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Circular on Forwarding Three Typical Local Issues Concerning the Rectification of Formalism to Reduce Burden at the Grass roots Level

(May 20, 2024)

18:01, May 22, 2024

Since this year, the relevant provinces, autonomous regions and cities have conscientiously implemented the central level formalism for the deployment of the special work mechanism for reducing the burden at the grass-roots level, highlighted the problem orientation, dared to act honestly, carried out the verification and notification of typical problems in a down-to-earth manner, continued to release strict signals, and formed a powerful deterrent. Recently, Hunan, Yunnan and Xinjiang reported three typical problems of formalism increasing the burden of grass-roots units in supervision, inspection and assessment. In order to amplify the effect of warning education, it is hereby forwarded.

1. Hunan Province reported that Cili County, Zhangjiajie City, carried out supervision, inspection and assessment of "the name is consistent with the reality", and randomly used the issuance of documents and meetings as assessment indicators. When preparing the 2023 annual supervision, inspection and assessment plan, Cili County integrated the river lake leader system, the forest leader system, the field leader system and the road leader system into the "four leader system" of work supervision. However, in the actual implementation process, the leading business departments did not carry out unified deployment as planned, and engaged in "name matches reality". Among them, the assessment of "road director system" takes the introduction of rural road daily maintenance management measures, rural road management and maintenance assessment system, fund management measures, road director system work plan, regular special meetings and other contents as assessment indicators; It is required to carry out daily patrol inspection and take photos to make records; The township (street) is required to carry out monthly assessment of villages (residents) and make a notification ranking; At the end of the year's field assessment, the township (street) was notified on Sunday to prepare for the exam, and the information was required on Monday, which brought great pressure to the grassroots.

2. Yunnan Province reported that Qujing City and Huize County lacked overall planning in carrying out supervision, inspection and assessment. In 2023, 93.1% of the supervision, inspection and assessment of Huize County and its villages and towns will be conducted at the city and county levels. Many of the supervision, inspection and assessment will be conducted in large battles and large numbers. The supervision, inspection and assessment at the city and county levels were poorly coordinated, the implementation of the plan was not strict, the filing management was "in neutral", nearly 90% of the supervision, inspection and assessment were not included in the plan management, the department's plan filling and actual implementation were "two pieces of skin", the situation of random development and centralized stacking was prominent, and the repeated supervision of the same matter caused a great burden to the grassroots. For example, on September 6, 2023, Qujing Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources, and the Municipal Bureau of Veterinary Medicine and Feed Supervision will carry out supervision, inspection and assessment in Huize County at the same time. The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Qujing Municipal Party Committee has visited Huize County 19 times throughout the year for supervision, and the County Health Office has supervised the same township 7 times within 2 months.

3. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region reported that the Market Supervision Administration of Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture assessed too much and too frequently. The 23 departments of Bazhou Market Supervision Administration carried out the corresponding assessment and ranking of the business work of each county (city) market supervision administration every month and issued circulars. They filled in 30 work progress ranking statistical tables and scoring tables every month, involving 197 items of 29 categories of assessment items. In 2023, 67 circulars related to the work progress and business evaluation and ranking of counties and cities were issued and forwarded, High frequency and complex assessment increases the burden of grassroots cadres.

Source: Rectification of formalism as a work platform for grassroots burden reduction

(Editor in charge: Peng Jing, Qin Hua)
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