CPC News Network >> Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity

Guizhou Promotes "Discipline Review" Linkage Deepening and Realizing, Complementary Advantages Releasing Superimposed Effects

08:40, May 19, 2024

Recently, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Jianhe County, Guizhou Province held a town wide warning and education conference for cadres and workers in Liuchuan Town, informing the former staff of the town's social affairs office of the illegal problem of Guo's misappropriation of the new rural cooperative medical fund, and ringing the alarm bell for party members and cadres.

The discovery of "fly corruption" benefited from a joint supervision of "discipline review". Previously, the Jianhe County Audit Bureau found a clue to the problem of "Guo, a staff member of Liuchuan Town Social Affairs Office, misappropriating the New Rural Cooperative Medical Fund" when carrying out a special audit of farmers' funds. Relying on the linkage mechanism of communication and cooperation between discipline inspection, supervision and supervision and audit supervision, the clues were handed over to the county discipline inspection and supervision commission at the first time. After analysis, research, judgment and thorough investigation, the illegal fact that Liu Chuan Town staff member Guo and Censong Town staff member Yang misappropriated the new rural cooperative medical fund by taking advantage of their positions was verified, and both Guo and Yang were dismissed by the government.

Linking up with the audit department and improving the coordination and supervision mechanism is a powerful measure taken by the discipline inspection and supervision authorities of Guizhou Province to implement the relevant requirements of the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on "improving the inter party supervision led and various supervision coordination mechanisms". Since this year, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has explored the establishment of a joint meeting system, and established and improved a collaborative linkage mechanism such as information communication and consultation, clue transfer and handling feedback, and joint supervision and inspection. In the first quarter of this year, the discipline inspection and supervision authorities at all levels in the province accepted 163 clues to audit handover problems and filed 85 cases.

From the perspective of system standardization, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, on the basis of the earlier formulation of the coordinated implementation measures for discipline inspection and supervision, patrol inspection and supervision and audit supervision, promoted the Provincial Audit Office to revise and improve the management measures for the transfer of clues to audit problems found by audit institutions, and further standardized the transfer and management of clues to audit institutions.

Local governments have deepened cooperation and cooperation in such aspects as the transfer of audit clues, the joint supervision of "discipline review", and the use of audit supervision results, so as to further form a normal and long-term joint force of supervision. Taking Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture as an example, through the formulation of the Work Mechanism of Qianxinan Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission, Qianxinan Prefecture Supervision Committee, Qianxinan Prefecture Audit Bureau, Qianxinan Prefecture Finance Bureau, Qianxinan Prefecture Statistics Bureau, Qianxinan Prefecture made clear the matters such as prior consultation, daily cooperation, clue handover, problem rectification, and urged relevant units and local governments to conscientiously implement the mechanism in combination with the actual situation, and strive to eliminate the blind areas of communication and coordination Blocking points.

Focusing on the people, affairs and responsibilities behind the major capital problems found by the audit and supervision, the discipline inspection and supervision authorities at all levels in Guizhou Province have coordinated the in-depth participation of professional forces such as audit, finance and statistics in the supervision and discipline enforcement of key areas and major projects, and in the investigation and handling of cases of discipline violations, to achieve complementary advantages, Constantly improve the ability to detect and investigate corruption.

The Supervision Committee of Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has established a closed-loop management mechanism of "timely transfer - centralized management - classified disposal - result feedback", highlighting the integration of anti-corruption in key areas such as state-owned enterprises, finance, medicine, grain purchase and marketing, and giving priority to the handling of audit transfer problem clues, quick investigation and settlement, so as to effectively pool the joint efforts of anti-corruption work.

The Supervision Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hezhang County, Bijie City, and the Audit Bureau of Hezhang County explore the mechanism of "moving while reviewing and moving while checking" for important issues. As for the situation that the audit report pointed out that "there were problems in the contract awarding and construction of a pig farm construction project in a town", the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Hezhang County held a joint meeting of "discipline review" in a timely manner, deeply analyzed, judged, and thoroughly investigated the clues to the problems, and investigated and dealt with the disciplinary and illegal acts of the former director of the County Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Mr. Yue, who took advantage of his position to help others contract projects and accepted bribes.

Since this year, the Liupanshui Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has strengthened the application of audit results, focusing on the issues such as the audited unit's financial convergence funds, eastern and western cooperation funds, and the economic responsibility of leading cadres leaving their posts since 2022, strengthened consultation, research, judgment, sorting and analysis, and carried out a "look back" on the rectification of the 20 outstanding problems selected, finding 8 problems such as rectification floating on the surface 4 clues of relevant problems.

The relevant responsible comrades of the Supervision Committee of Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection said that the joint efforts of supervision in the form of work coordination and achievement sharing are conducive to better finding problems, promoting rectification, promoting governance and achieving the effect of "1+1>2". "Next, we will strengthen the application of the results of audit supervision, and transform the results of cooperation and linkage supervision into the actual results of purifying the political ecology, eliminating potential risks, and promoting sound development." (Wang Zhuo, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission)

(Editor in charge: Tang and Song Dynasties, Chen Yu)
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