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In 2023, China's express service quality will be improved, and the express business volume will exceed 130 billion pieces

People's Daily Online reporter Qiao Xuefeng
April 8, 2024 13:59 | Source: People's Network
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Express delivery links thousands of cities and industries, connects thousands of households, and connects online and offline. It is an important force to serve production, promote consumption, and smooth circulation, and its contribution to economic and social development is increasingly prominent.

Since the reform and opening up, China's express industry has achieved a historic leap from small to large, opened a new journey from large to strong, and entered a stage of rapid growth. Since the 14th Five Year Plan, China's express delivery market has entered the era of "100 billion pieces", and the development of the express industry has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development.

On April 8, Lin Hu, Director of the Market Supervision Department of the State Post Office, said at the regular press conference in the second quarter of 2024 that in 2023, under the background of high-quality development of the industry, the satisfaction of express service and the punctuality rate of time limit had not only been effectively recovered, but also been greatly improved. Among them, the public satisfaction score of express service and the 72 hour rate of proper delivery have both created the best level in history.

According to Lin Hu, there are four main reasons for the improvement of express service quality in 2023: First, strong demand has driven the improvement of service quality. The super large scale market advantage of China provides a broad space for the development of the express industry. The annual express business volume reached 132 billion, up 19.5% year on year, laying a good foundation for improving service quality.

Second, the industry has made positive progress in ensuring smooth traffic. Take the initiative to find and solve problems, break points and blockage points, and the service will be more unimpeded. After the objective environment for development continues to improve, market players pay more attention to improving infrastructure and improving service capacity and level.

Third, the main market players paid more attention to service quality and made many useful attempts. For example, many enterprises have taken measures such as optimizing transit processing, applying intelligent equipment, increasing rural network investment, promoting green packaging, and upgrading customer service management.

Fourthly, the postal administration department has organized and carried out the action of improving service quality, strengthened the governance of some outstanding problems of service quality, and constantly enhanced the user experience and satisfaction.

The survey data shows that the public satisfaction score of express service in 2023 will be 84.3 points, 0.9 points higher than that in 2022. The satisfaction of the five secondary indicators involved in the evaluation has increased compared with that in 2022.

Among them, the satisfaction scores of acceptance, collection, delivery, after-sales and information links were 89.5, 88.7, 85.3, 76.3 and 84.5 respectively, up 0.4, 0.4, 0.9, 1.8 and 0.8 points year on year. Among the 50 cities, Beijing, Qingdao, Shenyang, Jinan, Tianjin, Luohe, Zhengzhou, Ezhou, Taiyuan, Dongguan, Suzhou, Wenzhou, Shijiazhuang, Xiamen and Yinchuan ranked the top 15 in terms of public satisfaction with express service.

The time limit test results show that in 2023, the overall time limit of express service in key regions of China will be 56.42 hours, 2.40 hours shorter than that of the previous year. The 72 hour due rate was 80.97%, up 3.15 percentage points year on year. From the point of view of links, the average time limit for processing links at the place of departure is 7.60 hours, 0.04 hours longer than that of the previous year; The average time limit for transportation is 35.51 hours, 1.32 hours shorter than that of the previous year; The average processing time at the destination was 10.08 hours, 0.68 hours shorter than that of the previous year; The average time limit for delivery is 3.24 hours, which is 0.43 hours shorter than that of the previous year (some data are rounded).

Lin Hu said that the improvement of service quality is a long-term and systematic project, and express enterprises need to further strengthen their work in four aspects: first, effectively improve the service capacity in rural areas, including the upgrading and transformation of processing equipment, the improvement of service network layout, and the continuous strengthening of terminal capacity.

The second is to optimize product supply, more accurately match station delivery, box delivery and door-to-door delivery to users to meet diversified needs.

The third is to continuously improve the performance level, especially to strengthen the unified management of the service quality of the whole network of the express brand headquarters, build a strong brand awareness and integrity concept, and make users feel more trustworthy.

The fourth is to promote the coordinated development of e-commerce and express delivery, improve business processes, and e-commerce can provide delivery options when placing orders, which can improve the efficiency of delivery.

(Editor in charge: Wang Renhong, Gao Lei)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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