional culture and advanced socialist culture into the whole brand construction cycle. (Intern Zhang Yichi also contributed to this article)

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(Editor in charge: Wang Zhen, Gao Lei)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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