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Zhejiang Hangzhou deepens the joint case handling mechanism of "offices, groups and places" to promote complementary advantages and joint efforts

08:40, May 21, 2024

"He regards the merit book as a 'safe box', and lacks respect for discipline and law, which leads to further and further going on the road of violating discipline and law..." Recently, Huashu Group held a warning education conference to deeply analyze the duty crime case of Wang Yafu, the former deputy general manager of the new media market department of Huashu Media, a subsidiary of Huashu Group, to educate and guide cadres and workers to take the case as a lesson and build a solid ideological defense against corruption.

The successful completion of the case benefited from the joint case handling mechanism of the discipline inspection and supervision organ of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. As the problem line of the case is derived from other retention cases, and there are multiple factors such as complex case, long span, large amount of money involved, it is difficult to further promote by the unilateral force of the discipline inspection and supervision team. To this end, the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission launched a joint case handling mechanism, consisting of the Sixth Supervision and Inspection Office, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Publicity Department of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of Huashu Group and the Jiande Municipal Supervision Commission.

In the joint working group, the Sixth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection is responsible for taking the lead in general affairs, giving full play to the role of coordination, and giving business guidance to key links such as online research and judgment, jurisdiction coordination, retention execution, trial intervention, etc; The discipline inspection and supervision team of the Publicity Department of the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee and the discipline inspection and supervision team of Huashu Group give play to the advantages of being familiar with the political ecology and industry characteristics of Huashu Group, strengthen the "group group" linkage, jointly study and analyze key issues such as contract signing, abnormal payment, abnormal personal deposit and withdrawal, and hidden business, and cooperate to carry out internal evidence collection; The Jiande Municipal Supervision Commission, together with the relevant discipline inspection and supervision teams dispatched to Shenzhen, Beijing, Qingdao and other places, went to obtain bank statements, industrial and commercial registration information of affiliated enterprises, business contracts of cooperative units, etc., and gave full play to the advantages of rich experience in handling cases and strong breakthrough ability to quickly lock in key evidence.

"We take the way of 'departments focus on the general, local areas, and groups cooperate' to deploy forces in a unified manner, focus on advantages to break through cases, and finally achieve the effect of 'a game of chess' with multiple forces," said the leader of the Sixth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It is of great significance to improve the system and mechanism of "office group" joint supervision and "office group local" joint case handling for promoting the integration, coordination and efficiency of discipline inspection and supervision work system and achieving high-quality development. Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection insists on the concept of system, constantly strengthens the system design, element guarantee and resource intensification, and strives to give full play to the overall advantages of contacting the supervision and inspection office, the front-line advantages of accredited (outgoing) institutions, and the integration advantages of the local commission for discipline inspection. The quality and efficiency of case handling has been greatly improved through the joint case handling mechanism of "offices, groups and places", which conducts verification under the coordination and guidance of "offices", fixes key evidence and then submits it to "places" for review and investigation.

Under this mechanism, the case supervision and management office, supervision and inspection offices, case trial offices and other departments of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, according to their functional responsibilities, strengthen coordination, provide guidance and coordination to the dispatched (outgoing) institutions and the district and county (city) commissions for discipline inspection in joint case handling, and ensure that the investigation and handling of cases are standardized, efficient and orderly. During the joint handling of cases by the municipal commission for discipline inspection and the district/county (city) commission for discipline inspection, the municipal commission for discipline inspection dispatched (outgoing) institutions and the district/county (city) commission for discipline inspection should clarify the division of responsibilities, strengthen the complementary advantages, close cooperation and cooperation, do a good job in information exchange, measure use, evidence sharing and procedure connection, and achieve the integrated implementation of collective consultation, research and judgment, overall allocation of resources and investigation We will deepen the reform with cases and work together to improve the quality and efficiency of case investigation.

