CPC News Network >> Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity

Gansu focuses on key links of key work

Ensure clean and efficient post disaster recovery and reconstruction

08:31, May 20, 2024

In the early summer of Jishishan Bao'an Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, the post earthquake reconstruction site was busy. At the construction site of Kangdiao Village and Chenjia Village, Dahejia Town, the post disaster recovery and reconstruction of centralized resettlement sites, tower cranes stand in a forest, machines roar, excavators, concrete pouring trucks and other equipment are operating at full speed, and workers are busy binding steel bars, pouring concrete, and building bricks and walls.

The post earthquake recovery and reconstruction is of vital importance to the interests of the people. Gansu's discipline inspection and supervision authorities have focused on key tasks and points, made precise supervision and targeted efforts, resolutely corrected such style problems as disobedience of orders, unbridled prohibitions, and policies and countermeasures, and seriously investigated and dealt with corruption problems such as embezzlement, interception and misappropriation, and benefit transmission to ensure that post disaster recovery and reconstruction are strong and orderly Clean and efficient.

"We have organized and carried out the whole process supervision, and put the supervision through all stages, links and fields of post disaster recovery and reconstruction," said the relevant responsible comrades of the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. After the earthquake relief work of Jishishan Earthquake turned into the post disaster recovery and reconstruction phase, the Supervision Committee of Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, together with the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Audit Office, set up a supervision and inspection team to focus on the whole process of the implementation of the overall plan, the allocation and use of reconstruction funds, and the implementation of reconstruction projects. The provincial "provincial, prefectural, county and township" four level discipline inspection and supervision institutions strengthened the division of work and cooperation with the joint supervision of "offices, groups and districts" as the starting point. The provincial discipline inspection commission coordinated the promotion, sent discipline inspection and supervision institutions to track the whole process, special supervision and inspection by the prefecture discipline inspection commission, and daily front supervision by the county and township discipline inspection and supervision institutions.

Continue to expand supervision channels. The Letters and Calls Office of the Supervision Committee of Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has set up a special account for post disaster recovery and reconstruction letters and calls. The Supervision Committee of Linxia Prefecture Commission for Discipline Inspection has set up a special class for earthquake related letters and calls, carefully analyzing and judging earthquake related letters and calls, and promptly accepting and handling key letters and calls. The Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection should focus on the problems of inaction and disorderly behavior in the post disaster recovery and reconstruction work, strengthen supervision, and seriously pursue responsibility and accountability. The Supervision Committee of Jishishan County Discipline Inspection Commission has established a "office group land" linkage supervision mechanism, went deep into the county units and villages, carried out supervision and inspection around post disaster recovery and reconstruction, and living subsidies in the transition period, guided relevant township discipline inspection commissions to regularly carry out supervision and inspection on various work of post disaster recovery and reconstruction, carried out 16 rounds of full coverage supervision and inspection, found and supervised the rectification of 175 problems, Put forward 24 work suggestions.

The discipline inspection and supervision team of Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection dispatched to the Provincial Department of Finance, in coordination with relevant departments of the Provincial Department of Finance, went deep into the front-line research and supervision, understood the problems in the use of post disaster recovery and reconstruction funds, listened to the relevant reports of the state and county financial departments, urged the strict implementation of financial discipline, and ensured that the use of funds was in accordance with the law, safe and efficient. The Supervision Committee of Linxia Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission, together with the Organization Department of Linxia Prefecture Party Committee and the Audit Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, set up two supervision and inspection teams to conduct comprehensive supervision and inspection focusing on housing reconstruction and village and town construction, implementation of policies and measures, and performance of cadres. The supervision and inspection team went deep into the relevant state departments, county units, township and village communities to supervise and inspect the post disaster recovery and reconstruction and the performance of cadres through consulting materials, forum exchanges, field visits and other forms.

The Jishishan County Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Committee insist on moving forward the supervision threshold, focus on the planning and implementation of post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects, site selection and land acquisition, and carry out precise supervision and follow-up supervision, strictly prevent problems such as non-standard construction procedures and implementation systems, promote the implementation of responsibilities and measures, and ensure the smooth progress of the project. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of supervision, ensure that the quality of post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects meet the standards and are completed on schedule, the county has set up a village level post disaster recovery and reconstruction project supervision team in each administrative village. Each supervision team has 5 to 7 people, and is composed of the director of the village (residential) affairs supervision committee, veteran party members and representatives of the masses.

The magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Jishishan County was deeply damaged and involved a wide range of areas. Yongjing and other counties adjacent to the county were severely affected. The centralized resettlement site in Wangtai Town, Yongjing County is one of the 14 centralized resettlement sites for post disaster recovery and reconstruction in the whole prefecture, and also the only centralized resettlement site in Yongjing County. The relocation volume is large, the construction time is tight, and the project funds are large. In this regard, the county's discipline inspection commission and supervision committee set up a special supervision working group, and the deputy secretary in charge of the work focused on, contacted the discipline inspection and supervision office and the township discipline inspection commission embedded in the front line. Through the way of mixed organization and integrated supervision, the county closely followed up and supervised the whole process of project planning, site selection, land consolidation, project quality, fund use and other aspects, and promoted the efficient advancement of the construction task of centralized relocation and resettlement sites. (Wang Bin, Correspondent of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, Liu Yonggui)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Wang Xiaoxiao)
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