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Dalian improves the training mechanism of patrol personnel and forges a high-quality professional cadre team

Shi Shengmin, Zhao Jiabin, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

08:20, May 18, 2024

Recently, the sixth round of patrols of Dalian Municipal Party Committee in Liaoning Province was completed. 173 patrolling cadres from the city's "patrolling talent pool" went to the first line of patrolling after centralized training.

"On the one hand, we pay attention to the discovery and reserve of talents, and on the other hand, we make great efforts to strengthen the training and management of talents." The head of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee's Inspection Office introduced that through the talent training mechanism, this team of qualified, skilled and competent inspectors has become the backbone of the inspection work of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee.

Dalian issued the Measures on Further Strengthening and Regulating the Transfer of Outstanding Cadres to Participate in the Municipal Party Committee's Patrol Work to clarify the scope of selection, transfer procedures, division of responsibilities and other matters, give full play to the advantages of rich human resources of discipline inspection and supervision and organization departments, and select and organize personnel, discipline inspection and supervision, publicity network information Outstanding cadres in various professions and fields, such as financial audit, political law, data analysis, etc., serve as talent reserves.

The Inspection Office of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee innovatively established a "inspection talent pool". After each round of inspection, the inspection cadres with outstanding performance and professional counterparts in the inspection work were specifically sorted out and included in the talent pool. So far, 521 people in the city have been included in the talent pool.

Talent training is the key to forging an iron patrol army. The Inspection Office of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee formulated the Action Plan for Building "Inspection Leaders" to actively build a platform for improving the ability of inspection cadres. The city takes business training as an important starting point to enhance the quality and efficiency of patrol inspection, highlights personalized needs, sets up topics by category, arranges quality courses, and compiles and prints the Operating Procedures of the Municipal Party Committee's Patrol Inspection Team and other materials. During the intermission of inspection, cadres were selected to participate in the "case instead of training" of the special project team of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Committee, and to participate in the "audit instead of training" of the project team of the audit department.

"The patrol work continues to deepen and develop, putting forward higher and higher requirements for the ability and quality of the patrol cadres, especially finding some hidden and deep-seated problems that require considerable professional knowledge. Therefore, we comprehensively consider the specialty, resume and specialty of the patrol team members, and irregularly arrange the backbone of each specialty to teach knowledge and exchange experience on the platform." The person in charge of the Second Patrol Group of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee introduced that, in accordance with the principle of "driving the weak with strength and driving the new with the old", and in combination with the work tasks and personnel characteristics, the composition of members in the group will be adjusted in time to achieve the effect of complementary advantages and achieve the goal of common improvement.

In terms of the education, management and supervision of patrol cadres, the city insists on the requirement that "forging iron must be hard", strengthens discipline education, and ensures that patrol cadres strictly observe the bottom line of integrity and self-discipline. Timely carry out heart to heart talks, understand the ideological trends of cadres, and timely correct the signs and tendentiousness problems found. According to the characteristics of patrol work, improve the daily assessment and incentive mechanism, and constantly stimulate the enthusiasm of patrol cadres to take on and perform their duties.

(Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)

(Editor in charge: Wan Peng, Dai Xiaoling)
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