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Financial services "tailoring" precise measures to make "small medlar" a "big industry"

Du Yanfei, reporter of People's Daily Online
November 29, 2023 15:02 | Source: People's Network
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"The Yellow River is rich in Ningxia, and the Chinese wolfberry in Zhongning is the best in the world". As one of the "six special" industries in Ningxia, Zhongning County regards the development of wolfberry industry as a project to enrich the people in the overall revitalization of the countryside. So far, the comprehensive output value of the county's wolfberry industry has exceeded 13 billion yuan, and the regional brand value has exceeded 19.8 billion yuan. The income of farmers from the wolfberry industry in the county accounts for more than 1/3 of the per capita disposable income.

Small red fruits have great energy. What role does finance play as the lifeblood of the real economy behind the prosperity of Zhongning wolfberry industry? Recently, the reporter of People's Daily Online followed the research team of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration to visit the frontline of the Chinese wolfberry industry in Zhongning to explore the story of Xiaoxiaohong wolfberry turning into "wolfberry red" for enriching the people.

"Since this year, the Zhongwei Branch of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration has solidly carried out the second batch of thematic education, guided financial institutions to innovate wolfberry financial products, optimize financial services, increased the credit supply and insurance protection of the wolfberry industry, fully supported the optimization and strengthening of the wolfberry industry, and helped the 'Zhongning wolfberry' brand advantage improve quality and efficiency." In the interview, Liu Xuehua, deputy director of the Zhongwei Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, said.

Increase product innovation to solve the financing problem of medlar industry

In early winter, the picking season of Chinese wolfberry has passed, but the workshop of Xizan Manor Chinese wolfberry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xizan Manor), located in Hongliugou small production area of Chinese wolfberry in Zhongning, is still busy, and the staff are busy with the further processing and packaging of Chinese wolfberry.

 The staff is packaging the bottled lycium barbarum raw pulp products. Photographed by Du Yanfei, reporter of People's Daily Online

The staff is packaging the bottled lycium barbarum raw pulp products. Photographed by Du Yanfei, reporter of People's Daily Online

In July and August of each year, lycium barbarum enters the picking period, and Xizan Manor also ushers in a busy labor season. "When there were more than 2000 people picking in the manor, the monthly income of a picker was about 6000 yuan. Since most of the pickers were farmers from other places, all the picking fees required cash settlement, which brought us great financial pressure." Zhang Shuyan, head of the market department of Xizan Manor, said that in June 2022, the picking season of medlar was coming, Xizan Manor still has a 10 million yuan picking fee gap that cannot be solved. Ten thousand mu of Chinese wolfberries in the field will not be picked on time and face huge losses.

"During our visit, we learned that the newly built plant in Xizan Manor has been used, and the mortgage loan cannot be handled because the real estate ownership certificate cannot be handled. However, the 520000 mu of wolfberry land in Xizan Manor has been handled with the land use certificate, and has not been mortgaged for the time being. We innovated the way of guarantee, and handled a mortgage loan of 10 million yuan for its agricultural land use right, which solved the urgent need of the enterprise." The relevant person in charge of Shizuishan Bank Zhongning Sub branch said.

According to Liu Xuehua, in order to solve the financing problem, in recent years, the Central Guard Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration has guided the banks and insurance institutions in its jurisdiction to provide financial services covering the whole industry chain in terms of seedling raising, planting, acquisition, processing and sales, and continue to innovate financial products that meet the characteristics of the lycium industry. At present, there are more than 60 kinds of financial products applicable to lycium barbarum industry. For example, the Zhongning Qingyin Rural Bank launched the pledge service of accounts receivable for business entities lacking collateral; Zhongning Sub branch of Shizuishan Bank launched the online pure credit loan variety of "Lycium Zun Credit", which is borrowing and repaying at the same time and recycling, effectively solving the short-term working capital financing problem of small and micro enterprises and individual businesses in fields such as Lycium planting and circulation.

At the same time, the Zhongwei Branch of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, together with the local financial bureaus, carried out the "six rights" reform to support the supervision of key characteristic industries, and promoted the confirmation and mortgage of Lycium barbarum forest rights.

"Under the guidance of the policy, we launched the first forest right mortgage loan of 10 million yuan for Zaokang Lycium barbarum in Ningxia in the form of forest right and forest land mortgage guarantee; innovatively adopted the mortgage guarantee method of 'garden land+aboveground biological assets', and launched the forest right mortgage guarantee of 10 million yuan for Xizan Manor, effectively supporting the development of Lycium barbarum industry." The relevant person in charge of Agricultural Bank of China, Zhongning County Sub branch, said.

Power supply chain finance to provide whole industry chain services for lycium barbarum

Entering the largest medlar trading market in China - Zhongning International Medlar Trading Center, the reporter saw that many foreign buyers were purchasing medlar in front of their stalls. At the booth of Zhongning Xiangpeng Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the platform company), a banner reading "Zhongning Qingyin Village Bank's' Easy Loan 'Cooperation Platform" was particularly eye-catching.

