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Grain output, per capita grain share, grain sown area and other major indicators have increased——

Five sets of data to see the stability of "China's rice bowl"

Our reporter Qiu Haifeng
September 14, 2023 06:59 | Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
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This year, more than 50000 mu of corn replanted in Shuitou Town, Xiaxian County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, grew unprecedentedly. The picture shows the villagers driving a corn combine harvester to harvest corn in the field on August 30.
Photographed by Zhang Xiufeng (people's picture)

On September 6, in Guichi Village, Shuanglong Township, Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, the villagers were making full use of the sunny weather to seize the agricultural time and organize harvesters to harvest rice to ensure that the grains returned to the warehouse.
Photographed by Zhao Yong (people's picture)

Extreme climate interferes with global agricultural production, food production of major food producing countries is affected, and India and other countries restrict rice exports. Recently, concerns about food security have spread around the world.

How can China ensure food security? On September 5, the report of the State Council on ensuring national food security (hereinafter referred to as "the report") was released. This report on "China's rice bowl" comprehensively and systematically combed the data of grain production and consumption, and gave people "reassurance".


Improvement of comprehensive grain production capacity

■ In 2022, the grain output will be 1373.1 billion jin, and the grain yield per mu will be 386.8 kg, an increase of 49.8 billion jin and 13 kg compared with 5 years ago

■ In 2022, China's per capita grain share will reach 486.1 kg, higher than the internationally recognized 400 kg food security line

The output is a direct measure of the level of food security.

First, let's look at the first set of data - the report shows that China's grain output has been stable at more than 1.3 trillion kg for eight consecutive years. In 2022, the grain output will be 1373.1 billion kg, and the grain yield per mu will be 386.8 kg, up 49.8 billion kg and 13 kg respectively from five years ago.

"This set of data conveys two key messages, one is the leap in production capacity, the other is the high output." Cao Hui, a researcher at the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas, said that from the perspective of production capacity, China's grain output reached more than 1.2 trillion jin in 2012, and reached a new level of 1.3 trillion jin in 2015, and has always maintained a stable performance, This has strengthened China's ability to produce and supply grain when needed. In terms of specific output, China's grain output has ranked first in the world in recent years. In 2022, the grain output of 1373.1 billion kg hit a new historical high again. It is not easy to achieve this output growth under the condition of increasing production for many years in the early stage and a high starting point, which highlights the effectiveness of China's food security.

Farmers have an intuitive feeling about the improvement of grain production capacity. "In the early years, it was great to be able to harvest 1000 jin of grain per mu per year. Now we have an annual yield of more than 2000 jin per mu. Last year, the yield of a crop of wheat and a crop of corn in many plots has reached more than 3000 jin per mu, which shows us the promise of grain growing," said Wei Dedong, a grain farmer in Linyi County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province.

Cao Hui analyzed that in recent years, many places have accelerated the improvement of grain yield per unit area while stabilizing the grain sown area, which has provided strong support for enhancing food security. According to the report, the unit yield of grain has increased by about 3.5% in the past five years. Among the three major rations, the unit yield of wheat and corn has increased significantly, 24.8 kg and 21.7 kg per mu respectively, up 6.8% and 5.3% compared with five years ago.

The per capita index is another important reference.

Look at the second set of data - the report shows that in 2022, China's per capita grain share will reach 486.1 kg, higher than the internationally recognized 400 kg food security line.

Cao Hui said that the "400 kg per capita food security line" proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is an important standard for evaluating a country's food security level. In recent years, China's per capita grain share has always remained above this level, and has continued to grow. It exceeded 450 kg in 2012, 460 kg in 2013, 470 kg in 2015, and 480 kg in 2021, with a growth rate of about 7.5% in 10 years. "For a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, this not only means that China's own food security is guaranteed, but also makes positive contributions to stabilizing the global food market and food security," Cao Hui said.

Tamping "Land" and "Technology"

■ In 2022, the national grain sown area will be 1.775 billion mu, an increase of 5.15 million mu compared with 5 years ago

■ By the end of 2022, China will have built a total of 1 billion mu of high standard farmland

■ The contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress will increase from 52.5% in 2017 to 62.4% in 2022

Behind the improvement of food security, "land" is the key factor.

Looking at the third group of data, the report points out that the continuous decline of the total amount of cultivated land in China has been initially curbed, and the net increase has been achieved in 2021 and 2022 for two consecutive years. In 2022, the national grain sown area will be 1.775 billion mu, an increase of 5.15 million mu compared with five years ago.

In 2021, the main data results of the third national land survey will be released, introducing the national land use status on December 31, 2019 as the standard time point, of which the national cultivated land has decreased by 113 million mu in 10 years. "Cultivated land is the lifeblood of grain production. Faced with the obvious decline in the total amount of cultivated land, China has introduced policies and measures in a timely manner to resolutely stop the" non agriculturalization "of cultivated land, prevent the" non grain "of cultivated land, strengthen the supervision and law enforcement of cultivated land protection, and the effect of cultivated land protection has gradually emerged in the past two years," Cao Hui said.

How to stabilize the grain planting area when cultivated land is available? The report points out that in recent years, China has adhered to and improved the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat; In the critical period of agricultural production, such as spring ploughing, one-time subsidies will be given to farmers who actually grow grain; The central government has arranged special agricultural insurance premium subsidies for the implementation of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for the three major grain crops, so as to achieve full coverage of 826 major grain producing counties in the main grain producing areas... Experts believe that it is the continuous improvement of policy guarantees that effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of local farmers to pay attention to grain and farmers to work for agriculture and grain, and promote the steady increase of grain planting area.

