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New Regulations on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration Implemented in October: Prevent and Stop Illegal Acts such as Counterfeiting State owned Enterprises and Central Enterprises

10:18, September 12, 2023 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, September 12 (Huang Sheng) Recently, the State Administration of Market Supervision revised and issued the Measures for the Implementation of Provisions on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration (hereinafter referred to as the Measures), which will come into force on October 1, 2023. Among them, in terms of regulating the management order of enterprise name registration, the Measures clearly stipulates that in order to prevent and stop illegal acts such as counterfeiting of state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, it is strictly prohibited to "use words related to major national strategic policies, so that the public mistakenly believes that it is related to state investment, government credit, etc." and "submit false materials or take other fraudulent means to declare enterprise names independently" "Intentionally declare an enterprise name that is similar to the names of others (including abbreviations, shop names, etc.) that have certain influence in the same industry".

At the same time, the Measures stipulate that enterprises whose names are prefixed with words such as "China", "China" and "Central" shall be subject to strict review in accordance with laws and regulations.

According to, counterfeiting state-owned enterprises and central enterprises has attracted the attention of all sectors of society. Recently, a number of central enterprise groups, including China North Industries Group Co., Ltd., China Chemical Engineering Group, China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd., National Energy Group, China Datang Group Co., Ltd., China Huadian Group Co., Ltd. and others, have issued statements to "crack down on counterfeits". On August 26, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council issued the "Cracking Down on Counterfeiting Central Enterprises! Central Enterprises Timely and Actively Issue Statements to Safeguard Enterprise Rights and Interests and Maintain Market Order", which also said that since July this year, according to incomplete statistics, more than 20 central enterprise groups have issued statements, announcing hundreds of fake central enterprise names, unified social credit codes and other information, Disclose the fraudulent ways of using the name logo of the central enterprise in violation of regulations, using the identity of the cadres and employees of the central enterprise falsely, developing and operating false APP, and remind the public to be vigilant and beware of being cheated.

In addition, in order to combat the acts of counterfeiting state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, since 2021, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has successively published three lists of counterfeiting central enterprises, and a total of 823 related companies and their subsidiaries at all levels are all fake state-owned enterprises. They have no affiliation or equity relationship with the central enterprises, nor any investment, cooperation, business, etc., and all their acts have nothing to do with the central enterprises.

It is also understood that the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has launched the enterprise property rights information query platform under the supervision of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on the official website to provide the public with basic information query services for central enterprises and affiliated enterprises under the supervision of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. The public can log on the query platform and enter the enterprise name or unified social credit code to query whether the enterprise is owned by the central enterprise. If it is owned by the central enterprise, you can view the central enterprise to which the enterprise belongs, its relationship with the central enterprise, property right level, registration place, registered capital Basic information such as the shareholders of central enterprises with the largest shareholding ratio and their shareholding ratio.


(Editor in charge: Hao Shuai, Lv Qian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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