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The discipline inspection and supervision team in the Bank of China established a fixed-point guidance mechanism to improve the ability to perform duties

08:43, May 24, 2024

Recently, the Third Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission stationed in the Bank of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team went to the Jilin Branch Discipline Inspection Commission for on-site guidance, answered the questions raised by the staff of the Branch Discipline Inspection Commission on clue disposal, discipline enforcement and case handling, and pursuit of fugitives one by one, and assisted in promoting relevant special work.

On site guidance is one of the specific measures taken by the discipline inspection and supervision team of BOC to guide the discipline inspection work of tier one institutions at designated points "one-to-one".

In order to strengthen the capacity and quality building of discipline inspection team of tier one institutions, the discipline inspection and supervision team of BOC has explored the establishment of a "one-to-one" fixed-point guidance mechanism for discipline inspection work of tier one institutions since last year. Every year, select 6 to 7 first level institutions with relatively weak discipline inspection foundation and weak work effect, define the team leaders and assistance rooms to be contacted, and take six guiding measures, including daily communication, on-site guidance, business support, post training, practical combat training, and business training, to guide the first step and change the post correction to the whole process, Improve the quality and efficiency of system discipline inspection.

According to the introduction, the Assistance Office designated a special person to contact the "one-to-one" designated guidance unit, establish a regular communication mechanism, and do a good job in answering daily business questions in terms of political supervision, daily supervision, non-performing credit management, rectification of "four styles", problem clue management, etc. Organize on-site guidance at least once a year, deeply communicate with the Secretary of the Party Committee and the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the contact unit, grasp the difficulties of blocking points, and promote the solution of problems.

Pay attention to strengthening actual combat training. In view of the weaknesses of the contact units, the discipline inspection and supervision team of BOC arranged the contact units to send personnel to follow the class and study, set up a number of practical training programs, and replaced the post with training to improve the ability of clue handling, data analysis, review and conversation, and discipline enforcement and case handling. In addition, each assistance room selected clues of key problems investigated and handled by some contact units, followed up the whole process, participated in guidance, analysis, research and judgment, and promoted the improvement of the ability of contact units to supervise, enforce discipline and accountability.

In March this year, the discipline inspection and supervision team in BOC again selected six first level discipline inspection institutions and launched a new round of "one-on-one" fixed-point guidance. The principal comrades in charge of the discipline inspection and supervision team of BOC said that they would further deepen the "one-to-one" fixed-point guidance mechanism, help the discipline inspection commission of the first level institutions to solve some weak points, highlight the key points to guide them to improve their work level, adhere to practical combat training, select excellent cadres to participate in special work and jointly handle cases "office, group and local", Establish a learning mechanism for the newly appointed secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the first level institution to follow the team, and promote the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work of BOC system from point to area. (Lv Jiarong, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Wang Xiaoxiao)
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