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When China's smart manufacturing meets Hangzhou Asian Games, the high-quality development of Chinese brands accelerates again

People's Daily Online reporter Che Kemeng
09:34, September 17, 2023 | Source: People's Network
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They are the builders and volunteers of the Hangzhou Asian Games... they are the athletes and coaches of the Asian Games... they are the witnesses and participants of the development of Chinese sports... The Asian Games brings their love stories with the Asian Games and Chinese sports.

56 competition venues have been fully completed, and all preparations have been basically completed... At present, the torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games is being passed online and offline in turn, and a green and wonderful Asian Games is ready to start.

On September 16, Wang Jiazhong, president of global marketing and service of Yadi Technology Group, participated in the Asian Games torch relay in Lishui, Zhejiang Province. "The 100 meter journey has made me feel the spirit of struggle and unparalleled glory. The development of national enterprises is also a run. Yadi has run for 25 years. This torch relay has further deepened our sense of mission and responsibility for future development." Recently, Wang Jiazhong said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from People's Daily Online.

 Wang Jiazhong, president of global marketing and service of Yadi Technology Group, participated in the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games. Photograph provided by respondents

Wang Jiazhong, president of global marketing and service of Yadi Technology Group, participated in the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games. Photograph provided by respondents

The operation and travel guarantee in the competition venues is also an important part of the smooth convening of the Asian Games. It is understood that in May this year, Yadi provided the official designated electric vehicle of the Asian Games Yadi Guanneng Modern to the main venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games for daily operation and travel maintenance in the venue. When China's smart manufacturing meets the Hangzhou Asian Games, the high-quality development of Chinese brands accelerates again.

Accelerate technological innovation   Grasp the "green opportunity"

In order to deeply implement the "double carbon" goal and practice the concept of green hosting, this Hangzhou Asian Games proposed the goal of building the first carbon neutral Asian Games.

"Our green and smart travel plan is highly consistent with the idea of hosting the Hangzhou Asian Games." Wang Jiazhong said that in response to the national call for "double carbon", Yadi has always taken energy conservation and emission reduction as its development responsibility. In 2022, Yadi successively won the industry's first "carbon footprint" certificate and "product carbon label evaluation" certificate. Behind this, it is inseparable from Yadi's continuous innovation of key technologies in the electric two wheeled vehicle industry.

"Technological innovation is the key to 'green opportunities'." In Wang's view, as a representative brand of Chinese intelligent manufacturing, Yadi has the responsibility to carry the banner of core technological innovation.

"Like our self-developed TTFAR graphene battery, a 100 member team has achieved an increase of about 30% in the capacity of BYD's ordinary lead-acid battery under the same volume after eight years of research and development, and users can run more miles. Moreover, we have adopted 36 national core patents, making the service life of graphene batteries three times longer than that of BYD ordinary lead-acid batteries. So far, our cumulative sales of graphene batteries have exceeded 60 million. " Wang Jiazhong said.

Adhere to technological innovation and grasp the "green" opportunities. According to Wang Jiazhong, under the background of national support for industrial innovation, after years of research and development, Yadi has realized the new energy industry layout of graphene lead-acid battery, carbon fiber lithium battery and sodium ion battery. On this basis, Yadi started to innovate in energy efficiency utilization from 2020, launched and continuously upgraded its own TTFAR range extension system, and applied it in large quantities on the Guanneng series of products. Since its launch, Yadi has sold more than 15 million vehicles, further helping energy conservation and emission reduction.

Insight into market demand   Leading Chinese brands to "go to sea"

The main venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games, "Big Lotus", has a total floor area of 229000 square meters. Yadi Guanneng Modern, which is used for the daily operation and travel maintenance in the venue, not only provides convenient and green travel solutions for the Asian Games staff, but also shows the charm of Chinese brands and Chinese intelligence to the world.

"Our appearance on the international stage is an important part of our high-quality sailing." In the eyes of Wang's family, from this Hangzhou Asian Games to the Milan Exhibition, CES Exhibition and many other international events before, we can see the figure of its electric vehicles. Through these ways, Yadi is also continuously improving its international popularity and influence.

 Wang Jiazhong, president of global marketing and service of Yadi Technology Group, was interviewed by Photographed by Yu Kai, reporter of People's Daily Online

Wang Jiazhong, president of global marketing and service of Yadi Technology Group, was interviewed by Photographed by Yu Kai, reporter of People's Daily Online

It is reported that Yadi products have been exported to 100 countries and regions around the world so far, and have been recognized by many users around the world. "At present, electric travel has become a development trend in more and more countries. In this regard, Chinese brands have taken the lead in exploring new paths for industrial development. In recent years, through insight into different markets and user needs, our self-developed patented models are steadily being introduced to the global market through a variety of ways." According to Wang Jiazhong, the biggest highlight of Yadi's overseas layout is that, Compared with purely trade oriented export, the brand has also realized the transformation from "going out" to "going in", and realized the comprehensive export of research, production, supply, marketing and service.

Taking the Vietnam market as an example, Yadi is located in the production base in Beijiang, Vietnam, integrating production, warehousing and other functions, covering an area of more than 20724 square meters, with a production capacity of about 200000 sets/year. This is the first time that the Chinese electric two wheeled vehicle brand has set up a factory overseas, realizing the vertical integration of brand operation, production, supply chain and sales network, which is also its localization strategy A microcosm of going deep into the local market.

Now, Yadi has realized the transformation from "going out" to "going in". On the one hand, it highlights the upgrading of the whole industrial chain of Chinese brands and the strength of Chinese brands. On the other hand, it also provides local employment opportunities, drives local economic growth, and reflects its responsibility.

"In the new stage of development, Yadi is more confident to take advantage of the momentum, develop models that better meet the needs of users, and provide better travel experience for users around the world." Wang Jiazhong said that Yadi will continue to explore new ways to go to sea with high quality, lead more and more national electric vehicle brands overseas, and let hundreds of millions of people enjoy a better travel.

Take multiple measures to improve internal skills and promote high-quality development of the industry

At present, with the concept of green development deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, electric two wheeled vehicles have become a new fashion for urban short and medium distance travel, and the growth of demand has promoted the continuous expansion of the industrial scale.

This trend is also reflected in the sales volume of enterprises. According to the financial report released by Yadi, in the first half of this year, the sales of its electric two wheeled vehicles achieved a rapid growth, reaching 33.8%.

"At present, the electric bicycle industry has ushered in greater development opportunities." Wang Jiazhong said that since the implementation of the new national standard for electric bicycles, the entire industry has also shifted from high-speed development to high-quality development. With the upgrading of consumption and the popularization of low-carbon concept, users have put forward new requirements for short and medium distance travel products, such as more yuan, more intelligence and higher quality. In this process, Yadi has always been committed to boosting the high-quality development of the industry with its own innovation and breakthrough.

Wang Jiazhong said that Yadi will focus on two aspects. First, adhere to independent innovation in technology research and development. In fact, it has two CNAS national enterprise laboratories, six industry-leading technology research and development centers, and one national industrial design center, creating more than 1800 patents; The second is to run green and low-carbon business throughout the development, implement China's major development strategy of green and sustainable development, and help reduce emissions in the transportation sector.

"To participate in the Asian Games torch relay is the glorious moment of Yadi, and also the starting point for us to continue moving forward." Wang Jiazhong said that in the future, Yadi will take multiple measures to improve its internal skills. From the perspective of creating a new energy ecology and participating in green transportation construction, Yadi will continue to introduce more scientific, technological and environmental friendly products and services, and strive to promote high-quality development of the industry.

(Editor in charge: Luo Zhizhi, Lv Qian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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