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Steady supply, smooth flow, and various measures taken to help ensure energy supply

Wang Shaoshao
February 23, 2024 17:41 | Source: People's Network
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Recently, many places across the country have suffered from a wide range of continuous rain, snow and freezing weather. In order to ensure the safety and stability of power coal supply channels, scientific dispatching and emergency supply increase have been carried out to provide a solid guarantee for energy supply.

On the railway line, a series of "coal dragons" are ready to leave. Harbin, Jinan, Zhengzhou and other railway bureaus have opened a green channel to ensure the supply of electricity coal trains for priority dispatching, improve the efficiency of truck evacuation and unloading, coordinate the supply and demand sides, make transportation plans and arrangements, and ensure that electricity coal can be unloaded without backlog.

In the Xinjiang China Coal Production Base, workers focus on key areas and key equipment, do a good job in equipment antifreeze maintenance, coal production, loading and outward transportation, strengthen emergency rescue plan drills and emergency knowledge training, and fully guarantee the coal consumption of power plants and people's livelihood. Shanghai Yangshan, Guangxi Beihai and other maritime bureaus have made every effort to ensure the smooth access of important energy on the water to land. Through emergency cruise, they have ensured the efficiency of buoys, light stakes and other energy channels, and organically combined remote monitoring and tugboat on-site escort to ensure the timely arrival and unloading of energy supply ships.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the whole country produced 4.66 billion tons of raw coal last year, up 2.9% year on year, hitting a new high for three consecutive years.

In order to ensure the stable supply of thermal power, relevant departments improved the coal price mechanism and further played the role of coal as a "ballast" in the energy structure. The National Development and Reform Commission has previously issued the Implementation Opinions on the Establishment of Coal Mine Capacity Reserve System (Draft for Comments) to coordinate the construction of five major coal supply guarantee bases in Shanxi, western Inner Mongolia, eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi and Xinjiang, optimize capacity reserve coal mines, and improve supply elasticity and resilience.

"It is very important to ensure stable and sufficient energy supply. Relevant departments should pay close attention to the energy supply and demand situation, strengthen the supply and demand early warning and research, strengthen the production and dispatching of coal, natural gas, electricity and other energy, ensure the safety and stability of coal, natural gas and other production and safe and smooth transportation channels, improve the supply capacity of coal, electricity, oil and gas, and ensure the stable supply of coal, electricity, oil and gas and the safe operation of the power grid." Industry experts said.

In the face of the cold wave, the power department launched the emergency plan, increased patrol efforts, organized emergency repair teams, and fully guaranteed the power supply. The power grids around the country used scientific and technological means to "increase safety and efficiency" for the power supply system.

China Southern Power Grid launched the big data analysis and artificial intelligence application system for natural icing of China Southern Power Grid to provide information reference for anti icing decision-making; State Grid Baoji Power Supply Company has used technology such as "UAV+robot X-ray flaw detection" live detection to "film" key parts of the transmission line, improve the efficiency of line inspection, operation and maintenance, and ensure the smooth operation of the power grid.

Under the influence of a new round of cold wave, the Qinling Mountains hinterland was covered with ice and snow. On February 23, the State Grid Shaanxi Ultra High Voltage Company organized a special inspection tour for line anti icing. The operation and maintenance personnel used the three-dimensional inspection mode of "UAV+manual+online monitoring" to focus on observation of poles and towers in the heavy ice area to ensure the safe and reliable operation of ultra-high voltage lines.

In response to this round of snowfall, Beijing Electric Power Department launched an emergency early warning response and deployed more than 8000 power security personnel to inspect the temperature of key transformer and distribution stations and transmission lines.

Recently, Shexian County, Handan City, Hebei Province witnessed a wide range of snowfall and cooling weather, and some transmission line poles and towers were covered with snow. The local power department has arranged 12 emergency repair teams with more than 140 people to carry out special patrol and inspection on important transmission corridors and stations by using the "online monitoring+UAV" method, and carry out snow removal work.

The relevant person in charge of the Political Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission said that in the next step, we will closely follow the trend of extreme weather changes, organize major energy enterprises to prepare emergency peak shaving resources in advance, strengthen the safe operation of the power grid and disaster repair, and implement the plans for fine power load management and emergency supply guarantee of natural gas.

"We should continue to enhance energy production and supply capacity, improve the level of independent security, base on China's resource endowment, and comprehensively promote the orderly replacement of old and new energy." The relevant head of the National Energy Administration said that we should give full play to the role of fossil energy as a guarantee, strengthen clean and efficient use, and improve the support and regulation of low-carbon energy transformation.

(Editor in charge: Sun Hongli, Gao Lei)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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