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Micro observation of China's economy

Bao Shujun: The next golden decade of jointly building the "Belt and Road"

People's Daily Online reporter Xu Weina
December 5, 2023 16:50 | Source: People's Network
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When the column is opened:

Since this year, China's economy has withstood the downward pressure caused by the combination of external risks and challenges and multiple domestic factors, and its growth has stabilized and recovered. The fundamentals of the long-term improvement of China's economy have not changed, and the prospects for development are bright.

A correct understanding of the current economic situation is the basis for our solid economic work. What do you think and do about China's economy at the end of the year? The People's Daily Online and the Political Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission jointly launched a series of micro interview columns of "Micro observation of China's economy and expert talk", focusing on hot issues, showing the highlights and trends of China's economy, and feeling the resilience and vitality of China's economy.

Recently, the Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Construction of the "Belt and Road" released the "Vision and Action for Firmly Promoting the High quality Development of the" Belt and Road ", Deepening and Realizing the Development Prospects of the" Belt and Road "in the Next Ten Years", and studied and proposed the vision ideas and practical action measures for the high-quality construction of the "Belt and Road" in the next ten years.

Next, how can the Belt and Road Initiative guide economic globalization towards a more balanced and win-win direction? Recently, Bao Shujun, director of the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission and researcher of the International Liaison Office, said in the column "Micro observation of China's economy" that the achievements of the decade of co building the "Belt and Road" can be sorted out from multiple dimensions, and the most intuitive achievements are reflected in the "five links":

In terms of policy communication, China has signed more than 230 cooperation documents on jointly building the "Belt and Road" with more than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations. In terms of facility connectivity, the China Europe regular train runs through Europe and Asia, with 86 operating lines laid, reaching more than 200 cities in 25 European countries. In terms of unimpeded trade, from 2013 to 2022, the total import and export volume of China and the co construction countries will reach 19.1 trillion US dollars, and the two-way investment will exceed 380 billion US dollars. In terms of financing, as of the end of June this year, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank launched by China has raised 43.6 billion US dollars in total. In terms of people to people connections, China has created a number of "small and beautiful" livelihood projects, and has cooperated with more than 20 co construction countries to build a number of "Luban workshops" and so on.

Bao Shujun said that as a long-term, large-scale and systematic project, the first decade of co building the "Belt and Road" is only a prelude. In order to achieve high-quality development, more attention should be paid to the following aspects in the future, and three overall plans should be made:

First, we need to balance stock and increment, and promote high-quality development of cooperation in all fields. On the one hand, optimize the stock, on the other hand, increase the development efforts and increase the amount.

"The hard won achievements of the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' in the past 10 years are a strong foundation for deepening the high-quality development of the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road'. We should continue to work hard to consolidate the basic foundation of cooperation." Bao Shujun stressed that we should not only focus on adjusting inventory, building and operating inventory projects, but also focus on improving and strengthening incremental projects, and promote the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' We should adapt to the new requirements of stronger, green and healthy global development, steadily carry out cooperation in new fields such as green, health, digital and innovation, and cultivate new growth points of cooperation.

Second, we should coordinate domestic and international efforts to achieve the vision and goal of high-quality development.

"Jointly building the 'Belt and Road' is a major international cooperation initiative, as well as an important international public product. In addition, it is also the overall plan for China's opening up and cooperation with the outside world. It can be said that its focus is abroad, but its foundation is at home." Bao Shujun suggested that in the future, we should make full use of the two markets To strengthen the supply of resources and technology in the domestic macro cycle and promote the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road", we should make full use of the two markets and resources, strengthen the supply of resources and technology in the domestic macro cycle, improve the efficiency of the dual cycle and the ability to allocate factors, and provide support for the new development pattern.

Third, we should make a good overall plan and focus to ensure that cooperation projects achieve high-quality results.

With the expansion of the "circle of friends" for the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and the increasing number of overseas projects, China has successfully created a number of landmark projects.

Bao Shujun further suggested that in the future, the demonstration and leading role of these key regions, key fields and key projects should be continuously improved, and the projects should be actively promoted to achieve good economic benefits, so as to better promote the economic development and livelihood employment of the host country. At the same time, the "small and beautiful" project will be taken as the priority of foreign cooperation to form more grounded and popular cooperation results.

(Editor in charge: Sun Hongli, Gao Lei)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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