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Draw a magnificent picture of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization (comprehensively promoting rural revitalization)

Our reporter Gu Zhongyang, Wang Hao, Chang Qin
October 27, 2023 06:18 | Source: People's Daily
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In autumn, Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province is busy enjoying the sunshine in autumn. The newly harvested red pepper and yellow corn, together with the white walls and black tiles, blue sky and white clouds in the village, create a beautiful and colorful picture.

Zijing Village, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, is very popular. Tourists who come here to experience making and playing bamboo flutes come in batches. The bamboo flute plays the music of enriching the people. Last year, the annual output value of the bamboo flute industry in the village was 340 million yuan, and the per capita annual income of the villagers reached 53000 yuan.

On October 11, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shimen Natural Village, Wangcun Village, Qiukou Town, Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province, he kindly said to the villagers: "Chinese modernization requires both urban modernization and agricultural and rural modernization. I am very concerned about rural revitalization."

To revive the nation, the countryside must be revitalized. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward for the first time the strategy of rural revitalization, which is "prosperous industry, livable ecology, civilized rural style, effective governance, and prosperous life". 20 words outline the beautiful picture of the future countryside. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, emphasizing the need to "accelerate the construction of a powerful agricultural country, and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations".

General Secretary Xi Jinping thinks highly of rural revitalization. On the first domestic investigation after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, and stressed that "comprehensively promote rural revitalization, implement the policy of enriching the people one by one, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and make the life of fellow villagers more and more prosperous". In May this year, when listening to the work report of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Shaanxi Provincial Government, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized "broadening the channels for farmers to increase income and become rich". In June this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping instructed "to promote high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry" when he visited Inner Mongolia. In September this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should always put the guarantee of national food security first" when hosting the New Era Forum to Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Northeast China in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province

All regions and departments have turned earnest advice into firm action, anchored the goal of building a powerful agricultural country, comprehensively promoted rural revitalization, farmers' income continued to grow, rural conditions have significantly improved, agricultural and rural modernization has reached a new level, and the fields of hope are thriving. On the new journey, the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization has taken a vigorous step, providing strong support for high-quality development in the first year.

Adhere to the principle of industry, quality and green agriculture, and build agriculture into a big industry

Industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization.

During his visit to Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should firmly hold the bottom line of food security, promote agricultural industrialization, and promote the integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas", "we should promote agriculture through industry, quality, and green development, and build agriculture into a big industry".

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of rural industries. In April this year, at the Litchi Garden in Baiqiao Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province, the General Secretary stressed that "the development of characteristic industries is an important way to achieve rural revitalization, and efforts should be made to do a good job in the article of 'local products', so as to promote the overall revitalization of the countryside through industrial revitalization." In September this year, in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, the General Secretary pointed out that, "We should do a good job in brand, improve quality, extend the industrial chain, enhance the competitiveness of the industrial market and comprehensive benefits, and drive more villagers to become rich together."

To be strong, China must be strong in agriculture. Since this year, all regions and departments have vigorously promoted the revitalization of rural industries, improved grain production capacity, strengthened the leading role, supplemented the chain, developed the industry, and established the brand to promote high-quality and efficient agricultural development.

——Build a "big granary" and consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way.

In the fields of Xiaolongma Township, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province, corn harvesters, balers and seeders took turns to fight, and the autumn harvest and sowing were pushed forward. "With the help of large agricultural machinery, new technology has been put into practice, and the field management is not lax, this year's corn yield has increased by nearly 100 jin compared with last year." Wang Yafei, the farmer of Cuiye Family, worked hard.

We should firmly hold the initiative of food security. Since this year, all regions and departments have strictly implemented the responsibility of the party and the government for food security, stabilized the area, increased the yield per unit area, and increased efficiency, and put the strategy of storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology on the field. China has built up a total of 1 billion mu of high standard farmland with drought and flood protection, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest has exceeded 73%. This year's summer grain output reached 292.3 billion jin, the second highest in history. At present, 80% of the autumn grain harvest has passed, and a bumper harvest is in sight.

