CPC News Network >> Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity

Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection talks about supervision | supervision and guarantee of high standard farmland construction

08:31, May 22, 2024

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stressed that we should deepen the special rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption in the field of rural revitalization. The Supervision Committee of Ningdu County Discipline Inspection Commission in Jiangxi Province strengthened supervision and inspection closely around the "big players in the country" such as rural revitalization and food security, and used the concept of "full cycle management" to carry out special rectification of prominent problems in the field of high standard farmland construction, and continued to consolidate and expand the effectiveness of discipline and anti-corruption.

Optimize the mechanism and find the target. Ningdu County closely focuses on the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, focuses on key issues, adheres to the principle of focusing on the big picture and starting from the small, and comprehensively carries out special rectification of outstanding problems in the field of high standard farmland construction. Establish a special work team led by the county discipline inspection commission and the supervision committee, with the participation of public security, audit and other departments, improve the "discipline inspection" linkage supervision, strengthen the "office group local" coordination supervision, and form a joint force of supervision. The county party committee carried out special patrols to the party group of the member units of high standard farmland construction such as the county agricultural and rural bureau and the county finance bureau; Give full play to the cooperation advantages of the "office, group and local" area, comprehensively use the methods of consulting data, on-site review, visiting the masses, and individual conversation to investigate and verify the approval, bidding, construction supervision, project acceptance, fund allocation, construction area, use, and public feedback of high standard farmland construction projects. Find out the target of supervision, combine the outstanding problems found in daily supervision, political inspection, review and investigation, thoroughly investigate the industrial, systematic and related "industrial diseases" in the field of high standard farmland construction, and promote targeted special rectification.

Leading in case handling and maintaining strength. Handling cases is the most powerful supervision. The Ningdu County Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Committee strengthened case handling guidance, focused on key projects, major funds and important links, and severely punished corruption in the field of high standard farmland construction. Focus on coordinating all forces, strengthen the linkage and cooperation with public security, finance, audit and other departments, improve the mechanism of research, judgment and consultation on problem clues, coordinate and deploy the review and investigation force of the whole county, steadily carry out preliminary verification, review and investigation, and evidence collection, and promote in-depth investigation of cases. Focusing on specific problems, we will focus on the following issues: bid rigging, bid buying, bid selling, design change, jerry building and material cutting during the construction process, false listing of projects and false reporting of quantities during the acceptance and settlement stage of the project. We will start a large number of problems and promote the deepening and implementation of special rectification. Focus on key links, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the performance of duties and responsibilities of relevant functional departments, township party committees and governments, and seriously investigate and deal with the collusion between officials and businessmen, the use of power for personal gain and other issues. Since the launch of special rectification, a total of 32 clues about the problems of public officials have been disposed of, and 15 people have been put on file for investigation, of which 4 people have been retained, and 10 public officials have voluntarily surrendered; 14 clues were transferred to the public security organs, and more than 32 million yuan of economic losses were recovered.

Draw inferences from one instance to promote reform and governance. On the basis of severe punishment and deterrence, the Ningdu County Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Committee insisted on promoting corruption as a whole, and did a solid job in investigating and handling cases, "the second half of the article", making full use of the results of case handling, and maximizing the function of investigating and handling cases. In view of the industrial and systematic problems exposed in the cases in the field of high standard farmland construction and the signs and tendentiousness problems found in the daily supervision, 18 proposals for discipline inspection and supervision were issued. Supervise and promote relevant functional departments to revise and improve 7 institutional documents such as the Interim Measures for the Assessment and Management of the Entrusted Review Business of Budget and Settlement of Government invested Construction Projects, and formulate 58 working rules. Strengthen discipline and law education, select the typical cases investigated and handled to shoot warning educational films, hold the warning education conference of the whole county, organize the party members, cadres and public officials of all towns and relevant functional departments to receive warning education, and continue to release the comprehensive effect of investigating, warning and governance. (Tang Rongfu, the author, is a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Ningdu County Committee in Jiangxi Province, the secretary of the county discipline inspection commission and the director of the supervision commission)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Wang Xiaoxiao)
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