CPC News Network >> Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity

"The overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption is supported by facts and popular support"

Comrades present at the Third Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

08:16, January 14, 2019 Source: News of Xinhua Daily Telegraph

Former title: "The overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption is based on facts and supported by popular support"

"The fight against corruption has won an overwhelming victory" - this is a new major judgment made by the Party Central Committee on the situation of the fight against corruption.

Why did the fight against corruption win an overwhelming victory? What is the sign of an overwhelming victory?

On the evening of January 11, a lively discussion was going on in a conference room of Jingxi Hotel.

In front of reporters, some members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection who participated in the third plenary session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and representatives of special inspectors of the National Supervision Commission who attended the meeting, talked about their understanding and experience, which can be described as "heroes think alike".

"Let me start with a brick to attract jade." Li Xinran, member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission stationed at the CBRC, was the first to open the conversation.

"The overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption is based on facts and the support of the people's hearts and minds." Li Xinran quoted the survey data of the National Bureau of Statistics and said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the people's satisfaction with the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work has increased every year, more than 90%.

"I have attended the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for many times, and every time I listen to the speech of the General Secretary, I have new experience." Chen Yong, member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and acting director of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, is an "old discipline inspector". He clearly remembered that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), with the progress of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, the CPC Central Committee's judgment on the situation of anti-corruption struggle has kept pace with the times.

"From the two armies of corruption and anti-corruption fighting against each other in a 'sticky state', to 'the overwhelming situation of anti-corruption struggle is taking shape', to 'the overwhelming situation has taken shape', and then to 'the overwhelming victory'."

Liu Hui, member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, secretary of the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and director of the Anhui Provincial Commission for Supervision, said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has adhered to the principle that corruption must be combated, and corruption must be eliminated. A large number of serious violations of discipline and laws have been seriously investigated and dealt with, eliminating major political hidden dangers of the Party and the country.

"Not only have we seriously investigated and dealt with a large number of major cases, but also we have deepened the use of the" four forms "of supervision and discipline enforcement, and daily supervision has also been constantly strengthened." Liu Hui said that now the discipline inspection committees at all levels have significantly strengthened their awareness of subject responsibility and supervision responsibility for managing and governing the Party. "Now I want to handle the case, and no one intercedes with me."

"There has been a fundamental change in the concept of leading cadres. Whether they violate the eight provisions or the 'six disciplines', they will definitely be punished. No one can escape, and the whole party has a common understanding." Chen Chaoying, member of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, member of the State Supervision Commission, and head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission stationed in the SASAC, said.

Chen Yong also said from the perspective of style building, "Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has solved the problem of" the tiger eats the sky "by focusing on the implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee. Starting from mooncakes, greeting cards, flowers placed at meetings, small cuts have brought about great changes. Style building has become the golden card for governing the party and changing our way of life and work habits. "

"We have vigorously promoted the international pursuit of fugitives and stolen goods against corruption, and the international community's recognition of China's anti-corruption has also been rising." Li Xinran added that since last year, the Supervision Law has been promulgated and implemented, and four levels of national, provincial, municipal and county supervision committees have been established. Anti corruption has constantly moved towards the rule of law and standardization.

"To make this conclusion is also to show the world that the anti-corruption road with Chinese characteristics is feasible and tenable!" Li Xinran said.

"This conclusion is completely in line with the reality, considering the situation in Heilongjiang Province." Wang Changshong, member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Supervision, said in combination with the local reality that the current general election atmosphere is getting better and better, and the political ecology is further improving.

"Last year's provincial 'four sets of leadership' general election, the elected cadres and organizations were reassured and the masses were satisfied. The people summed up three words: leaders have no selfishness, cadres do not cut corners, and there are no dark horses in the candidates." Wang Changshong said.

At this plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, 13 special inspectors of the State Supervision Commission were invited for the first time.

"It can be seen from our people's increasing trust in the Party." Ju Xiaolin, a special supervisor of the State Supervision Commission and a technician of the First Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway Electrification Bureau Group, said in a simple voice.

He said that since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we have embarked on a comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and made new major achievements. The latest "anti-corruption results" reported by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission are sufficient proof that we are more determined to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party.

While fully affirming the "overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption", the CPC Central Committee clearly reaffirmed the "two remains", that is, "the situation in the fight against corruption is still severe and complex, and there is still a long way to go to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party".

At the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping also stressed once again that the overwhelming victory of the struggle against corruption should be consolidated and developed, and that we should not dare to corrupt, not corrupt, and not want to corrupt.

"There is no way to retreat from the fight against corruption. There is nowhere to retreat." Chen Yong said that we should always remain sober and calm, focus on both the symptoms and the root causes, promote the "three no's" in one, and consolidate the overwhelming victory of the fight against corruption with rock solid determination.

"Power itself is a corrosive agent. Without supervision and restriction on power, corruption will inevitably occur. Despite the overwhelming victory, we can't stop strictly governing the Party in an all-round way, and we must stick to the word" strict "for a long time." Chen Chao is firm in English. (Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 13, by Zhu Jichai)

(Editor in charge: Wang Keyuan, Chang Xuemei)
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