"The most obvious change is that the proportion of the disposal of the problem clues of the accredited institutions is getting higher and higher from 'starting from nowhere' to 'finding the case'." Lv Zheng, deputy director of the case supervision and management office of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, said, "The accredited discipline inspection and supervision team has the advantage of 'staying'. Under the guidance of contacting the supervision and inspection office, it is easier to find the breakthrough direction and find the core evidence. After the circumstances are basically clear and the evidence is fixed, the designated jurisdiction and the district, county (city) commission for discipline inspection will jointly undertake the case, greatly reducing the handling time. "

The Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision further strengthened the overall planning of power for state-owned enterprises, colleges and universities, and issued the "Operational Measures for Hangzhou Municipal Discipline Inspection and Supervision System to" Organize Enterprises, Schools and Places "to jointly handle cases, institutionalize and standardize the procedures of case jurisdiction, joint case handling, and promoting reform through cases, and formulate the" Letter of Case Transfer "," Letter of Decision on Designated Jurisdiction "and other relevant documents. For key problem clues and difficult and complicated problems, the municipal discipline inspection commission's dispatched (outgoing) institutions and district/county (city) discipline inspection commission's supervisory committee can, according to the Measures, form a joint working group for the units dispatched (outgoing) institutions to and subordinate units, or the party members and public officials under the management of the party group (party committee) of municipal state-owned enterprises and municipal universities suspected of serious duty violations or duty crimes, Jointly assign personnel to carry out review and investigation.

On the basis of the municipal level mechanism innovation guidance in Hangzhou, the discipline inspection commissions and supervision committees of all districts and counties (cities) continue to carry out practical exploration in combination with the actual situation at the grass-roots level, and form unified, standardized and distinctive joint case handling mechanisms such as "office group local" linkage, "group group" linkage, and district linkage.

"The sub district discipline inspection and supervision committee has completed the preliminary verification of the clues to the problem..." "The discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in Yuhang District has cooperated with the district functional departments to complete the retrieval of the community housing record data..." Recently, the second discipline inspection and supervision office of the Yuhang District Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee organized the sixth discipline inspection and supervision team and Wuchang Sub district Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee, Quickly locked the key evidence that the secretary of a community party organization in Wuchang Street was suspected of violating discipline and laws.

"In the first quarter of this year, the number of problem clues found in the supervision and inspection of the discipline inspection and supervision teams stationed in the district and the town/street discipline (industry) committees increased by 76.9% over the same period of last year, and the number of cases investigated and handled increased by 40% over the same period of last year. At the same time, the length of problem clue handling and case investigation and handling significantly shortened over the same period of last year." said Tang Xiaohui, member of the standing committee of the Yuhang District Party Committee, secretary of the District Discipline Inspection Commission and director of the District Supervision Commission.

The Fourth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Fuyang District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision found that the employees of the group's subsidiaries had "four styles" problem clues in the investigation and handling of a case of the District Urban Construction Group, and immediately reported it to the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office, launched the "group" linkage mechanism, coordinated the strength of relevant personnel to participate in the handling of relevant "four styles" problem clues, so as to achieve quick inspection, quick handling and accurate handling.

The Xiaoshan District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision deepened the regional linkage, and divided 22 town/street discipline (industry) committees and 14 accredited (outgoing) institutions into three linkage areas. The director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office served as the director of the area, and the accredited (outgoing) institutions, grass-roots discipline (industry) committees, and district state-owned enterprise discipline inspection commissions jointly cooperated. The Gongshu District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a special supervision shift mechanism, established a leading group of case handling supervision work led by the committee leaders and composed of key case handling personnel, guided the handling of cases of grass-roots discipline inspection and supervision organizations according to the district, and the number of self handled cases increased significantly year on year.

"Promoting the coordination and integration of various supervision forces is an inevitable requirement for promoting the systematic integration, coordination and efficiency of the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, and promoting the transformation of institutional advantages into governance effectiveness." The head of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that he will further deepen the coordination and integration of case handling forces, the integration of review and investigation, and the comprehensive implementation of the case promotion and reform based on the actual situation of the review and investigation, Continue to improve and optimize the joint case handling mechanism of "offices, groups and places", and effectively promote the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work. (Zhang Xi, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Tang Song)
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