It is necessary to increase quantity and improve quality.

The fourth group of data is very convincing - according to the report, in recent years, China has vigorously promoted the construction of high standard farmland and the national black land protection project, and demarcated food production functional zones and important agricultural product production protection zones. By the end of 2022, a total of 1 billion mu of high standard farmland will be built.

Compared with the traditional farmland, the high standard farmland has the advantages of ensuring the income from drought and waterlogging, stable and high yield. Relevant statistics show that the per mu yield of high standard farmland project area is 10% to 20% higher than that of ordinary farmland, the mechanization level is 15% to 20% higher, the water saving is 20% to 30%, the electricity saving is more than 30%, and the fertilizer saving is 13%; By reducing agricultural production costs and improving output efficiency, the average cost saving and efficiency increase per mu is about 500 yuan. Cao Hui said that at present, the area of China's high standard farmland accounts for about 52% of the country's arable land, which has been able to steadily guarantee the grain production capacity of more than 1 trillion jin. With the further expansion of the area in the future, China's grain production will have a more solid foundation.

It not only stores grain in the ground, but also stores grain in technology.

Looking at the fifth group of data - the report shows that the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress, the coverage rate of improved varieties of major crops, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest have increased from 52.5%, 95%, and 67.2% in 2017 to 62.4%, 96%, and 73% in 2022, respectively.

"In general, the overall level of agricultural scientific and technological innovation in China has entered the first square in the world." Zeng Yande, chief agronomist of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and director of the Department of Development Planning, said that the fundamental way out for agricultural modernization lies in science and technology. In recent years, China has attached great importance to agricultural scientific and technological innovation, increased efforts and strengthened policy support. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will focus on the forefront of world agricultural science and technology, accelerate the tackling of key agricultural core technologies, strengthen the integration of agricultural science and technology achievements, and improve the overall efficiency of the innovation system.

8. Ensuring national food security

■ This year, we have achieved a good harvest of summer grain and increased production of early rice

■ The area of autumn grain across the country is about 1.31 billion mu, increasing steadily. At present, most areas are growing well, and the harvest is promising

China has made remarkable achievements in ensuring national food security, but that does not mean that we can rest easy. The report points out that at present, the crisis in Ukraine has accelerated the evolution of the century old transformation, and the instability and uncertainty of the global agricultural product industry chain and supply chain have increased significantly. China's food security still faces a series of risks and challenges, which need to be properly addressed.

"With the sustainable development of economy and society, the living standard of residents is gradually improving, the demand for grain will continue to grow rigidly, and the supply and demand for grain will remain in a tight balance for a long time." Cao Hui said, in addition, China's agricultural resource endowment is not good, the per capita arable land occupation and per capita water resources are far below the world average, and there is still a gap between agricultural machinery research and development and application and the world advanced level, The situation of farmland fragmentation has not been fundamentally changed, and these constraints make it more difficult for grain production capacity to move up on the platform of 1.3 trillion kg.

Cao Hui believes that the risk of agricultural disasters has increased significantly against the background of frequent global extreme weather. In the face of these risks and challenges, all regions and departments across the country have compacted their production responsibilities layer by layer, strengthened policy support and technical guidance, and strived to "seize grain from Longkou" and "seize grain from insects". This year, we have achieved a good harvest of summer grain and increased production of early rice.

The Bailu solar term has passed, and the autumn crops in various places have entered the harvest period in succession. It is reported that the area of autumn grain in China is expected to reach 1.31 billion mu this year, a steady increase over last year. At present, autumn grain in most regions of the country is growing well, and there is a foundation and hope for a bumper harvest.

In the long run, we still need to take multiple measures and implement comprehensive policies to maintain the national food security bottom line. The report clearly pointed out that we will strengthen the food security system and capacity building, vigorously implement grain storage on the ground, actively promote grain storage in technology, increase agricultural protection support, effectively improve the grain regulation capacity, accelerate the construction of modern grain industry and circulation system, and constantly improve the diversified food supply capacity We will carry out food conservation and damage reduction actions to ensure national food security.

Around these deployments and arrangements, several ministries and commissions have made intensive statements recently.

Wang Guanghua, minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that in the past two years, the continuous decline of the total amount of cultivated land in the country has been initially curbed, but the situation is still grim. The Ministry of Natural Resources will adhere to the principle of equal emphasis on quantity and quality, strict law enforcement, systematic promotion, and sustainable utilization, and take solid and practical measures to effectively guard the red line of cultivated land. Take the hard measures of "growing teeth" and seriously investigate and deal with all kinds of illegal occupation of cultivated land with a "zero tolerance" attitude.

Li Guoying, Minister of Water Resources, said that to ensure China's food security, we must further strengthen the construction of farmland water conservancy. The Ministry of Water Resources will take active measures to improve the system of farmland water conservancy projects, further develop the irrigation area, and do a good job in preventing floods and droughts.

"Next, we will focus on supporting the cultivation of family farms and farmers' cooperatives as two types of grain production and operation entities. At the same time, we will speed up the development of socialized services such as alternative farming and planting, and full trusteeship, support the development of diversified forms of moderate scale operation, and take multiple measures to reduce costs and improve efficiency." Tang Renjian, minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that we should build a multi-level, three-dimensional Institutionalize the benefit compensation mechanism in the main production areas, and strive to ensure that farmers in the main production areas will not suffer losses.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Xinyue, Yuan Bo)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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