 The purchaser purchases medlar in Zhongning International Medlar Trading Center. Photographed by Du Yanfei, reporter of People's Daily Online

The purchaser purchases medlar in Zhongning International Medlar Trading Center. Photographed by Du Yanfei, reporter of People's Daily Online

"In view of the fact that Lycium barbarum traffickers have a large sales volume, a strong demand for funds, a high frequency of fund use, and no effective asset collateral, we have developed a 'barter loan' loan product, signed a 'barter loan' guarantee cooperation agreement with the platform company, who will recommend its upstream customers, and the bank will issue a 'barter loan' guarantee loan to this customer, which alleviates the liquidity of Lycium barbarum acquisition and trafficking The problem of financial loans has achieved a win-win situation for traffickers, platform enterprises and banks. " Zhang Lifeng, Vice President of Ningxia Zhongning Qingyin Rural Bank, told the People's Daily Online that the loan product has supported Ninganbao, Zaokang Lycium, Yongshoutang Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qixiang Biology, Hongyunhang Biological Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Ning'an Color Printing and other county agriculture related enterprises in the way of taking Lycium barbarum raw materials or finished products as collateral, mutual insurance of industrial chain enterprises, etc Financing needs for deep processing and research and development.

"In the peak trading season, Chinese wolfberry vendors sell a lot and are eager to use money. With the product of" easy to borrow ", our company's cooperative customers can get loans within a few days, which solves their financial problems. It is too timely." Zhang Tianbao, the head of the platform company, said.

This is just a microcosm of supply chain finance launched by financial institutions. "We jointly issued the Implementation Opinions on Boosting Financial Support for the Development of the Supply Chain of the Chinese Wolfberry Industry, guiding banking institutions to focus on key enterprises, especially leading enterprise customers, flexibly use the financial model of the Chinese Wolfberry industry supply chain, develop its upstream and downstream customers, provide all-round credit support for the Chinese Wolfberry industry, and ease the financing difficulties of business entities," said Liu Xuehua.

Under the guidance of policies, many banking institutions have increased the innovation of financial products and services to solve the problem of large short-term liquidity demand and lack of effective collateral for business entities such as wolfberry acquisition, trafficking and processing. "We launched supply chain financial products such as' factoring e-finance 'and' e-Alipay 'to tap the financing potential of core enterprises' upstream and downstream small and micro customers. Relying on core enterprises, we established supply chain business circles and extended the financing industry chain through purchase orders, sales orders, etc. of core enterprises and upstream and downstream enterprises, so as to add support to the coordinated development of the industry chain of lycium barbarum." The relevant person in charge of Agricultural Bank of China Zhongning County Branch said.

Optimize insurance guarantee and improve the sustainable development ability of lycium barbarum industry

As an economic "shock absorber" and social "stabilizer", the insurance industry plays an important role in helping rural revitalization and promoting high-quality economic and social development.

 Lycium barbarum park is located in Hongliugou small production area of Zhongning Lycium barbarum. Photographed by Du Yanfei, reporter of People's Daily Online

Lycium barbarum park is located in Hongliugou small production area of Zhongning Lycium barbarum. Photographed by Du Yanfei, reporter of People's Daily Online

Liu Xuehua said that in recent years, the Zhongwei Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration continued to guide insurance institutions to build a "double guarantee" mechanism for output and price, and escorted the high-quality development of the lycium industry. By the end of October this year, 165900 mu of policy insurance had been underwritten within the jurisdiction, providing risk protection of 3319.45 million yuan; Price insurance covers 17700 mu, providing risk protection of 99 million yuan; 258 insurance deals were handled for the picking workers, providing risk protection of 376 million yuan; It provided 889 million yuan of risk guarantee for cargo transportation.

"In recent years, the Chinese wolfberry industry in Zhongwei has been damaged to varying degrees due to storms, rainstorm, floods and other disasters." The relevant person in charge of PICC Property Insurance Zhongwei Branch said that in 2023, the company will underwrite a total of 138000 mu of policy oriented Chinese wolfberry insurance, providing risk protection of 276 million yuan for 3605 Chinese wolfberry growers in Zhongwei. As of November 2023, 15.18 million yuan has been compensated, and 3605 beneficiaries have benefited.

Ping An Property&Casualty Zhongning Branch launched additional insurance services by using scientific and technological means, developed the "Zhongning Lycium Barbarum Big Data Platform", on which users can keep abreast of the growth of Lycium Barbarum and weather changes, and conduct real-time monitoring of pests and diseases; Research and develop the dynamic QR code of Chinese wolfberry traceability to prevent fake and inferior products from flooding the market and protect the brand benefit of "Zhongning Chinese wolfberry"; In combination with the development reality of the characteristic advantageous agricultural industry of Chinese wolfberry in Zhongning County, the first price insurance and full cost insurance policy of Chinese wolfberry in Ningxia will be signed in August 2021, providing a total of 148.07 million yuan of risk protection for 24400 mu of Chinese wolfberry, of which 5.36 million yuan has been paid by the price insurance of Chinese wolfberry, further meeting the diversified risk protection needs of farmers.

"Next, we encourage insurance institutions to strive for relevant financial subsidies, guide farmers to participate fully, and escort high-quality development of wolfberry industry; Promote insurance institutions to provide diversified insurance products, innovate, develop and promote property insurance, freight insurance, price insurance and other products with more comprehensive guarantees and lower premiums, improve the risk resistance of the wolfberry industry, create a "package" insurance product system covering risks such as industry, accident and credit, and increase the credit risk of enterprises and farmers, It helps the operation of the whole industry chain of lycium barbarum to achieve storage security, transportation security and transaction security. " Liu Xuehua said.

(Editor in charge: Luo Zhizhi, Lv Qian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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