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Civil Aviation Administration: 21 million passengers are expected to fly during the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday

September 15, 2023 15:07 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, September 15 (reporter Qiao Xuefeng) "This year's Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday is 8 days in total, and it is also the first continuous small and long holiday after CAAC has completed the summer air transport guarantee." On September 15, Jin Junhao, deputy director of the Department of Transport of the Civil Aviation Administration, said at a press conference that from the perspective of early ticket booking, during the holiday, most of the tourists took a vacation There is a strong demand for travel such as visiting relatives and friends, and passengers travel intensively. It is estimated that more than 21 million passengers will travel by air.    

According to Jin Junhao, since this year, the Civil Aviation Administration has organized a safe and orderly recovery of the air transport market. From the current overall situation, the industry's comprehensive support capacity has been continuously improved, making operational support preparations for passenger travel during the National Day holiday in the Mid Autumn Festival.

During the holiday, 137000 flights are expected to be guaranteed for 21 million passengers, with an average daily flight of more than 17000. Among them, 14000 domestic passenger flights are guaranteed daily and 1.96 million domestic passengers are transported, up 18% and 17% respectively from the National Day holiday in 2019.

Jin Junhao said that in terms of the domestic market, the Civil Aviation Administration encouraged airlines to increase their transport capacity investment by working overtime and changing large aircraft types on popular routes during holidays, supported airlines to actively expand the third and fourth tier aviation markets, and continued to promote the construction of the "trunk branch connection, full network connection" air transport network system, so as to meet the more concentrated travel needs of passengers during holidays.

In the international market, actively promote the smooth and orderly recovery of international passenger flights. At present, the number of international passenger flights actually carried out every week has recovered to 52% in 2019, the number of countries with passenger flights has recovered to nearly 90% before the epidemic, and the number of flights to 14 countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy and Maldives, has exceeded the pre epidemic level. At present, the Civil Aviation Administration supports Chinese and foreign airlines to increase their input in the international air transport market and actively resume international flights.

In addition, the Civil Aviation Administration will dynamically monitor and track the demand of passengers for centralized travel and the overall status of flight operation during the holiday. At the same time, the application for temporary flights submitted by each airline will be approved in a timely manner to provide a strong guarantee for adequate transportation capacity during the holiday.

Jin Junhao said that while increasing the transport capacity, the Civil Aviation Administration will continue to urge airlines, airports and other support units to optimize the support process in accordance with the requirements of true service, so as to provide passengers with convenient and comfortable travel services. At the same time, when encountering abnormal flight conditions such as special weather, the Civil Aviation Administration will urge airlines, airports and other units to provide services such as information notification of abnormal flights, ticket return and ticket change, improve customer service telephone connection rate and respond to passengers' demands in a timely manner.

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Lv Qian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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