——We will optimize "local specialties" and accelerate the upgrading of the whole chain of rural industries.

The lush fruit forest stretches along the mountain, and the cold chain car is driving on the Panshan Road. The crisp plum in Quanfa Village, Quchi Township, Wushan County, Chongqing ushers in the harvest season. "Crispy Li went to supermarkets by refrigerator and plane, and the logistics cost was reduced by 10%. High quality fruit was sold at more than 15 yuan per kilogram, and the income rose by a large margin," said Sun Zuyong, secretary of the village party branch. With 222 villages in Wushan County, Wushan Crisp has become the "fruit of wealth" for more than 200000 farmers.

Luochuan Apple, Gannan Navel Orange, Zhashui Auricularia auricula...... Relying on characteristic resources, all regions have made great efforts to do a good job in the big article of "local specialty", upgrading the whole chain of rural industry, and adding value in the whole process. Up to now, 180 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters have been built in China, with the output value of the whole industrial chain exceeding 4.6 trillion yuan, radiating and driving more than 10 million farmers. 300 modern agricultural industrial parks, 1509 strong towns in agricultural industry, 1952 national key leading enterprises have strongly driven the improvement of quality and efficiency of rural industries.

——Play a good "quality card" to promote high-quality and efficient agricultural development.

"It's organic fertilizer and mountain spring water. The rice is fragrant and of good quality. This year, 12 mu of terraced rice was planted, and the yield per mu reached 1000 jin. The purchase price per jin was much higher than that of ordinary rice." Zou Xunping, a villager in Zhuxi Village, Zhutian Town, Suichuan County, Jiangxi Province, was particularly pleased with the harvest of rice. Suichuan County relies on its ecological advantages to build a green, ecological and organic rice planting base, and the sign of "terraced ecological rice" is becoming brighter and brighter.

Since this year, all regions and departments have adhered to the principle of focusing on quantity and quality together and on production ecology together to accelerate the overall green transformation of agriculture. The amount of agricultural chemical fertilizer used nationwide has kept a downward trend for seven consecutive years. The supply of green and high-quality agricultural products has continued to increase. The total number of effective standard products for green food and organic agricultural products has exceeded 60000.

  Make the countryside more beautiful, and make the days happier and happier

It is an important part of building a powerful agricultural country to live, work and beautiful countryside.

On October 11, in Shimen Natural Village, Wangcun Village, Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping told us that "beautiful natural environment itself is a high-quality resource for rural revitalization" and "to build a more beautiful countryside and make life happier and happier".

If China wants beauty, the countryside must be beautiful. All regions and departments have solidly carried out rural construction activities to build livable, employable and beautiful villages, and more and more villagers are living a happy pastoral life.

——Guarding green waters and mountains, the environment is more beautiful and comfortable.

In Sunjiagang Village, Qixingtai Town, Zhijiang City, Hubei Province, sewage treatment, sludge removal, building an ecological park, taking the road of integrated development of agriculture and tourism, "Longxugou" has become a scenic spot. The water is beautiful and the countryside has new scenery. The villagers' "traveling meals" are more and more delicious.

The mountain becomes green, the water becomes clear, and the village becomes more beautiful. This year, the central government allocated 7.4 billion yuan to implement awards and subsidies for the whole village of toilet revolution, allocated 3 billion yuan of central budget investment to support the construction of rural residential environment infrastructure, and promoted the treatment of rural domestic sewage and garbage as a whole, making each village more attractive.

——We will improve infrastructure and make rural areas more livable and employable.

"When there is water, there is enough water and less scale," said Ding Jin'e, a villager in Caizhang Village, Shangtang Town, Qingyun County, Shandong Province. Stabilizing water sources, laying water pipes and improving water quality, the rural tap water penetration rate of the whole county has reached 100%, and the urban and rural water supply integration rate has reached 100%.

