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The list of "2023 China's Top 500 Private Enterprises" was released

10:57, September 12, 2023 | Source: Xinhua News Agency
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On September 12, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce released the list of "2023 China's Top 500 Private Enterprises" and the Survey and Analysis Report of 2023 China's Top 500 Private Enterprises. Jingdong Group, Alibaba (China) Co., Ltd. and Hengli Group Co., Ltd. ranked the top three in the list.

 Screenshot of research analysis report

Screenshot of research analysis report

According to the research and analysis report, the threshold for the top 500 private enterprises to be shortlisted in 2022 is 27.578 billion yuan, an increase of 1.211 billion yuan over the previous year. Among them, there are 95 enterprises whose total operating revenue exceeds 100 billion yuan (inclusive) in 2022.

It is reported that this year is the 25th consecutive large-scale private enterprise survey organized by the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, with 8961 enterprises with annual revenue of more than 500 million yuan participating. (Reporter Fan Sixiang, Liu Kaixiong)

(Editor in charge: Zhao Guangxia, Wei Jia)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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