Looking at the whole country, the rural infrastructure is gradually improved, the tap water penetration rate is close to 88%, and the passenger car access rate in towns and villages and villages with an organizational system is 99.8% and 99.7% respectively. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has guided all regions to prepare a rural construction task list, promoted the establishment of a rural construction project library at the county level, and constantly improved and upgraded rural water, electricity, gas and other infrastructure.

——We will optimize public services and live a happier and more comfortable life.

"The nursing home has an activity place, a medical room, three dishes and one soup for lunch, which makes life very comfortable," said Xie Shichang, an old man living in the nursing home in Lingbei Town, Yudu County, Jiangxi Province. Yudu County has improved the construction of the elderly care service system and continuously enriched the elderly's life in their later years.

Public services are more convenient. China has accelerated the construction of a three-level elderly care service network in counties and villages, and the construction of a compact county medical community has been fully promoted. By the end of last year, the proportion of full-time teachers with bachelor's degree or above in rural compulsory education reached 76.01%, up 3.78 percentage points over the previous year.

  Rich in life and spirit, farmers share the fruits of reform and development

Living well is an essential part of rural revitalization.

During his visit to Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, relying more on industrial development, and constantly enhancing the endogenous development momentum" "ensuring that the people in the old areas share the achievements of reform and development, and live a happy life, is the bottom line task to promote the common prosperity of all people".

To be rich in China, farmers must be rich. Since this year, all regions and departments have continued to increase efforts to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers and enrich farmers, do everything possible to broaden the channels for farmers to increase income and become rich, and constantly enrich the spiritual and cultural life of villagers.

——Keep the bottom line and consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation.

Help keep shifting and work hard. Since Li Qinghua, the first secretary of Xiangquan Village, Chengxiang Town, Nanning City, Guangxi Province, stayed in the village, he has been busy inviting experts and running the market, so that the planting of green papaya, a new industry in the village, has gradually become large-scale. "New industries bring good income, and the days are getting better and better," said Li Zhangnian, a poverty alleviation household.

Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation is the bottom line task of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. To expand industries, stabilize employment, and provide targeted assistance, each poverty alleviation county in China has formed two to three characteristic leading industries. By the end of July, 32.74 million people across the country were working as migrant workers, with the goal of more than 30 million people. About 64% of the monitoring objects nationwide have eliminated the risk of returning to poverty, and the rest have also implemented corresponding assistance measures, without large-scale returning to poverty.

——Rich pockets, constantly expand the channels for farmers to increase income.

"A piece of land has both rent and salary. It can earn more than 2000 yuan per month. It's a promising day for families to earn money," said Liu Dongfang, a villager in Wuba Village, Erlang Township, Cheng County, Gansu Province. Through the industrial development model of "Party branch+company (base)+farmer", the village has tightly "chained" villagers to characteristic industries, and driven more than 450 local workers to increase their income.

Work with energy and live with ambition. In the first half of this year, 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 40 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, and 200 strong towns of agricultural industry were built nationwide, and more farmers developed industries at home to stabilize employment. The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 10551 yuan, an increase of 7.2% in real terms, 2.5 percentage points higher than that of urban residents.

——Rich brain, constantly improve the spirit of farmers.

In the rural bookstore in Nanlaozhuang Village, Pandian Town, Fengqiu County, Henan Province, rows of books are neatly placed. Wang Fusheng, the director of the village committee, said, "The rural bookstore has become a 'cultural granary' for villagers. Many villagers come to look up information and learn technology. Children come here to do homework and read storybooks."

At present, all administrative villages in the country have rural bookstores, electronic reading rooms and cultural activity rooms. All regions and departments have constantly improved the public cultural system, and vigorously cultivated a civilized rural style, good family style, and simple folk customs. The cultural life of farmers has become more colorful, and the spirit of farmers has taken on a new look.

The potential for rural revitalization is boundless and promising. Strive for a new journey, let's unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, earnestly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, roll up our sleeves and work hard, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, accelerate the construction of a powerful agricultural country, and jointly build more and more beautiful villages that are suitable for living and working.

People's Daily (October 27, 2023, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Wei Jia, Bai Yu)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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